ocean scien ence e e engin ineerin ing

OCEAN SCIEN ENCE E & E ENGIN INEERIN ING Southern - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SUSTech DEPARTM TMENT O T OF OCEAN SCIEN ENCE E & E ENGIN INEERIN ING Southern University of Science and Technology Faculty Shen enzhen en is th the c e city ty th that t most r t res esem embles es th the S e


  2. Southern University of Science and Technology Faculty “Shen enzhen en is th the c e city ty th that t most r t res esem embles es th the S e Silicon Valley ey.” - - - - - - Business W Week(2014) 2014) Recruited 90% 90% from overseas Background in the 60% 60% world’s top 100 universities Foreign passport 27% 27% holders University only 7 years old, already listed in top 250 universities worldwide

  3. Department of Ocean Science and Engineering � � � � � � � Engineering � � � � � � Soli lid Fl Fluid Marine ne g geology and nd Marine ne Geophy hysics Phy hysical 7/12 12 Oceano nography hy 1/4 /4 Ocean n Eng ngine neering ng and nd T Techno hnology Microbial O Oceano nography hy 3/15 15 and nd B Biogeoche hemistry 2/9 /9

  4. Department of Ocean Science and Engineering Jason P. Morgan XU Jingping CHEN Jianfei LIN Jian ZHANG Chuanlun HOU Chao Guo Zhen CHOU Yumin LIU Qingsong YANG Ting LI Ying LIU Zhiqiang LI Xinxin ZENG Zhirui FENG Xingya

  5. International Program: EarthScope-OCEANs To Complete a 3D Computer Tomography CT of the Earth Guus uust Nole let Professo ssor Acade ademician an o of t the European an Academ emy of Scien ences , es , 88 Acade ademician an o of t the Royal al Academ emy o of Scien ences, es, H Holland, 9 99 Acade ademician an o of t the American an Acade ademy o of Arts an and d Sciences , 06 Earthquak ake CHEN EN Yongshun chair p profes esso sor PhD 89, Princ nceto ton U n U MERMAID “Chang g Jiang” g” Pro rofessor, 0 01 Nationa nal S Scienc nce F Fund nd for Distinguishe hed Y Young Schola lars, 02 02 1 st major experiment with 50 MERMAIDs now underway in South Pacific


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