obs obstacle acles

Obs Obstacle acles Op Opportun ortuniti ities es Ou Outcome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Shel elby by ~A A ru rura ral l Montana tana communit munity Obs Obstacle acles Op Opportun ortuniti ities es Ou Outcome comes Ob Obstacle acles Mai ain Street reet Hig ighwa way 2 BNSF SF Railway ilway Mis

  1. Shel elby by ~A A ru rura ral l Montana tana communit munity  Obs Obstacle acles  Op Opportun ortuniti ities es  Ou Outcome comes

  2. Ob Obstacle acles

  3. Mai ain Street reet – Hig ighwa way 2 BNSF SF Railway ilway Mis issin sing g Sid idew ewal alks ks

  4. Op Opportun ortuniti ities es

  5. Gra rant nt Op Opportuni ortunitie ties Safe e Route tes s to Schoo hool MT Fi Fish sh Wildlif ldlife e & Parks ks Trai ail l Prog ogra ram MT Land nd Water er Conser servati ation n Fund nd MT Dep ept. . of Transp ansportation ortation

  6. Ou Outcome comes

  7. Shel elby by Civic c Cen ente ter r Conve nversio rsion An old armor mory y was s convert rted ed into o a 24/7 7 fitne ness ss center er with th full-ti time me fitness ess instruc structor. tor.

  8. Hei eights ts Tra rail il A shar ared ed-us use e pathway hway currently rrently under der constru truction ction. Roadr adrunn unner er Rec ecre reatio ation n Tra rail il A 5.6 6 mile le urba rban trail il syst stem em connecting ecting scho hools ols; ; bus usinesse esses; s; heal alth th faci cili litie ties; s; residen sidential tial neigh ighborho borhood ods; s; and recreati reational nal site tes. s.

  9. Tra rail l Conne nectivit ctivity Oi Oilfield field Aven enue ue Path th Exten ensi sion on Galen ena Stree eet Bike e Path Coyote ote Hills lls Trail ail Loop

  10. Shel elby by Safe e Route utes to School ool Enfor orcem cement ent Encou ourage rageme ment nt Educatio cation Engi gine neering ering

  11. City ty of of Shelby lby Resol olutio ution n Esta tabli blishing shing a Safe fe & Accessibl ssible e Str treet ets s Pol olicy cy  Involve lve the local al communit nity y & stakeh ehold lders ers  Cons nsider er the func nction tion of the road  Integr egrat ate e innov ovative ative & n non-tradit tradition ional al desi sign n optio tions ns  Consid sider er transi nsit-way way corrid ridor or alig ignmen nment & statio tion n areas eas  Asses sess s the e current rrent and future ure needs ds of corridor ridor users ers  Include lude docu cume mentation tation of efforts rts to accom ommodat modate e all modes es & all users ers  Incorpora orporate e a review ew of exis isting ting syste tem plan ans s to identify dentify safe e & efficient icient stree eet t opportuni ortunities ties Adop opted ed Januar nuary y 6, 2014

  12. Employee loyee Wellne ness ss Example mple MMIA Employee Benefits Wellness Program 2015 The MMIA Employee Benefits Program is a very successful program. In addition to wellness education sessions and biometric screening, enrollees can earn significantly greater incentives in 5 important Health Factors including Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, LDL Cholesterol, Fasting Glucose and Cotinine (Tobacco Use). Enrollees are able to earn $50.00 for participating in the screening and $50.00 per Health Factor by either:  Meeting the outcome for that Health Factor OR  Alternatively, by showing improvement for that Health Factor from the 2014 to 2015 MMIA sponsored health screenings. THE TOTAL INCENTIVE COULD BE UP TO $300.00.

  13. Employ loyee Wellne ness s Example ple Correctional Corporation of America This year ~ 2015 is year 3 of the Live CCA/Onlife Health wellness program. The corporation has a “points” tracking system to assist enrollees in tracking progress towards completion of these 3 steps:  Complete a Course: Log on to the Live CCA site and complete all 12 lessons within one of the Onlife Health self- directed courses. Choose the course that best fits your personal wellness goals (Managing Stress, Improving Nutrition, Getting Active, etc.). ~ 25 points  Biometric Screening: Check with the facility HR team for the screening dates or complete the screening with your physician and timely submit the 2015 Physician Screening Form to Onlife Health/Interactive Health. ~ 25 points  Online Health Assessment: Log on to the Live CCA site and complete the confidential online Health Assessment. ~ 25 points By earning 75 points before the deadline, employees avoid the wellness premium/surcharge for the plan year.

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