initial action plan of pilot project qm obs initial

Initial Action Plan of Pilot Project (QM-OBS) Initial Action Plan of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Initial Action Plan of Pilot Project (QM-OBS) Initial Action Plan of Pilot Project (QM OBS) and Workshop Structure Workshop Structure Coordinator of the Pilot project (QM-OBS) Hakaru MIZUNO (Japan Meteorological Agency) 1 Background 14 th

  1. Initial Action Plan of Pilot Project (QM-OBS) Initial Action Plan of Pilot Project (QM OBS) and Workshop Structure Workshop Structure Coordinator of the Pilot project (QM-OBS) Hakaru MIZUNO (Japan Meteorological Agency) 1

  2. Background 14 th session of Regional Association II (Asia) 14 th i f R i l A i ti II (A i ) held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in December 2008 held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in December 2008 Resolution 5 (XIV RA II) Resolution 5 (XIV RA II) Pilot project to enhance the availability and p j y quality management support for NMHSs in surface, climate and upper-air observations , pp (QM-OBS) 2

  3. Pilot project: QM-OBS M i Main decisions: d i i 1. To set up a Pilot Project Coordinating Group. p j g p 2. To appoint Japan as the coordinator of the Coordinating Group Coordinating Group. 3. To invite Members desiring to participate in the pilot project. 4 To invite advanced centres outside the Region 4. To invite advanced centres outside the Region. 5. To request the coordinator of the Group to submit annual progress reports and a final report . l t d fi l t 6.That the Group should normally conduct its work by p y y correspondence, including e-mail; 3

  4. ToRs of Coordinating Group  To identify the requirements of NMHSs of developing  T id tif th i t f NMHS f d l i countries, and in particular least developed countries i in the Region; th R i  To assess the current status of the issues, and to  To assess the current status of the issues, and to facilitate communication between advanced centres willing to develop the required support and the willing to develop the required support and the recipient Members;  To organize assistance to recipient Members in quality  T i i t t i i t M b i lit assurance of observational data from weather, climate and upper-air stations, including training; d i t ti i l di t i i  To monitor the progress of the project; p g p j ; 4

  5. Initial Action Plan of Pilot project (QM-OBS) 1.Making of a mailing list for RAII members and f f Coordinating Group members (by the end of May 2010); 2010); 2.Issue of the Newsletter for Pilot Project regularly (a few times a year) (from June 2010); 3.Conducting the survey of members’ requirements on 3.Conducting the survey of members requirements on meteorological observations methods and quality control of observation data (from May 2010); ( y ) 4.Holding Workshop concerning meteorological observation data quality control (July 2010) observation data quality control (July 2010) 5.Making the working plan after the workshop (until S September 2010) t b 2010) 5

  6. Rationale for the structure of this workshop  Structure follows the decision of Resolution 5 (XIV RA II), ToRs of Coordinating Group, and Initial Action RA II), ToRs of Coordinating Group, and Initial Action Plan of Pilot project (QM-OBS). -To invite Members desiring to participate in the T i it M b d i i t ti i t i th pilot project -To invite advanced centres outside the Region. -Under the auspices of WMO U d th i f WMO  Designed to ensure that we do not skip any issues es g ed o e su e a e do o s p a y ssues and concerns from the Member’s experiences 6

  7. Structure of this workshop Session 1: User Requirements Factors affecting data quality data q alit S Session 2: Standardization i 2 St d di ti • Survey results Session 3: Siting and metadata Session 3: Siting and metadata • Lectcure(s) Lectcure(s) • Country reports Session 4: Sensors/Instruments Session 5: QA/QC Working group meeting Working group meeting S Session 6: Training i 6 T i i for draft summary Session 7: RIC-Tsukuba and Upper-air observations Sess o C su uba a d Uppe a obse a o s Session 8: Summary 7

  8. Goals of the workshop  T id  To identify the requirements of NMHSs, particularly tif th i t f NMHS ti l l those of developing countries, in RA II for the implementation of weather climate and upper air implementation of weather, climate and upper-air observations, their provision and their quality management; management;  To assess the current status of the above-mentioned issues;  To facilitate communication between advanced  To facilitate communication between advanced centres and members in developing countries;  T  To make recommendations for Members of RA II to k d ti f M b f RA II t acquire/enhance the capability to manage the quality of observational data and to make full use of the data of observational data and to make full use of the data. 8

  9. Workshop results Items Current Issues Action Status based on the member’s experiences Standardization Standardization  Variables  Time & frequency  Guidelines / manuals  Guidelines / manuals Siting and metadata  Environmental condition  M t d t  Metadata record d Sensors / Instruments  Calibration  Maintenance Quality Assurance / Quality Control y • QC system • Data monitoring report Training Training  Training courses 9

  10. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention. 10

  11. Presentation Guidelines  Each presenter is requested to bring the  Each presenter is requested to bring the USB memory stick with presentation file to the JMA staff near the PC place before the JMA staff near the PC place before the sessions start (coffee break, lunch time), so that he will download the file to PC so that he will download the file to PC.  Duration for a presentation (time for discussion is included): di i i i l d d) - 60 min for a Session 2 presentation expect 60 min for a Session 2 presentation expect “Lecture on RIC” presentation, - 45 min for a Session 1 presentation - 45 min for a Session 1 presentation - 30 min for a lecture presentation - 20 min for a country report presentation . 11

  12. COMMENT FORM and Working group for draft summary for draft summary  Each participant is requested to write down any comments or remarks in the it d t k i th COMMENT FORM, and hand it to the chairman of the session.  Each session chairman is requested to make a summary of the session based on the k f th i b d th presentations, discussions and comments.  Working group meeting for draft summary  Working group meeting for draft summary (after Session 6) 12


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