Ev Evaluating aluating Im Impact: act: Tu Turning ning Promises ises in into to Ev Evid idence ence Northern Areas Reduction of Poverty Initiative(NARI) A.K.M Mahbubur Rahman Mohammad Anamul Haque Paul Bance Diana Moreiraers Kathmandu, Nepal
1. Background To facilitate employment of female workforce in the RMG industries within EPZs from the monga prone/most poorest northern region of Bangladesh. Implementing Agency : Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority(BEPZA) Project implementation period will be four years commencing from January 2011 Project cost is apprx.US$27.00millions Project is at preparation stage Pilot project 2
2. Results Chain Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Longterm Outcomes • Developed • dissemination • three training • Women • Poverty Land of job info institute & dorm employment from reduction in built Monga area Monga area • IDA fund $20m • Construction of increased dormitories & • 9000 female • Staff from training workers trained • Level of earnings BEPZA, MOLE & institutes increased WB • Provide life skills & job training 3
3. Primary Research Questions Is the project effective to increase the employment and earnings for 1. the women of Monga areas. 4
4. Outcome Indicators Level of income of beneficiary: 18 months after training(SMART Indicator) 5
5. Identification Strategy/Method Randomization Selected Participants (Treatment) Women from Monga area Rand will apply Not selected participants (Control) If Candidates<Capacity(4000 nos), a randomization promotion will be required. The promotion will be the intensity of the awareness campaign that will vary between villages. 6
6. Sample and data Population=eligible women candiadtes Treatment Gr=3000 Control Gr =1000(at least) Data: Baseline Income of women Income after 18 months 7
7. Time Frame/Work Plan Project period: January 2011-December 2014 Base line data collection:Oct- Dec’ 2011 Starting of training: January 2012 Starting of employment: March 2012 Follow up data collection: Sep’ 2013 Impact Evaluation reporting: Dec’ 2013 8
9. Sources of Financing Project financed by BEPZA IDA of World Bank Within the project fund the Monitoring & Impact Evaluation will be done. 10
10. Further Questions 2. Does the life skill training complements the benefits of the technical training in increase earnings? 3. Among the life skills training ( Basic english, motivation, placement service, rights and duties in the work place, else) which one is more effective to increase earnings? We are still working in the evaluation design. 11
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