north west ambulance service nhs trust presentation to

North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust Presentation to Cheshire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust Presentation to Cheshire East Council Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Our Services Patient Paramedic Secondary Transport Emergency 999 Service Service Triage (Cheshire,

  1. North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust – Presentation to Cheshire East Council Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny

  2. Our Services Patient Paramedic Secondary Transport Emergency 999 Service Service Triage (Cheshire, Merseyside, Cumbria & Lancashire) (Cheshire, Merseyside, Cumbria & Lancashire) Host the North West NHS Major Incident Management 111 service

  3. About NWAS • Covers the North West footprint = 33 CCGs, 1,420 GP practices, 29 acute trusts • 1.3 million 999 calls per year • 950,000 patient episodes • Population of 7m people – growth of 3% by 2017 Population of 7m people – growth of 3% by 2017 • Employs approximately 5,000 staff • Annual income of £260 million • Three emergency control rooms – virtual call taking • 1.2 million PTS journeys in Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside and Cumbria

  4. Performance Standards for 999 • All calls prioritised to determine appropriate level of response • Red calls - immediately life threatening, eg cardiac arrests, breathing difficulties • 75% of these calls within 8 minutes and 95% of these calls within 19 minutes. • Green calls - less serious, and are not immediately life threatening. No national targets set, we endeavor to respond as follows: – Green 1 20 minutes – Green 2 30 minutes – Green 3 3 Hours – Green 4 4 hours

  5. East Cheshire CCG Red Activity 2013/14 vs 2014/15 RED Activity By Week 2013-14 v 2014-15 2013/14 2014/15 250 200 150 100 50 0 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 w/c 28/10/2014 w/c 28/02/2015 Week Number

  6. South Cheshire CCG Red Activity 2013/14 vs 2014/15 RED Activity By Week 2013-14 v 2014-15 2013/14 2014/15 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Week Number w/c 28/10/2014 w/c 28/02/2015

  7. Excluding HCP & Top Five Calls NHS 111 calls Breathing Chest Falls Problems Pains Unconscious / Sick Fainting Person

  8. 100.00% 120.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 0.00% April 14/15 East Cheshire Performance May 14/15 June 14/15 July 14/15 RED Performance YTD August 14/15 September 14/15 October 14/15 R1 <8m% November 14/15 R2 <8m% December 14/15 January 14/15 R1 R2 <19m% February 14/15

  9. 100.00% 120.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 0.00% South Cheshire Performance April 14/15 May 14/15 June 14/15 R1 <8m% RED Performance YTD July 14/15 August 14/15 R2 <8m% September 14/15 R1 R2 <19m% October 14/15 November 14/15 December 14/15 January 14/15 February 14/15

  10. East Cheshire Demand By Category of Call Difference from Indicator 2013/14 2014/15 % change last year Emergency Calls 24178 25704 1526 6.31% Incidents With Responses 20587 21579 992 4.82% Red Response 7595 8320 725 9.55% R1 Resp 563 580 17 3.02% R2 Resp 7032 7740 708 10.07% G1 Resp 1544 1255 -289 -18.72% G2 Resp 5426 6049 623 11.48% G3 Resp 1609 2087 478 29.71% G4 Resp 4413 3868 -545 -12.35%

  11. South Cheshire Demand By Category of Call Difference from Indicator 2013/14 2014/15 % change last year Emergency Calls 22394 23772 1378 6.15% Incidents With Responses 19499 20452 953 4.89% Red Response 7309 8023 714 9.77% R1 Resp 551 511 -40 -7.26% R2 Resp 6758 7512 754 11.16% G1 Resp 1358 1137 -221 -16.27% G2 Resp 5286 5841 555 10.50% G3 Resp 1546 1942 396 25.61% G4 Resp 4000 3509 -491 -12.28%

  12. Macclesfield District General Hospital Hospital Arrival Screen Information Average Handover / Turnaround Times 12:00:00 10:48:00 09:36:00 08:24:00 07:12:00 06:00:00 04:48:00 03:36:00 02:24:00 01:12:00 00:00:00 April 14/15 May 14/15 June 14/15 July 14/15 August September October November December January February 14/15 14/15 14/15 14/15 14/15 14/15 14/15 Arrival To Notification Time Notified To Handover Time Handover To Clear Time

  13. Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Hospital Arrival Screen Information Average Handover / Turnaround Times 12:00:00 10:48:00 09:36:00 08:24:00 07:12:00 06:00:00 04:48:00 03:36:00 02:24:00 01:12:00 00:00:00 April 14/15 May 14/15 June 14/15 July 14/15 August 14/15 September 14/15 October 14/15 November 14/15 December 14/15 January 14/15 February 14/15 Arrival To Notification Time Notified To Handover Time Handover To Clear Time

  14. Working with Responders • Community First Responders are teams of volunteers who live and work in local communities. • Trained and activated by NWAS to attend certain calls where time can make the difference between life and death. • Calls can include chest pain, breathing difficulties, cardiac arrest, unconsciousness, fitting, arrest of haemorrhage and diabetic emergencies. • Responders provide care and support until the arrival of the emergency ambulance.

  15. Cheshire Co-Response Initiative • Co-Response provides patients with rapid access to life saving interventions in terms of early Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and early defibrillation. • The Cheshire initiative involves eight retained Firefighters. • It has been in operation since 9 September 2009. • The team attempt to provide 24 Hour, 7 Day cover subject to priority manning on the Station Fire Appliance. • Firefighters receive training which is approved by NWAS. • Have support from NWAS’ Cheshire and Merseyside Community Resuscitation Manager and a nominated Clinical contact.

  16. Responding in Cheshire 2014/15 1275 emergency calls responded to collectively by all Cheshire East First Responders. 166 Emergency Calls responded to by Fire Co-Responders.

  17. The Ambulance Service Has Changed…… • Traditional view of ‘ scoop and run’ changed dramatically • Case mix has changed • Paramedic role introduced in 1981 • Comprehensive clinical leadership structure and model • Paramedic skills now, could only be done 10 years ago in a hospital or by a GP • There’s more to come…..

  18. Evolving Role • Enhanced treatment role - a community based provider of mobile urgent care and emergency health care • Safely manage more patients at scene, treating them at home or referring them to a more appropriate community based service • Further opportunities to assess, prescribe, manage exacerbations of chronic illness • Working even closer with GPs and community services

  19. Why? Managing the demand is Less than 10% of Fallers incidents are actually unsustainable make up 17% of all life threatening 999 activity if change doesn’t happen Major 54% of patients arriving at 31% of all PES activity Patients with known long Incident Management ED by ambulance end up in between term conditions call 999 a hospital bed 12:00 and 15:00 six times more often (75% of admissions over than other service users is from HCPs 65 years of age)

  20. As many as 1 in 5 of the projected population will have an underlying chronic health problem or problems That's a possible 1.44 million patients with known or unknown underlying health issues…….

  21. ..and the population is ageing…by 2035 the number of > 85’s will triple. As we get older, we inevitably have more long term health problems. In a recent pilot, 70% of patients referred into alternative pathways of care were over 65 years of age.

  22. Changes to Emergency and Urgent Care Objectives: • To provide a robust urgent care service for those who call 999 but do not necessarily need an ambulance or to go to hospital. • Deliver a reliable and efficient NHS 111 service. • Reduce number of patients who attend emergency departments . • Ensure patients receive the right care, at the right time and in the right place. • £500,000 investment in Urgent Care • The principles of ‘Hear and Treat’, ‘See and Treat’ and ‘Treat and Convey’ .

  23. Working Differently • Paramedic Pathfinder • Community Care Pathways and Plans • Acute visiting scheme • Community Paramedics • GP Bureau • Urgent Care Desk • Clinical Hub • Frequent Callers Initiative • Mental Health care

  24. Educating the Public (and our partners) • Closing the gap between the public perception/expectation and the ambulance offer • Calling 999 does not always means an ambulance or a trip to hospital • Breaking down the complex service offer into digestible, consumer friendly chunks.

  25. Thank You and Any Questions?


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