ft consultation an nhs foundation trust

FT Consultation An NHS Foundation Trust The Trust is applying to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FT Consultation An NHS Foundation Trust The Trust is applying to become an NHS Foundation Trust Your Local Mental Health NHS Trust Implementation of Involvement Agenda National accreditation for Memory Service Team (Bloxwich Hospital)

  1. FT Consultation

  2. An NHS Foundation Trust The Trust is applying to become an NHS Foundation Trust

  3. Your Local Mental Health NHS Trust • Implementation of Involvement Agenda • National accreditation for Memory Service Team (Bloxwich Hospital) • A new sensory room (Bushey Fields Hospital) for older adults • £6m Investment in Trust Buildings & Infrastructure

  4. What is a Foundation Trust? NHS care stays free at point of delivery Independent public benefit corporation Your mental health services with local “ownership” Greater autonomy – regulated by MONITOR Enables longer term financial planning More flexibility to innovate

  5. Foundation Trust - Benefits Better… Accountability Better… Innovation Better… Influence Better… Quality Better… Investment Better… Viability

  6. Foundation Trust Governance Members Council of Governors The Board of Directors

  7. We Need Your Views Public Consultation stage was launched Monday 8 August We want Your Views on our service: • Proposals for our new name as a Foundation Trust • Proposals around our approach to membership • Proposals on how we will run our Council of Governors • Plans and priorities for our future as a Foundation Trust

  8. Our Name Proposals We want Your Views on what our name could be once authorised as a Foundation Trust: A: Dudley & Walsall Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust B: Black Country Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust C: Better Together Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust D: DW Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust E: Other suggestions

  9. Our Membership Proposals We propose our Membership is comprised of the following: A Publi lic c and Servic ice e User & Carer Consti titu tuency ency A Staff f Constit tituen uency cy

  10. Our Council of Governor Proposals We propose our Council of Governors is comprised of the following: Elected Governors Appointed Governors Staff Class Number of Governors Appointee Organisation Number of Governors All staff 5 Local PCT Commissioner 1 Area of the public Number of Governors constituency Dudley and Walsall 1 Metropolitan Borough Walsall 4 Councils Dudley 4 Staff Side 1 Rest of Black Country, West 1 Midlands and England

  11. Our Proposals for the Future A key part of our future as a Foundation Trust is Service ce Transformation sformation: • Increased focus on treatment and recovery • Fully integrated teams • Congruent with Care Clusters • Opportunities for short term treatments with EAT • Standardisation of practice • Complies with Age Discrimination Act Key Benefits • Provides single point of access • Removes multiple assessments • Highly skilled clinicians at front end • Improves Referral to Treatment Time

  12. What do you need to do? Respond to our consultation and encourage friends & family to do the same Consider standing for election as a public governor Become a member

  13. For more information Visit our website at: www.dwmh.nhs.uk/foundationtrust Email ft@dwmh.nhs.uk Telephone the Foundation Trust office on: 01384 364039

  14. Questions

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