new york statewide survey

New York Statewide Survey August 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New York Statewide Survey August 2015 McLaughlin & Associates Caddell Associates Methodology This New York Statewide poll of 600 likely general election voters was conducted from August 4 th

  1. New York Statewide Survey August 2015 McLaughlin & Associates Caddell Associates

  2. Methodology This New York Statewide poll of 600 likely general election voters was conducted from August 4 th -6 th , 2015. Interview selection was random within predetermined election units. Seventy percent (n = 420) of the interviews were conducted via landline telephone by professional interviewers. Thirty percent (n=180) of the interviews were conducted on cell- phones. These samples were then combined and structured to correlate with actual voter turnout in a nationwide general election. This poll of 600 likely general election voters has an accuracy of +/- 4.0% at a 95% confidence interval. Some message testing questions were split sampled into two groups of 300 voters and have an accuracy of +/- 5.7% at a 95% confidence interval. NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 2

  3. Since the Obama Administration has made a deal with Iran about their potential development of a nuclear arsenal. In your opinion, should the goal of this deal be to stop Iran from ever getting nuclear weapons, delay Iran from getting nuclear weapons for 10 years, or should it be to accept Iran into the ranks of nations who have nuclear weapons? 80 Stop Delay Accept 69 Republican 81 10 3 70 Democrat 61 26 5 Independent 72 23 2 60 Liberal 58 29 8 50 Moderate 68 22 3 Conservative 81 11 2 40 Protestant 69 20 5 30 Catholic 69 18 4 20 Jewish 78 16 2 20 Atheist/Agnostic 54 32 4 7 White 72 18 4 10 4 African-American 60 26 7 0 Hispanic 61 26 4 Under 40 66 22 9 Stop Iran Delay Iran Accept Iran DK/Refused 41-55 76 17 1 from ever from getting into ranks of 56-65 74 17 3 getting nuclear nations w/ Over 65 63 25 4 nuclear weapons nuclear Men 73 20 3 weapon weapons Women 66 21 5 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 3

  4. President Obama, Secretary Kerry and their supporters say that the opponents of this agreement offer no policy alternatives other than military action and offer no other course than war. Those who oppose the President say there is a better way, including President Obama’s original demand that Iran dismantle its nuclear weapons infrastructure, that there could be any time/ anywhere inspections, that there should be no signing bonus for Iran and that sanctions will be removed in phases if Iran continues to keep its promises. Which do you think is correct? Obama Opp. 60 Republican 16 73 54 Democrat 45 40 Independent 34 58 50 Liberal 54 33 Moderate 36 54 40 Conservative 16 72 34 Protestant 31 55 Catholic 30 59 30 Jewish 32 57 Atheist/Agnostic 50 36 20 White 34 56 13 African-American 40 43 Hispanic 34 50 10 Under 40 36 53 41-55 35 60 56-65 30 54 0 Over 65 35 50 President Obama Opponents of the DK/Refused Men 33 55 Deal Women 35 52 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 4

  5. Regarding the specifics of this agreement, do you think that President Obama and Secretary Kerry are telling Americans all the facts or only what they think will help the agreement be passed by Congress? All Only 70 Republican 11 84 61 Democrat 45 44 Independent 28 66 60 Liberal 52 38 Moderate 29 59 50 Conservative 13 83 Protestant 28 65 40 Catholic 28 66 30 Jewish 28 55 30 Atheist/Agnostic 36 46 White 27 64 20 African-American 51 41 9 Hispanic 28 62 10 Under 40 31 64 41-55 24 67 0 56-65 33 57 All the Facts Only what helps the DK/Refused Over 65 32 57 agreement pass Men 27 64 Congress Women 33 58 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 5

  6. Do you believe President Obama when he says this deal will stop the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, or do you think that Iran’s enemies like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others will follow through on their threat to attain nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Iran? Stops Threat 57 60 Republican 12 79 Democrat 38 41 Independent 21 65 50 Liberal 42 36 Moderate 24 60 40 Conservative 15 76 Protestant 25 57 27 Catholic 24 64 30 Jewish 23 60 Atheist/Agnostic 30 56 20 16 White 23 61 African-American 46 39 Hispanic 27 54 10 Under 40 26 62 41-55 26 59 0 56-65 28 57 Stops spread of Others will Follow to DK/Refused Over 65 27 54 Nuclear Weapons in Attain Nuclear Men 28 61 the Middle East Weapons Women 25 54 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 6

  7. Agree/Disagree: If we don’t stop Iran now from getting a nuclear weapon, Iran will eventually get nuclear weapons, and it will be our children who end up faced with the likelihood of nuclear war. Agree Disagree 80 72 Republican 83 9 Democrat 66 27 70 Independent 71 21 Liberal 58 36 60 Moderate 74 19 51 Conservative 85 8 50 Protestant 71 21 Catholic 81 15 40 Jewish 72 20 Atheist/Agnostic 58 28 30 White 75 19 21 20 African-American 63 29 20 Hispanic 71 22 11 Under 40 70 25 9 8 41-55 79 17 10 56-65 75 17 Over 65 69 20 0 Men 73 20 AGREE Strong Smwt. DIS- Smwt. Strong DK/REF. Women 72 20 AGREE NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 7

  8. Should Congress approve a deal that does NOT allow independent U.S. inspections of Iran’s military laboratories, no U.S. monitoring of the program with no Americans or Canadians on the ground in Iran to inspect in any capacity and anything learned by the international U.N. inspectors must be kept secret from the United States? 80 Yes No 73 Republican 10 81 Democrat 21 67 70 Independent 13 77 Liberal 21 66 60 Moderate 14 75 Conservative 12 82 50 Protestant 12 78 Catholic 17 74 40 Jewish 14 76 Atheist/Agnostic 22 64 30 White 15 77 African-American 16 69 Hispanic 15 66 20 15 11 Under 40 18 72 41-55 11 80 10 56-65 17 72 Over 65 14 75 0 Men 16 76 Yes No DK/Refused Women 15 72 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 8

  9. Do you believe President Obama should give Iran $150 billion dollars in sanctions relief within the next couple of weeks WITHOUT the approval of Congress? 90 Yes No 81 Republican 2 94 80 Democrat 18 73 Independent 16 80 70 Liberal 22 67 Moderate 13 81 60 Conservative 3 75 Protestant 9 86 50 Catholic 9 87 Jewish 13 81 40 Atheist/Agnostic 28 58 White 11 82 30 African-American 10 83 Hispanic 21 73 20 Under 40 14 80 12 7 41-55 11 84 10 56-65 10 83 Over 65 14 79 0 Men 13 82 Yes No DK/Refused Women 11 81 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 9

  10. Agree/Disagree: This deal prevents Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. 57 Agree Disagree 60 Republican 16 78 Democrat 48 43 Independent 33 61 50 Liberal 54 36 42 Moderate 36 54 40 Conservative 18 79 34 Protestant 34 56 Catholic 30 64 30 Jewish 34 59 Atheist/Agnostic 50 40 White 31 63 18 20 16 16 African-American 50 36 Hispanic 43 42 8 Under 40 44 51 10 41-55 30 63 56-65 30 59 Over 65 36 56 0 Men 34 59 AGREE Strong Smwt. DIS- Smwt. Strong DK/REF. Women 34 56 AGREE NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 10

  11. Now knowing that all the previous statements about the agreement are true, would you want your U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand to vote Yes or vote No on the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran? 70 Yes No DK Republican 8 90 2 58 Democrat 52 38 10 60 Independent 32 61 7 Liberal 65 27 8 50 Moderate 35 55 11 Conservative 8 89 2 Protestant 34 59 7 40 34 Catholic 28 66 7 Jewish 36 59 5 30 Atheist/Agnostic 52 40 8 White 33 62 5 African-American 49 37 14 20 Hispanic 36 50 14 Under 40 37 54 10 7 10 41-55 32 64 4 56-65 28 63 8 Over 65 43 51 6 0 Men 32 61 7 VOTE YES VOTE NO DON'T KNOW Women 36 56 8 NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 11

  12. If the deal with Iran breaks down in violation of the agreement, or Iran is found attempting to secretly advance a nuclear weapons program, would you approve or disapprove of using the military to attack and destroy the facilities in Iran which are necessary to produce a nuclear weapon? App. Disapp. 70 Republican 76 17 64 Democrat 56 29 Independent 62 28 60 Liberal 51 33 Moderate 61 26 50 Conservative 79 16 43 Protestant 64 23 Catholic 68 22 40 Jewish 64 24 Atheist/Agnostic 52 34 30 White 67 23 25 African-American 46 36 20 Hispanic 53 32 20 16 Under 40 63 27 12 41-55 69 25 9 10 56-65 66 21 Over 65 59 26 Men 68 23 0 Women 59 26 APP. Strong Smwt. DISAPP. Smwt. Strong DK/REF. NY - Statewide Survey August 2015 12


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