NEUTRON GENERATION IN THE U/PB ASSEMBLY NEUTRON GENERATION IN THE U/PB ASSEMBLY USING 2.52 GEV DEUTERON BEAM FROM USING 2.52 GEV DEUTERON BEAM FROM NUCLOTRON NUCLOTRON Presenter: Igor Zhuk Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research, 220109, Minsk, Belarus Co-authors A.S. Potapenko, A.A. Safronova , Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research, 220109 Minsk, Belarus. S.R. Hashemi-Nezhad, School of Physics, A28, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. V. Wagner, Nuclear Physics Institute of AS CR, CZ-25068 Řež,, Czech Republic. M.I. Krivopustov, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia. V.А Voronko, V.V. Sotnikov National Scientific Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology NASU, 61108 Kharkov, Ukraine
OUTLINE OUTLINE • Nuclear waste transmutation using neutron (brief introduction) • Collaboration “Energy plus Transmutation” Membership project “Energy plus Transmutation” • Experiment Experimental instruments accelerator “Nuclotron” experimental subcritical setup Results experimental results Monte Carlo simulations simulations vs. experiment IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
The transmutation of fission products and higher actinides can be effectively done by means of the placement into an intensive neutron field ! BUT Even large neutron flux densities in a classical nuclear reactor (typically 10^14 neutronscm−2s−1) are not efficient enough for transmutation purposes. Required flux for ADS should be at least two orders bigger to enable conversion of nuclei with low absorption cross-sections and a few-step capture process in the case of higher actinides. To meet such requirements, the spallation reactions on a thick target can be used as an intensive source of neutrons Pictorial representation of high energy proton interaction with target nucleolus. In the fist stage the incident particle interacts of with individual nucleons [Intranuclear cascade (INC) phase]. This is followed by intermediate stage (pre-equilibrium). In both of these stages high energy light particles (dominated by neutrons) are emitted which then interact with other nuclei in the extended target (internuclear cascade). In the second stage the residual nucleus either undergoes evaporation releasing neutrons and light ions (with energies around 1 MeV) or fission. In the final stage the residual nucleus (or nuclei) de-excite via gamma emission. IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Intense neutron fields could be produced in the interaction of high-energy protons (or ions) with heavy target materials via spallation reactions. Sub-critical accelerator driven system (ADS) can be used for future nuclear energy production and long-lived radioactive nuclear waste transmutation An Accelerator Driven System equipped with a long-lived fission product transmutation (incineration) facility. A high power proton accelerator is coupled to the subcritical assembly producing spallation neutrons in the lead target which sustain the chain reaction in the core. The fuel rods are made of mixed oxides of thorium and U-233 (or plutonium and minor actinides from the nuclear waste of the conventional reactors). The reactor core and target are embedded within an environment that acts as neutron and heat storage medium as well as the neutron moderator. We will refer to this medium as M- medium IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Collaboration “Energy plus Transmutation” Collaboration exists in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (in Dubna, Russian Federation) since 1997 Layout of the Accelerator Centre LABORATORY OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Building of the accelerator ring IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Membership At the moment, scientists from the following research institutes and countries are taking part in the collaboration: 1. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 2. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece 3. Institute of Nuclear Sciences,Vinca, Belgrad, Serbia 4. Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez near Praha , Czech Republic 5. Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research, Sosny, Minsk, Belarus 6. University, Department of High Energy Physics, Sydney, Australia 7. Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus 8. Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany 9. Institute of Atomic Energy, Otwock-Swierk near Warzhawa, Poland 10. Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine 11. Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany 12. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic 13. Institute of Physics and Technology NASK, Almaty, Republic Kazakhstan 14. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India 15. National University, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia 16. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
“Background” of the Project “Energy plus Transmutation” in JINR � 1963-69, Investigation of neutron multiplicity in massive targets from metallic Uranium under proton irradiations (energy range 0.3-0.66 GeV) Vasillkov et al. � 1965-68, Investigation of neutron multiplicity and neutron yields in massive Lead targets under proton irradiations (energy range 0.3-0.66 GeV) Vasillkov et al. 1979-84, Investigation of neutron multiplicity and neutron yields in massive Lead � targets under proton irradiations (energy range 0.8-8.1 GeV) Vasillkov et al. � 1987-92, Investigation of neutron generation and transport in massive Lead targets 50 × 50 × 80 cm 3 under charged particle (protons, alpha-particles, deuterons, 12 C ions) irradiations (energy range 3.6-8.1 GeV) – project “Energy” - Tolstov et al. Project “Energy plus Transmutation” within the framework of research program “Investigations of physical aspect of electronuclear energy generation and atomic reactors radioactive waste transmutation using high energy beams of synchrophasotron/nuclotron JINR (Dubna) ” IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
The project “Energy plus Transmutation” what for… During 1999-2004 various experiments were made with “Energy plus Transmutation” assembly employing proton beams with kinetic energies in the range from 0.7 GeV to 2.0 G The experiments were focused on general aspects of energy generation by future Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS), such as: Neutron generation and multiplication � � Neutron spectra determination (division into thermal, resonance, fast and high-energy grou � Generation of secondary isotopes inside the Pb-target and U-blanket � Energy generation and deposition Neutron induced transmutation of: � long-lived minor-actinides ( 237 Np and 241 Am), 1. fission products ( 129 I) 2. Plutonium isotopes ( 238 Pu and 239 Pu). 3. β − 129 130 * ; T = 12 , 36 h 130 1 / 2 I ( n , ) I Xe (stable) γ → 129 129 ( , ) ( , ) I n nx I n xnyp → and stable and radioactive isotopes β − 237 238 ; T = 2 , 2 d 238 * 1 / 2 Np ( n , ) Np Pu (T 1/2 =87.74 y) γ → 238 , 239 Pu ( n , f ) → fission products IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Project “Energy plus Transmutation” The project is included in the TOPICAL PLAN FOR JINR RESEARCH AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN 2008 Within the framework of the theme 03-1-0983-92/2008 Study of Multiple Production in 4 π - geometry. Experiments at the Nuclotron IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Nuclotron: beam parameters Parameter Project Real Accelerated particle 1<Z<92 1<Z<36 Max. energy, GeV/nucleon 6 (A/Z=2) 4.2 Magnetic field, T 2.0 1.5 10 -10 10 -10 Vacuum, Tor Frequency, hertz 0.5 0.2 Basic research proceedings at Nuclotron regards investigation in the fields of a pre- asymptotic manifestation of quark and gluon degrees of freedom in nuclei, the study of the spin structure of the lightest nuclei, the search for hypernuclei, the study of polarization phenomena using polarized deuteron beams. There is also a number of projects being implemented in the frame of an applied research - radiobiology and space biomedicine, the impact of nuclear beams on the microelectronic components, the use of a carbon beam in cancer therapy, and transmutation of radioactive waste associated with the electro-nuclear energy generation method. IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Nuclotron: plans for future The projected construction of the booster could enable to increase the intensity of the accelerated beams from the present value 3 10 10 particles per cycle by a few orders of magnitude (see: Smirnov A. A., Kovalenko A. D. Nuclotron - Superconducting Nuclei Accelerator at LHE, JINR (Design, Operation and Development), Particles and Nuclei, Letters 6 (2004) 11- 40 (in Russian)) IAEA Technical meeting on Application of accelerators in real- time studied of materials
Nuclotron: how it’s looks Nuclotron ring and operating console of the Nuclotron Nuclotron superconducting magnets. Dipole magnet (left) is anchored in the vacuum shell of the cryostat by eight parts of a stainless steel (m = 500 kg, l = 1462 mm, B = 2 T). Quadrupole magnet (right), m = 200 kg, l = 450 mm, grad B = 33.4 T/m
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