Neutrino oscillation is just like birefringence “I can only detect the surviving E v in because I only own a vertical polarizer.” “E o and E e have different phase speeds and get out of phase” “But that’s actually “I made in a beam a mix of E o and E e” of E v because I only own a vertical polarizer” P(v → v) = 1 - A sin 2 ( Δ n L/ λ ) B. Monreal KITP 6/2014 Wednesday, July 2, 14
Neutrino oscillation is just like birefringence “I can only detect the surviving ν e because my detector physics is specific to electrons, not μ , τ ” “ ν 1 and ν 2 and ν 3 have different phase speeds and get out of phase” “But that’s actually a mix of ν 1 and ν 2 “I made in a beam and ν 3 ” of ν e because beta decay involves electrons, not μ , τ P(v e → v e ) = 1 - sin 2 (2 θ 12 )( Δ m 122 L/E) B. Monreal KITP 6/2014 Wednesday, July 2, 14
There is no electron neutrino. There is only ν 1 , ν 2 , ν 3 { } = { } ν 1 Ae ia Be ib Ce ic emitted with e ± light ν ν 2 De id Ee if Ge ig emitted with µ ± medium ν heavy ν He ih Je ij Ke ik emitted with τ ± ν 3 Beta decay (e - ) makes particular superposition of v waves, including amplitudes and phases Schrodinger’s Equation makes phases evolve in time e-based detector picks up only the e-friendly projection of the new superposition { } { } = ν 1 e im1t detected with e ± Ae ia Be ib Ce ic ν 2 e im2t detected with µ ± De id Ee if Ge ig detected with τ ± ν 3 e im3t He ih Je ij Ke ik B. Monreal KITP 6/2014 Wednesday, July 2, 14
B. Monreal KITP 6/2014 Wednesday, July 2, 14
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