systematics on long baseline neutrino oscillation

Systematics on (long-baseline) neutrino oscillation measurements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Systematics on (long-baseline) neutrino oscillation measurements Introduction on oscillation measurements: present results from T2K and NOVA and precision needed for next generation HyperKamiokande, DUNE Overview of the systematics:

  1. Systematics on (long-baseline) neutrino oscillation measurements  Introduction on oscillation measurements: present results from T2K and NOVA and precision needed for next generation HyperKamiokande, DUNE  Overview of the systematics:  How neutrino flux and cross-section affect neutrino oscillation measurements ?  Flux simulation and tuning  Main neutrino cross-section uncertainties (from an experimentalist point of view)  Neutrino oscillation analyses and xsec systematics in details: the T2K and NOVA examples S.Bolognesi (CEA Saclay) - T2K

  2. Introduction on oscillation measurements: results and precision 2

  3. Long baseline experiments baseline 300-3000 km Near ν µ ν e / ν µ ν e Neutrino beam Far Detector from accelerator ν µ / ν µ Detector Oscillation probability estimated by comparing ν µ and ν e rate between near and far detectors: (simplified 2-flavors approximation) amplitude frequency In the atmospheric sector ν µ ν e Experiment Energy Baseline ν τ T2K (T2HK) 0.6 GeV 295 km Nova 2 GeV 810 km DUNE 1-3 GeV 1300 km ( to exploit ν τ need E ν >m τ 1.78 GeV ) T2K (T2HK) and NOVA DUNE wideband beam covers (at low energy) working point 3 also the second oscillation maximum

  4. Neutrino “signal” and “background” Neutrino can interact with target nucleons in our detector materials with ν µ / ν e ν µ / ν e ν ν µ /e µ +/e+ W+/- W+/- N hadrons hadrons N N hadrons Neutral Current (NC) Charged Current (CC) main signal: background ● outgoing lepton well visible in the detector to Sometimes the outgoing tag interactions → allow to identify the hadrons can be misidentified incoming neutrino flavour and 'charge' as lepton in the detector → background that need to be ● full final state can be reconstructed in the estimated and subtracted detector → allow to estimate the from data distributions incoming neutrino energy (I will discuss CC but everything (in realistic detectors this actually relies on 4 various approximations) can be 'easily' extended to NC)

  5. (F.Gizzarelli thesis defence) 5

  6. T2K: systematics and results 2016 systematics (similar in 2017): total systematics on number of events ~ 5-6% Still fully dominated by statistics 6

  7. NOVA: systematics and results Systematics on combined ν µ + ν e analysis: (mass and POT) ~4% total systematics on number of ~3% signal events ~ 5-6% ~2% (~10% on background) ~1% (mass and POT) Still fully dominated by statistics ~1% Results: Degeneracy can be solved with antinu data 7

  8. Statistics D.Hadley NuFact2017 Today stat error ~ 15% Next generation experiments ~ few 10 3 events → need systematics <2% 8

  9. The targeted 5% ± 1% precision 5% ± 2% 5% ± 3%  Oscillation measurements in future → equivalent to factor 2 in long baseline experiments exposure! aim to ~1-3% systematic uncertainty DUNE on signal normalization D U N E a n d H K t a l k s @ N u F a c t 2 0 1 5 9

  10. How neutrino flux and cross-section affect neutrino oscillation measurements ? 10

  11. Oscillation analysis: the basics FD ≈ P ν α → ν α ' × N ν α ND N ν α ' Number of neutrinos at the Far Detector (FD) of a given Number of neutrinos at the flavour α ' ( α =e, µ,τ ) Near detector (ND) The oscillation probability ν α → ν α ' which you want to estimate: it depends on the parameters you want to measure (long baseline experiments: θ 13 , θ 23 ∆ m 2 32 δ CP ) 11

  12. Real measurement: background subtraction and efficiency corrections measured − at − FD × p measured − at − ND × p FD ND FD = N ν α ' ND = N ν α N ν α N ν α ' ND FD ϵ ϵ signal − measured ϵ= N ν α efficiency corrects for events which escape the detection (threshold, acceptance, containment...) signal N ν α purity corrects for background measured − N background signal − measured p = N ν α = N ν α (events wrongly identified as ν α ) measured measured N ν α N ν α Need to know efficiency and purity in order to correct for them → any possible mis-modeling of them causes a systematic uncertainty in the oscillation analysis measured − at − FD P ν α → ν α ' ≈ N ν α ' FD FD × p ND measured − at − ND ×ϵ ND ϵ N ν α p What really matter is the difference between ND and FD, common systematics 12 cancel out (to first order...)

  13. Then... let's just build identical near and far detectors and we are done!!! We can forget of flux and cross-section uncertainties... right? Well... No! … Because I cheated!!! 13

  14. Dependence on neutrino energy To extract the oscillation parameters, the oscillation probability must be evaluated as a function of neutrino energy, since the neutrino beams are not monochromatic: 2 L 2 ( 1.27 Δ m 21 2 2 θ sin P ν α →ν α ' ( E ν )= sin ) 4 E ν → we need to know the number of neutrinos as a function of E ν at near and far detectors ND ( E ν )=ϕ( E ν )×σ( E ν ) dE ν N ν α − 2 POT flux = number of neutrinos produced by the [ ∫ ϕ( E ν ) dE ν ]≡[Φ]=[ cm − 1 ] accelerator per cm 2 , per bin of energy, for a given number of protons on target cross-section = probability of interaction of the 2 ] [σ]=[ cm neutrinos in the material of the detector 14

  15. Flux and cross-section  So the oscillation probability becomes: predicted number of neutrino interactions at the FD (w/o oscillations) FD ( E ν ) FD ( E ν ) FD ( E ν ) N ν α ' ≈ P ν α →ν α ' ( E ν )×ϕ ν α ' ×σ ν α ' FD FD × p ND ×ϵ ND ( E ν ) ND ( E ν ) ND ( E ν ) ND ϕ ν α σ ν α ϵ N ν α p measured number of neutrino interactions at the ND We measure flux and xsec for ν α (and ν α ' ) at the ND and we use our models to extrapolate at the far detector (like a ratio measurement...) → systematic minimized if same flux (eg, same off-axis angle) and same target material  But the most complicated part is : 1) the neutrino energy spectrum is different at ND (before oscillation) and at the FD (after oscillation) → so we measure the xsec and flux at a given energy and we need to extrapolate to a different energy 2) flux and xsec extrapolation from ND to FD are different → we need to separately estimate flux and xsec at the ND But we measure only the product of the two (strong anti-correlation between them) 15

  16. The hard stuff... The following issues induce an unavoidable model dependency in any oscillation analysis and make the evaluation of systematics in oscillation measurements a difficult task: ● extrapolation of xsec to different energy spectrum ● separate flux and xsec evaluation from ND data There is one more issue we will address later... how do we estimate the neutrino energy? Different detectors have different strategies with different advantages and drawbacks 16

  17. Flux simulation and tuning 17

  18. Neutrino 'beams' 18

  19. Flux simulation Proton interactions in the target → production of 'secondary hadrons' on Carbon Re-interactions of hadrons with target, horns, vessel, beam dump... → production of 'tertiary hadrons' on other materials T2K NuMI low energy (average hadron interaction x 100 for each ν µ ) Simulation of hadron interactions with the target and all the beamline with GEANT and FLUKA 19

  20. Flux tuning The simulations are tuned using external measurement from hadro-production experiments T2K NuMI NA49 pC @ 158 GeV MIPP pC @ 120 GeV (need scaling to different proton energy and different targets) Total probability of hadron interactions and outgoing hadron multiplicity as a function of incoming proton momentum and outgoing hadron momentum and angle are tuned to match the hadro-production measurements: probability of proton to travel a path x in the target and interact in ∆ x hadron multiplicity (with a certain angle and momentum) for each proton interaction 20

  21. NA61/SHINE SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment: Fixed target experiment using CERN SPS ● Target thickness of 4% of a nuclear interaction length, λ I . TPC in magnets for momentum and particle ID σ (p)/p ~ p x 0.005 GeV -1 ToF for particle ID 21

  22. Results 22

  23. MIPP results for NuMI 23

  24. Tuning factors flux tuned flux simulated T2K ν µ Uncertainties from theory corrections (scaling to different proton energies, targets, not covered phase space…) and from hadro-production data (statistics and 24 systematics uncertainty)

  25. Flux prediction and uncertainties 25

  26. Flux constraint from the ND The ND measures the rate of neutrinos therefore it further constrain the flux ND ( E ν )=ϕ( E ν )×σ( E ν ) dE ν N ν α Uncertainties before and after ND constrain Strong anticorrelation between flux and cross-section 26 Today xsec uncertainties similar or larger than flux uncertainty

  27. From ND to FD flux extrapolation FD ( E ν ) FD ( E ν ) FD ( E ν ) ≈ P ν α → ν α ' ( E ν )×ϕ ν α ' ×σ ν α ' N ν α ' ND ( E ν ) ND ( E ν ) ND ( E ν ) N ν α ϕ ν α σ ν α Different acceptance of pion angles → different neutrino energies for same pion kinematics NuMI Extrapolation ND->FD uncertainties smaller (~1%) than overall flux 27 uncertainties (10% → 5%)


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