national sustainable tourism investment forum


NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE TOURISM INVESTMENT FORUM Heritage Park Hotel, Honiara, Solomon Island 13 14 th July 2017 INVEST TO PRESERVE LAND TENURE SYSTEM IN THE CASE OF FIJI Mr Solomone Nata Deputy General Manager - Operation, Research

  1. NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE TOURISM INVESTMENT FORUM Heritage Park Hotel, Honiara, Solomon Island 13 – 14 th July 2017 “ INVEST TO PRESERVE” LAND TENURE SYSTEM IN THE CASE OF FIJI Mr Solomone Nata Deputy General Manager - Operation, Research & Development iTaukei Land Trust Board, Fiji Website:

  2. OUTLINE 1 Land tenure map & composition 2 Land legislations 3 iTaukei Ministry and Institutions 4 iTaukei Land Trust Board, organizations structure 5 Corporate values 6 Lease portfolio 7 Corporate targets 8 Major priority areas, land use plans and GIS 9 Corporate responsibilities 10 Landowners Affairs Unit 11 New innovations 12 Challenges 13 Moving forward

  3. Land tenure maps & our offices NTH NW SW CE

  4. Land legislations Legislations T enure Percentage iTaukei Land Act, Cap 132 iTaukei land 91% iTaukei Land Trust Act Cap 134 iTaukei land 91%  iTaukei Leases and Licence Regulations  iTaukei Forest Regulations  iTaukei Gravel Regulations Crown Lands Act State land 4% Land Sales Act Freehold 6% Land Use Decree, 2010 iTaukei land 0.02%

  5. iTaukei Affairs Ministry and Institutions ITAUKEI LAND TRUST BOARD iTaukei land in the best interest of the landowners ITAUKEI LAND & FISHERIES COMMISSION MINISTRY ITAKEI AFFAIRS BOARD OF ITAUKEI Determined, adjudicate, and Welfare and wellbeing of register land ownership, the itaukei people AFFAIRS traditional title, itaukei member TRAINING CENTER

  6. TLTB ORGANISATINAL STRUCTURE Eleven (11) members   Chairman - Minister of Itaukei Affairs ( currently also the Prime Minister of Fiji) .  5 iTaukei Landowning Units - appointed by Chairman. GENERAL MANAGER  3 recommendation of TAB Mr Tevita Kuruvakadua appointed by Minister IA  2 others appointed by Minister iTaukei Affairs Deputy General Manager Operations Research & development Corporate Mr Solomoni Nata OPERATIONS Board Secretary Legal Reserve Commission Tourism Landowners Affairs Unit Regional Offices * 4 Strategic Planning Research & Finance Development Sub regional offices *4 Human Resources Arrears Conveyance Unit

  7. Core business, roles, values &vision Core • Sustainable development and wealth creation business • Leasing itaukei land up to 99 years but ensure itaukei land have sufficient land for their use, support and maintenance Core • Collect and distribute rent roles • Enforce lease terms and conditions • Reserve and for the itaukei landowners • Facilitate national socio – economic development programs Corporate • I nnovations values • T ransparent & Trust • A ccountability • U nique • K nowledgeable Corporate Excellence in land • E ffectiveness & efficiency management vision • I ntegrity services

  8. TLTB Revenue receivables and distributions Premium, rent, Distribution of royalties and lease monies fees Equal rent distribution 90% distributable to each member Assignment to fund landowners 10% poundage community To fund operations development, business, etc Fees for services 100%

  9. Operation processes & procedures, Information system Estates Landsoft Operation LIS Manual Epicore ArcGIS Financials GIS Subject to Linksoft continuous HR review

  10. Lease portfolio  Region Count Land Area Total Rental Central/Easter 11,046 90,393 $6,732,969 n North Western 12,153 86,383 $7,972,315 Northern 9,471 145,484 $6,470,037 South Western 8,559 93,095 $6,687,032 Tourism 238 2,923 $6,979,651 TOTAL: 41,467 418,278 $34,842,004 Lease Type Count Land Area Total Rental Agricultural 14,062 166,598 $8,367,523 Commercial 1,935 14,723 $4,076,605 Educational 553 2,350 $517,646 Forestry 265 167,298 $1,606,725 Government 474 17,628 $1,981,997 Industrial 711 820 $1,795,118 Other 1,117 36,810 $1,617,875 Residential 22,076 6,091 $7,595,134 Tourism 233 2,862 $6,962,451 Water/Mineral 41 3,098 $320,930 TOTAL: 41,467 418,278 $34,842,004

  11. Case management

  12. Corporate targets - 2017 Collect Trust monies $85m $80m in 2016 Operation fund $16m $14m in 2016 New leases 1600 New tourism leases 10 New lease processing time Below 6 months Reduce ret arrears By 65% $17m to $6m Reassess rent Every 5 years Clean energy Formalise informal settlements Attend to lease renewal 5 years before expiry Employment costs Below 40%

  13. Technology ; New innovations Payments of lease Payment on line Automated case in any banks or monitor Or M - Paisa post offices in Fiji Automated Complaint customer management Self services kiosk statements system Mobile maps On line new UAV application Explorer and (considered) collector (soon)

  14. Challenges Productivity in leases, Cadastral titles, cost eg 40% of tourism and time of land leases and not survey operating Informal settlements, working with Rent arrears - $30m - government in $12m developing 15 settlements Ease of doing business Climate change; Engagement with adaptations & Investment Fiji on One mitigations Stop Shop

  15. Moving forward Competing land Environment Empowering the demands – good safeguards & itaukei land land use planning enforcemnts owners in business Improving lease Expanding tourism Replicate TLTB productivity and to other parts of MODEL in other yield rate Fiji MSG countries

  16. Tourism potential areas

  17. Thank you Vinaka vakalevu

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