the present and the future of sustainable iy2017 and

The Present and the Future of Sustainable #IY2017 and Responsible - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Zagreb, 24-25 April 2017 The Present and the Future of Sustainable #IY2017 and Responsible Tourism Dr. Dirk Glaesser Director Sustainable Development of Tourism World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Sustainable Tourism Milestones Rio+20 2015

  1. Zagreb, 24-25 April 2017 The Present and the Future of Sustainable #IY2017 and Responsible Tourism Dr. Dirk Glaesser Director Sustainable Development of Tourism World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

  2. Sustainable Tourism Milestones Rio+20 2015 2017 SDGs • 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable UN Year of Sustainable 2012 Consumption and Production Tourism for Development • ‘The future we want’ – emphasis on the role of sustainable 2014 tourism as driver for change as well as the importance of measuring impacts for better well-informed decision making Resolution A/RES/69/233 2002 The World Summit on The Earth Sustainable Development Summit (Rio) 1992 2000 • 10 Year Review of UNCED (Strategies and Implementation) • UN Conference on Environment and Development MDGs • Adoption JPOI and Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable • Rio Declaration included 27 principles Development • Agenda 21 – achieving sustainability in the 21 st century • Chapters on poverty eradication, SCP and SIDS 1972 1987 Stockholm • 1983 est. Brundtland Commission - World Commission on Environment and Development Conference Brundtland • Independent body to formulate long-term agenda for action • 1987 Outcome: Common Future Report • First global environmental Meeting by UN 1983 • The declaration included 26 basic principles and policy goals ‘Development that meets the needs of the present without • Establishment of UNEP compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ’

  3. Sustainable Tourism “Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industries, the environment and host communities” “[..] is a continuous process that requires constant monitoring of impacts”

  4. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

  5. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals 12.b 14.7 8.9 by 2030 increase the economic by 2030 devise and develop and implement benefits to SIDS and LDCs from implement policies to tools to monitor the sustainable use of marine promote sustainable tourism sustainable development resources, incl. through which creates jobs, impacts for sustainable sustainable management of promotes local culture and tourism which creates jobs, fisheries, aquaculture and products on, SCP and SIDS promotes local culture and tourism products

  6. 70th Session of UN General Assembly (2015) The United A/RES/70/193 invites UNWTO to: Nations decides to proclaim 2017 “…facilitate the organization and implementation of the the International Year in collaboration with Governments, relevant organizations of the United Nations system, other international ‚International and regional organizations and other relevant stakeholders…” Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development‘

  7. Goals 1. AWARENESS RAISING on the contribution of sustainable tourism to development 2. MOBILIZE visitors, suppliers, policy makers and other stakeholders to make the sector a catalyst for positive change 3. FOSTER CHANGE in policies, business practices and consumer behavior in tourism

  8. Key Areas Social Cultural Mutual Inclusive and Resource inclusiveness, values, under- sustainable efficiency, employment diversity standing, economic environmental and poverty and peace and growth protection and security reduction heritage climate change

  9. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth

  10. Social inclusiveness, employment and poverty reduction

  11. Resource efficiency, environmental protection and climate change

  12. Cultural values, diversity and heritage

  13. Mutual understanding, peace and security

  14. Creating Trust Through Evidence Clear Evidence about the positive and negative impacts of tourism, in order to support decision-makers effectively. - Creation of strong foundations -

  15. Milestones in Nice Conference on the Measurement IRTS of the Economic International Measurement Impact of Tourism Recommendations for Tourism Statistics Measuring Employment in the Tourism Industry UNWTO/ILO Guidebook on Indicators RTS INSTO Bali Conference of Sustainable Recommendations Open Consultation Tourism - An Development for on Manila Meeting Engine for Tourism Destinations Tourism Statistics Conference Employment 21-24 June 17 Creation 1993 1996 1999 2000 2004 2005 2008 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Iguazú Sub-national Conference Measurement and What tourism Analysis – Towards on managers need a Set of UNWTO The Tourism to know Guidelines Satellite UNWTO/ INRouTe Account (TSA) Linking SEEA Adoption of TSA and TSA (Tourism Satellite TSA Accounts) Update Expert Working Group Meeting on measuring sustainable tourism

  16. Key Objectives To provide a framework for the systematic, timely and regular monitoring of Integrated Approach resource-use and a better understanding of tourism impacts. To establish a strong foundation of tangible information for well-informed Evidence decision making. To actively engage local stakeholders in the measurement of risks, costs, Stakeholder Empowerment impacts, limits and opportunities through an inclusive and participatory approach. To network and exchange information for improved collaboration, Engagement communication and greater public accountability. To monitor the implementation of sustainable development plans, policies Performance Measurement and management actions. To foster long-term commitment for regular monitoring, thus contributing to Continuity the sustainable growth of the sector at the destination-level. Knowledge Building To highlight and share good practices and lessons’ learned.

  17. Challenges • Sustainability = complex and context sensitive • Strong interlinkages of the tourism sector with other economic sectors • The i nteraction between visitors, industry, host communities and the environment reflects complex relationships • Tourism is a trust product with many touchpoints along the value chain, which includes a wide variety for possible improvements • It is not an end goal but a process , which requires continuous engagement ‘Building a culture of prevention is not easy. While the costs of prevention have to be paid in the present, its benefits lie in a distant future. Moreover, the benefits are not tangible, they are the disasters that did not happen.’ - Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General -

  18. INSTO As sustainability is context sensitive and conditions differ in each destination, INSTO focus is set on the framework and the underlying processes that ensure long-term viability, leaving enough flexibility in terms of indicators for each destination.

  19. INSTO 18 observatories on 4 continents Unlocking the power of sustainability through meaningful partnerships


  21. Takeaways #INSTO2016 1) Regular and timely measurement important 2) Indicators need to reflect the local needs 3) Knowledge about environmental and socio-cultural impacts remains very limited 4) Official (national) statistics can be complemented with non-traditional data sources 5) Especially geo-referenced data plays a crucial role 6) Measure to better manage

  22. Outcomes 1) Smart solutions are only intelligent if they foster sustainable development and should thus be purpose-driven based on contextual needs 2) Data availability (esp. georeferenced) is crucial for the digital transformation 3) Enabling & empowering SMEs to keep up with developments is as important as supporting Start-Ups 4) Integration of existing systems and fostering circular systems offer immense opportunities 5) Destinations’ successful governance highly dependent on continuous participatory approaches 6) More holistic approaches towards sustainability are needed

  23. Tourism and the impact of non-traditional data sources

  24. Tourism and the impact of non-traditional data sources

  25. Tourism and the impact of non-traditional data sources Quelle: Eurostat , ‘ Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges - Lessons drawn by the Task Force Big Data ’, C. Demunter, 2017

  26. Example: analysis of mobile data in Belgium Quelle: Eurostat , ‘ Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges - Lessons drawn by the Task Force Big Data ’, C. Demunter, 2017

  27. Example: analysis of mobile data in Belgium Quelle: Eurostat , ‘ Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges - Lessons drawn by the Task Force Big Data ’, C. Demunter, 2017

  28. Quelle: Eurostat , ‘ Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges - Lessons drawn by the Task Force Big Data ’, C. Demunter, 2017

  29. COMING NEXT...

  30. 10-Year Framework of Programmes Actors Lead and Co-leads Multistakeholder Advisory Committee (22 Members) And 101 Partners


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