monthl thly y contra tract ctor or safe afety ty meeti

Monthl thly y Contra tract ctor or Safe afety ty Meeti ting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

D R I V E N B Y V A L U E Monthl thly y Contra tract ctor or Safe afety ty Meeti ting ng Dece cember mber 2017 INT NTRODUCTION ODUCTION Facilities lities Emerg ergen ency y Exits its Cell

  1. D R I V E N B Y V A L U E Monthl thly y Contra tract ctor or Safe afety ty Meeti ting ng Dece cember mber 2017

  2. INT NTRODUCTION ODUCTION  Facilities lities  Emerg ergen ency y Exits its  Cell ll Phones es  Safety ety Share re  This s months nths focus us • Special ial Presen esentation tation by Ron Lindsay dsay from m Brahma hma • Environmen ironmental tal Presen esentation tation by Jonathan than Anderson erson from om FMI • Branch nch Safety ety Perform formance nce • Contr trac actor tors s Safety ety Manual l Secti tions ons – 5.10 thru ru 5.13.3 D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 2

  3. A Message age From rom: Globa bal Supp pply Chain (GSC)  GSC C Contact tact: • Please ease refer er to the contact act inform rmati ation on for the Cont ntrac act t Administ inistrat rator or that t issue sued your ur Agreemen eement. t. Our r offic ice e is locate ated d at Global bal Supply ply next xt to the Wareh ehouse. ouse. Our r assi sist stant ant can place e you in contact act with h your Contract ntract Admin in should uld you need to visit it one ne of us us.  Incident dent requiremen uirements ts for GSC: C: • We expect ect to be notified ified withi thin a reasonab sonable le time me frame. me. Of cour urse, se, priorit ority y is to no notif tify y Safety/t ety/the e area a you are working king in. Our r respo ponse nse will l be specif cific ic to each individ vidual ual case. We are here e to assis sist, t, so do not hesitate itate to cont ntact act any ny one ne of us us. D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 3

  4. Morenci WHO DO I CONTACT WHEN I HAVE AN Environmental Services ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION? When in doubt. Call an Environmental Services representative . SPILL HOTLINE – (928) 865-7745 Environmental Administration Office – Christina Seballos – (928) 865-6000 Environmental Yard, Satellite Accumulation, Roll Offs & Hoppers – Cody Watkins – 928-965-6928 Asbestos & Lead – Rob Walker – 928-215-6422 Air Quality – Shanna Holguin – (928) 965-0245, Bobby Scott – (928) 965-1770, Waleed Sunna – (928) 215-5695 Environmental ISO 14001 & Product Approvals – Ruth Chismar – (928) 215-9312 – Jonathan Anderson (928) 215-2730 Water Quality & Wild Life – James Hogan – (928) 965-0061, Dee Broadwell – (928) 965-3142, SWPPP – Jamie Aberle – (928) 215-0667 Asset Recovery & Morenci Transfer Station – Bryan Taylor – (928) 965-2777 Environmental Administration Accounting & Contracts – Cheryl Wright – (928) 965-1785 D R I V E N B Y V A L U E

  5. Con ontract ractor or Envir ironm onmental ental Guida danc nce Contrac tractors tors are e res espon ponsi sible ble for understanding un derstanding th the FC e FCX X En Environm ironmental ental Policy licy and nd comp mplying lying wi with th all l si site te EM EMS req equirements uirements wh while le on si site te.  htt ttps://fcx3 ps://fcx365 65-pu publi lic.sharepoin D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 5

  6. Saf afety ty Perfor ormanc mance D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 12/0 /04/ 4/20 2017 Day of FMMO Employees working Safely DAYS W/O Days W/O (Reportable Injuries Only) the Year Hrs W/O LTA Hrs W/O Rec. LTA Rec. TOTAL MTD YTD 337 Number 22 589,315 5 133,935 3,170 3,170 3,103 Rate REPORTABLE INJURY RATE Lost Time Injury Rate Property Damage Rate High Energy High Impact TRIR LTIR PDIR HEHI Events MTD YTD QTD Target MTD YTD QTD Target MTD YTD QTD Target MTD YTD QTD Target 0 85 14 0 20 2 0 588 120 0 16 3 1.69 0.53 12.31 0.43 0.00 1.94 1.63 0.00 0.46 0.23 0.00 13.39 14.00 0.00 0.36 0.35 217 Tot otal Injurie ries s 85 Reportab 85 table e Injurie ries

  7. Safe fety ty Dashbo board rd as of 12/ 2/3/20 3/2017 12 Month Rolling TRIR 3.00 MTD TRIR YTD TRIR QTD TRIR 12MO TRIR 2.50 1.93 1.94 1.92 1.92 1.89 1.89 1.88 1.85 2.00 1.83 1.81 1.79 1.72 1.50 1.00 7 6 9 4 9 9 8 10 9 7 7 0 7 13 22 26 35 44 52 62 71 78 85 85 22 22 27 14 0.50 1.82 1.82 1.64 1.73 2.23 1.91 1.91 1.06 1.70 2.22 1.81 2.15 1.87 1.83 2.05 1.89 2.49 1.97 2.34 2.01 2.29 1.69 1.97 1.74 1.95 0.00 1.94 1.63 0.00 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 5 Year Trend YTD TRIR YTD HEHI Incident Incident Organization/ 2.50 Short Description Date Type Division 1.96 1.94 1.94 1.81 2.00 An employee was trying to separate a blank that between the hook and the Processing 11/27/17 First Aid lock mechanism of the strong back when his finger was pinched between Hydromet 1.37 the bars. 1.50 Restricted Mine An employee was conducting a pre-op inspection when he tripped and fell 11/28/17 Duty Haulage landing on his shoulder. 1.00 1.20 Contractor 11/30/17 First Aid A Sollers Construction employee was bit by a dog. 1.03 Townsite 0.50 Processing 0.54 0.36 An employee was washing under the ball mills when he felt irritation on his 0.46 11/30/17 First Aid Morenci back. Concentrator 0.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 7

  8. Repo portable able Injurie ries s – Top p 5 Injur urie ies Total No. Medical Restricted Lost Nature of Injury of Injuries Treatment Duty Time 36 42% 0 23 13 Sprain/Strain Cut/Laceration 14 16% 14 0 0 11 13% 2 3 6 Fracture Abrasion 7 8% 7 0 0 Bruise/Contusion 4 5% 0 4 0 = Last week’s injuries = Year to date injuries. Total No. Medical Restricted Lost Part of Body by of Injuries Treatment Duty Time Classification of Injury Eye 13 15% 13 0 0 11 13% 6 5 0 Finger 10 12% 0 5 5 Ankle 9 11% 0 8 1 Shoulder 7 8% 0 3 4 Lower Back D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 9

  9. As it stands… # of Days # of Days Date of Last Date of Last # of Days w/o Rep. w/o Rep. Date of Last Division Rep. Injury Rep. Injury w/o a HEHI Injury Injury HEHI Event (FMMO) (Contractors) Event (FMMO) (Contractors) MAINTENANCE SERVICES 9/6/2017 88 4/22/17 225 7/1/2016 511 HYDROMET & CLP 11/15/2017 18 10/11/17 53 6/29/2016 522 LEACHING 2/17/2017 289 7/23/16 498 2/25/2015 951 MORENCI CONCENTRATOR 11/11/2017 22 10/23/17 41 6/6/2017 180 METCALF CONCENTRATOR 11/21/2017 12 10/4/17 60 3/12/2016 642 CRUSH & CONVEY 8/17/2017 108 10/11/17 53 5/18/2017 216 MINE MAINTENANCE 10/9/2017 55 11/22/17 11 3/19/2016 624 FRAGMENTATION/LOADING/SUPPORT 10/12/2017 52 4/19/12 2061 11/22/2017 11 HAULAGE 11/28/2017 5 8/1/2008 3623 11/13/2017 20 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 10/11/2017 53 7/31/17 125 1/5/2016 698 ADMINISTRATION 5/19/2017 198 6/9/17 177 1/1/2014 1433 MERCANTILE 3/15/2017 263 6/20/17 166 1/1/2014 1433 CONTRACTORS - - - - 6/7/2017 179 D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 10 10

  10. CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL PART ONE (Section 5.0 Safe Practices) 5.10 Constru structio tion n Safety ety • All equipment and materials used in concrete construction and masonry work shall meet the applicable regulatory requirements. • Employees working more than 6 feet above adjacent working surfaces while placing reinforcing steel, setting or dismantling forms, etc., will use a safety harness with two lanyards/hooks. The standard of 100% fall-protection practices will be followed. D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 11 11

  11. CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL PART ONE (Section 5.0 Safe Practices) 5.10 Constru structio tion n Safety ety Cont. t. • Rebar shall be capped with steel reinforced impalement protection. • Where e fall arrest rest system tems s are used, , ensure ure there ere is eno nough ugh distanc tance e to preve vent nt persons sons from m cont ntacting acting surfac faces es during ing a f fall. l. If not, seek other means of fall protection such as fall restraint, handrail or other guarding. • The riding of concrete buckets for any purpose shall be prohibited. Working crews shall be kept out from under suspended concrete buckets. Buckets ets shall ll have tag lines, nes, which h are a minimu nimum m of 6-feet et long. ng. D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 12 12

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