mona kessel nasa hq

Mona Kessel, NASA HQ Contributions by y Nicola Fox, Shri Kanekal, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mona Kessel, NASA HQ Contributions by y Nicola Fox, Shri Kanekal, Kris Kersten, Craig Kletzing, Lou Lanzerotti, Tony Lui, Barry Mauk, Joe Mazur, Robyn Millan, Geoff Reeves, David Sibeck, John Wygant Provide understanding, ideally to ideally to

  1. Mona Kessel, NASA HQ Contributions by y Nicola Fox, Shri Kanekal, Kris Kersten, Craig Kletzing, Lou Lanzerotti, Tony Lui, Barry Mauk, Joe Mazur, Robyn Millan, Geoff Reeves, David Sibeck, John Wygant

  2. Provide understanding, ideally to ideally to the point of the point of predictability, predictability, of how populations of relativistic electrons and penetrating ions in space form or change in response to variable inputs of energy f from the Sun. th S • Which Physical Processes Produce Radiation Belt Produce Radiation Belt Enhancement Events? • What Are the Dominant Mechanisms for Mechanisms for Relativistic Electron Loss? • How do Ring Current and other geomagnetic other geomagnetic The instruments on the two RBSP spacecraft will The instruments on the two RBSP spacecraft will processes affect measure the properties of charged particles that Radiation Belt Behavior? comprise the Earth’s radiation belts and the plasma waves that interact with them, the large- scale electric fields that transport them and the scale electric fields that transport them, and the magnetic field that guides them.

  3. • 2 identically-instrumented spacecraft for space/time separation. • Lapping rates (4-5 laps/year) for simultaneous observations over a range of s/c separations. • 600 km perigee to 5.8 R E geocentric apogee for full radiation belts p g Sun Sun sampling. • Orbital cadences faster than relevant magnetic storm time scales. • 2-year mission for precession to all local time positions and interaction regions. • Low inclination (10 ° ) to access all Low inclination (10 ° ) to access all magnetically trapped particles • Sunward spin axis for full particle pitch angle and dawn-dusk electric p g field sampling. • Space weather broadcast

  4. Radiation Radiation Belt Radiation Radiation Belt Radiation Radiation Belt Radiation Radiation Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Storm Probes Storm Probes Storm Probes Storm Probes Investigation Instruments PI Energetic Particle Helium Oxygen Proton Electron Spectrometer (HOPE) yg p ( ) H S H. Spence Composition and Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) Thermal Plasma Suite UNH Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) (ECT) Electric and Magnetic Low-Frequency Magnetometer (MAG) C. Kletzing Field Instrument Suite High Frequency Magnetometer and Waveform Receiver High-Frequency Magnetometer and Waveform Receiver and Integrated Science University of Iowa (Waves) (EMFISIS) Electric Field and J. Wygant Waves Instrument for Electric Field and Waves Instrument for the NASA the NASA RBSP Mission RBSP Mission (EFW) ( ) University of Minnesota University of Minnesota (EFW) L. Lanzerotti Radiation Belt Storm Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Probes Ion Composition New Jersey Institute of Experiment (RBSPICE) Experiment (RBSPICE) Technology D. Byers Proton Spectrometer Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) Belt Research (PSBR) NRO

  5. Comprehensive Particle Measurements electrons protons ion composition p 1GeV 1MeV 1eV 1keV Energy

  6. Comprehensive E and B Field Measurements DC Magnetic g EMFISIS FGM AC Magnetic EMFISIS SCM DC Electric EFW Perp 2D EFW Par 1D AC Electric ~DC 10Hz DC 10H 1kH 1kHz 1MH 1MHz Frequency EFW E-fld Spectra

  7. RBSP First Science Endeavors RBSP First Science Endeavors RBSP First Science Endeavors RBSP First Science Endeavors What issues can be resolved about strong and 1. weak whistler mode interactions and their roles in electron energization and loss in the first 3 months? first 3 months? What issues can be resolved about the large 2. scale dynamics and structure with just the first scale dynamics and structure with just the first few major geomagnetic storms? What issues can be resolved about the source, 3. structure, and dynamics of the inner (L<2) ion and electron belts in the first 3 months?

  8. EMFISIS Science EMFISIS Science EMFISIS Science EMFISIS Science 1. Correlations between various wave modes using varying 1. Correlations between various wave modes using varying separations between the two satellites. By start of normal operations (~60 days after launch) the satellites should be well separated. p • What wave modes happen at both satellites as a function of separation and location? What is the spatial coherence of location? What is the spatial coherence of chorus for small separation? • Use cross-correlation to establish relationships between Chorus and hiss Is chorus parent wave for hiss? hiss. Is chorus parent wave for hiss? • Are micro-bursts on SAMPEX and BARREL correlated to chorus or other wave modes? • Does Chorus modulate with density changes? (HOPE or MagEIS) Contribution by Shprits et al., 2006 Craig Kletzing

  9. Plasmaspheric Hiss Plasmaspheric Hiss Plasmaspheric Hiss Plasmaspheric Hiss 100Hz 100Hz 100Hz 100Hz � few kHz few kHz few kHz few kHz • Confined primarily to high density regions: plasmasphere, dayside drainage plumes. • Generation mechanism not yet understood. • At high frequency (>1kHz) and low L source could be lightning • At typical frequencies (100-300 Hz) source is likely magnetospheric Shprits et al., 2006

  10. Plasmaspheric Hiss Plasmaspheric Hiss Plasmaspheric Hiss Plasmaspheric Hiss 100Hz 100Hz 100Hz 100Hz � few kHz few kHz few kHz few kHz • Confined primarily to high density regions: plasmasphere, dayside drainage plumes. • Generation mechanism not yet understood. • At high frequency (>1kHz) and low L source could be lightning • At typical frequencies (100-300 Hz) source is likely magnetospheric Why do we Why do we care? care? Hiss depletes the slot Hiss depletes the slot region by pitch angle scattering. Shprits et al., 2006

  11. Whistler mode Chorus Whistler mode Chorus Whistler mode Chorus 100Hz Whistler mode Chorus 100Hz 100Hz 100Hz � 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz • O Outside plasmasphere primarily on dawn side near equator. id l h i il d id • Generated by electron cyclotron instability near equator in association with freshly injected plasmasheet electrons. • Increased intensity during substorms and recovery. • Associated with microburst precipitation. Why do we Why do we care? care? Capable of emptying the outer belt in a day or less. M j Major potential i l mechanism for electron acceleration. Shprits et al., 2006

  12. EFW Science EFW Science EFW Science EFW Science 1. Explore the connection between large amplitude whistler waves and microburst precipitation. Contribution by John Wygant, Kris Kersten

  13. Large Amplitude Whistler • Santolik, et al. (2003) - first report of large amplitude chorus elements • Lower band chorus (<0.5fce) wave electric fields approaching 30mV/m Lower band chorus ( 0.5fce) wave electric fields approaching 30mV/m • Brief (<1s) increases in the flux of precipitating MeV electrons, first reported by Imhof, et al. (1992). t d b I h f t l (1992) • Usually observed near dawn, but may extend from near midnight from near midnight past dawn. • Most commonly observed from L~4–6. observed from L 4 6. Contribution by John Wygant, Kris Kersten

  14. EFW Science EFW Science EFW Science EFW Science 1. Explore the connection between large amplitude whistler waves and microburst precipitation . Microburst precipitation occurrence Microburst precipitation occurrence Large Amplitude Large Amplitude Whistler Occurrence Lorentzen et al., 2001 Cully et al., 2008 Statistically the connection is strong. Contribution by John Wygant, Kris Kersten

  15. ECT Science ECT Science ECT Science ECT Science 2. Identify the processes responsible for the precipitation and loss of 2 d f h bl f h d l f relativistic and near relativistic particles, determine when and where these processes occur, and determine their relative significance. Expected Electron Distributions Quick Quick Science Science Study: Study: Comparison of theory and observations for observations for characteristic signatures of EMIC waves Compare PSD as a function of E and PA during a dropout. 2D Energy-pitch angle diffusion model at fixed L model at fixed L Do observations show Do observations show expected signatures? expected signatures? Contribution by Geoff Reeves Li et al., 2007

  16. RBSPICE Science RBSPICE Science RBSPICE Science RBSPICE Science 2. If we have some geomagnetic storms during the first few months of RBSP operation, then we can address the following question. • How is current density from protons helium ions and oxygen • How is current density from protons, helium ions, and oxygen ions compared during weak and strong geomagnetic storms? Energy density of oxygen ions can dominate that of protons during gy y yg p g intense geomagnetic storms H + H + O + Hamilton et al., 1988 Contribution by Tony Lui

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