Modernising and Enhancing Indian E-Learning Educational Strategies MIELES Report on Pilot 1 work within WP3 lead by KTH 2019-04-15 Prof. Dr. Carl Gustaf Jansson, KTH
Mutual recognition of alternative examination procedures for content equivalent on-line courses in MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) form The basis for this work is our belief that the utilization and acceptance of a limited set of MOOCs can enhance the flexibility of on-campus programs, in particular in the context of mobility phases within joint programs and in bachelor/master program collaboration schemes. A crucial issue is each university´s policy for credit transfer with reference to recognition of prior academic learning, other certificated learning or work experience. - Most typically credit transfer is handled with a formal university course as the unit. - An acceptance of an application for credit transfer for a specific course typically grants the full credit amount for that course. - So far MOOCs have typically not been considered in the university policies for credit transfer. A related issue is the judgement of special requirements and university policies for that. - Also for this case, MOOCs have typically not been considered in the university policies.
The Bulk of the work in Pilot 1 is carried out in four sub-activities Analysis of different scenarios for transfer of credits and judgement of special requirements relating to MOOCs in the context of program collaboration schemes. Development of two NPTEL courses with KTH faculty responsibility: Collaboration between KTH and IIT Madras Course in Computer Science: Machine Learning (Prof. Carl-Gustaf Jansson) Course in Electrical Engineering: Electromagnetic Compatibility (Prof. Rajeev Thottappillil). These courses are available in the NPTEL network for spring 2019. Case-study on how mobility in a program collaboration scheme can be facilitated by a selected set of MOOCs. Collaboration between KTH and AMRITA
Analysis of different scenarios for transfer of credits and judgement of special requirements relating to MOOCs in the context of program collaboration schemes We are NOT handling a totally open scenario where a student can come with arbitrary MOOC certificates and ask for acceptance. Rather we are looking primarily at two scenarios: acceptance of MOOC certificates as evidence for fulfilling special requirements • in the context of agreed on partnerships acceptance of MOOC certificates as evidence for applications for credit transfer • within a program which a student is already admitted to. We focus on programs in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
Analysis of different scenarios for transfer of credits and judgement of special requirements relating to MOOCs in the context of program collaboration schemes For the considered courses we assume the existence of shared abstract descriptions of learning outcomes. Furthermore, we assume platform and provider independence. MOOCs produced in EdX, Coursera, NPTEL etc. should be considered as long as they instantiate the shared learning outcomes of selected courses. We only consider NON self-paced MOOCs, where there is some control of students´ attendance.
Analysis of different scenarios for transfer of credits and judgement of special requirements relating to MOOCs in the context of program collaboration schemes In the first scenario, we can see two alternative situations: preferably a MOOC provider´s certificates can be accepted as evidence but this is • not currently the case the home university of a student within a mobility scheme or joint program need • to take responsibility for the quality of MOOCs that should be recognized as additional evidence for judging fulfilment of special requirements. In the second scenario: we assume that for the time being the certificates of MOOC providers will NOT • be enough evidence for the purpose of credit transfer. rather we assume that some alternative examination procedures will be required • on top of the proven completion of the course through the certificates. how to minimize the time and resources for such alternative examination • procedures is obviously an important issue to consider.
Analysis of different scenarios for transfer of credits and judgement of special requirements relating to MOOCs in the context of program collaboration schemes Even if a student is allowed to get credit transfers for a limited set of courses within a program, today there is no reduction of the program fee in such a case. As was stated above we look at the possibilities to allow credit transfers for a small set of courses with a semester as the absolute maximum. It would make sense if the universities gave discounts on the study fee for a semester, in proportion to the subset of courses accepted for credit transfer.
Analysis of different scenarios for transfer of credits and judgement of special requirements relating to MOOCs in the context of program collaboration schemes Finally, we want to explore how far we can build trust among partner universities within mobility schemes or joint programs, so that the partners as far as possible can trust each others alternative examination procedures as described above, minimizing the need for re-examinations. Ultimately trust between universities and MOOC providers should be aimed for, eliminating the need for the alternative examination procedures. It is our belief that the best way to establish trust, is to engage faculty in on-line course development across the national and organizational borders.
Development of two NPTEL courses with KTH faculty responsibility With the purpose to build up long term trust between an Indian and an European partner university it was decided that two European University (KTH) professors engaged in the MIELES project should be personally responsible for designing and implementing a course within the NPTEL network for offering on-line courses coordinated by IIT Madras. It was decided to develop the following two courses: Computer Science: Machine Learning (Prof. Carl Gustaf Jansson) Electrical Engineering: Electromagnetic Compatibility (Prof. Rajeev Thottappillil). These courses are available in the NPTEL network for spring 2019. Overview of all NPTEL courses in spring 2019: >
The Education Landscape in India India is the world´s second most populous country with 1.4 Billion people. 56% of the population is below 30 years of age and in need for various forms of education. The unemployment ratio is very high in many sectors (10-20%) and the average employability after finalizing studies is low. It is conceived that there will be a shortage of 250 million skilled workers within a five-year timespan. The Indian school system can be characterized quantitatively as follows: Schools = 1 500 000 • Colleges = 37 000 • Stand Alone Institutions = 12000 • Universities = 800 • The most highly ranked Indian Universities hold very high international standard but one of the challenges is to secure high quality in a larger share of set of universities, colleges and other institutions where the bulk of the Indian students do study.
SWAYAM is the National Indian Framework for making MOOCs available between Indian Universities and Colleges SWAYAM is developed by MHRD (Ministry for Human Resource development), Govt. of India. It is a regulatory framework for this purpose but also a portal where MOOCs can be uploaded and accessed. SWAYAM is aimed for making courses available in all subjects. It is the natural foundation for discussing agreements among Indian HEIs regarding the formal utilization of MOOCs within the normal curriculum. So far MOOCs have primarily been used for extra-curricular purposes. SWAYAM takes no responsibility for the development, pacing, examination and certificate provision of the MOOCs. This have to be handled by other actors and in a bilateral fashion. As an example NPTEL (see below) have the main responsibility for handling these processes in the field of engineering. SWAYAM can manage MOOCs developed in various fashions.
NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is a project run by the IITs (organized by IIT Madras) and IISc Bangalore under MHRD. NPTEL is a program for developing and running non-self-paced MOOCs in Engineering as well as for examination and certificate provision for these MOOCs. NPTEL stimulates and monitors course development in all Indian states (through local chapters). At present NPTEL runs in the order of 200 courses per semester with in the order of 0.5 million registrations and 40 000 certifications. NPTEL can be characterized as a nationally and governmentally well grounded non-profit cooperative variant of commercial actors like Coursera. The overall aim is to make IIT quality course material widely accessible among Indian HEIs. Any course developed in NPTEL can be uploaded in SWAYAM. This is actually the preferred model if a NPTEL course should be formally used with the normal curriculum. Technically the NPTEL course portal is based on a Google platform. NPTEL has organized an India wide system for on-site examination.
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