technology tools enhancing aba implementation

Technology Tools Enhancing ABA Implementation NJAS A/ NJAPSA S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technology Tools Enhancing ABA Implementation NJAS A/ NJAPSA S pring Leadership Conference May 16, 2019 The Educational Services Commission of New Jersey ESCNJ What are Educational S ervices Commissions? They are PUBLIC education

  1. Technology Tools Enhancing ABA Implementation NJAS A/ NJAPSA S pring Leadership Conference May 16, 2019 The Educational Services Commission of New Jersey

  2. ESCNJ What are Educational S ervices Commissions?  They are PUBLIC education agencies (ES A vs. LEA)  Created under Title 18A Education Law, 18A:6-51 et seq.  Governed by the member public school districts that created the ES C  Operated within the guidelines of the NJ DOE The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 2

  3. ESCNJ What non-instructional services does ESCNJ provide to local school districts?  Cooperative Transportation S ervices  Cooperative Purchasing S ervices  S uperintendent & BA S earch S ervices  S pecial Education Director S earch S ervices  S pecial Education Department Review S ervices The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 3

  4. ESCNJ Shared Services to Strengthen the Provision of Special Education  S pecial education requires a great deal of expert ise and instructional support to effectively & appropriately implement the students’ IEP .  S hared services between public school districts, both direct and collaborative, to allow for the leveraging of inst ructional, therapeutic, and programmatic expertise in the pursuit of quality outcomes for students. The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 4

  5. ESCNJ Collaborative Educational Services (CES)  Home Instruction  Independent CS T Evaluations  S upplemental CS T S ervices  S upplemental Therapeutic S ervices  Itinerant TOD & Learning Evaluations for Deaf & HH students  Children’s S pecialized Hospital (Bedside Instruction)  JDC Instructional S ervices (Turning Point Academy)  Remedial S ummer S chool (Old Bridge HS )  Professional Development (Onsite @ ES CNJ, In-district, & Online)  Behavioral S ervices (e.g., FBA, Behavior Plans, Crisis Prevention, Program Consultation, etc.)  Contract Paraprofessionals  Adult Day Habilitation Program  S pecial Education S chools (S ix schools serving over 750 students)  Collaborative S pecial Class Program in LEA The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 5

  6. Center for Lifelong Learning https:/ / www.escnj .us/ Page/ 875 The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 6

  7. The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 7

  8.  5 Components of Discrete Trial Training Reinforcement: Inter-trail Prompt: guiding Response: delivered af t er SD: cue t o t he individual t o individual displays Intervals: brief t he t arget respond t he correct t he t arget pause bet ween response is response response consecut ive t rials produced Response S timulus Prompting Prompting The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 8

  9. Challenges of implementing ABA in the classroom Multiple Points of View ADMINISTRATOR TEACHER STUDENT Providing Quality Time to train staff Immediate Training and preparing reinforcement materials CONS IS TENT CONS IS TENT Rate of acquisition IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION among staff Impact on S tudent Impact on S tudent Maintaining skills Learning Learning The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 9

  10.  Common Implementation Inconsistencies • Errorless Learning • Prevent/ Minimize learner errors when teaching discrimination 1 • Response Prompts: • Most-to-least prompting (Physical Prompting, modeling, verbal prompting)Providing a prompt that will evoke a response and gradually decrease to a less intrusive 2 prompt 3 • Stimulus Prompts • Altering the target (movement, positional prompting • Fast paced instruction • Momentum is built in asking fast-paced questions and connecting ideas, and 4 an upbeat pace is maintained to hold student attention. • Behavioral Contingencies: Token Economies & First/Then Boards • Providing reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of 5 behavior in the classroom. The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 10

  11.  Addressing Inconsistencies within a Diverse Population of S tudents The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 11

  12.  Prevalence of Technology Common Sense Media Teenagers Ages 13- 18 9 hours a day Tweens Ages 8-12 6 hours a day 98% now live in a home with a mobile device The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 12

  13. Technology Evolving in the Classroom The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 13

  14.  Tiny Tap  iPad Application  Evaluate S tudents Progress  Immediate reinforcement  Individualized per student The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 14

  15.  Benefits of Technology Student Teacher Provides Positive reinforcement Decreases prep time Runs discrete trail training Consistency in the presentation of materials S upports errorless teaching Assists in collaboration with parents methods on students learning obj ectives Allows prompt fading Promotes student independence Allows modification for Does not rely on the internet generalization and maintenance trails Does not rely on teacher for instruction or reinforcement The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 15

  16. Acquisition of Functional Skills 40 Picture S ymbols Tiny Tap 35 Number of Sessions 30 25 20 Luca 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 Number of Sessions 5 4 Karina 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 45 40 NUmber of Sessions 35 30 25 Jeremiah 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Targets The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 16

  17.  Direct Instruction: The Edmark Reading Program The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 17

  18.  Response Prompt: Fading 70% 60% 50% Percentage 40% PECS 30% TinyTap 20% 10% 0% gestural prompt Independent Prompt Level The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 18

  19. IXL Learning  Online and/ or iPad application  S upplemental activities  Increases independence  Decreases stress and anxiety.  Video The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 19

  20.  Teaching the Whole S tudent  S tudents developing skills of independence  Life S kills  Communication  Behavioral strategies  Vocational  S ocial S kills  S elf-Care  Meal Prep  Community Based Instruction  Accommodations, Interventions, and Modifications The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 20

  21.  “ Choiceworks” App  iPad Application  S ocial/ Emotional S upports  Planning  S elf-Awareness  Time Management  Visual S chedules  Video Modeling  S ocial S tories The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 21

  22.  S iLAS  S ocially Interactive Learning Avatar S oftware  Develops S tudents S ocial S kills  Eye Contact  Making Introductions  Generating Topics  Making Friends  Bullying. The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 22

  23. Collaborative Learning for Special Education  Large group activities  Engaging students  Video The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 23

  24.  Increases rate of learning  Decreases prompt dependency  Promotes errorless learning  Increase pace of instruction  Decreases the amount of needed materials  Built interspersals  Consistence of implementation and materials The Educat ional S ervices Commission of New Jersey 24

  25. Center for Lifelong Learning (732) 727-3736 Mary Beth Conley, Principal Questions? mconley@ Meghan Langan, Teacher mlanghan@ Nicole Paturzo, Teacher npaturzo@ The Educational Services Commission of New Jersey


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