mirror s image

Mirror s Image -WORKING TITLE- Steven Wright Steven Wright, March - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror s Image -WORKING TITLE- Steven Wright Steven Wright, March 11th 2010 Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror s Image Interactive Installation: Hollow, full bodied sculpture that

  1. Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror ʼ s Image -WORKING TITLE- Steven Wright Steven Wright, March 11th 2010

  2. Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror ʼ s Image Interactive Installation: Hollow, full bodied sculpture that replicates a Vitruvian styled human form. Communicative possibilities are capable through the embodiment of sensory technology. Spectators will be acknowledged visually in two ways, through lights and video. The first being able to witness ones self within the sculptures body. The second having LEDs confirm you are within 1m; a respectable intimate space for people. Can be installed: Nearly anywhere, only takes up a 2 ʼ x 2 ʼ space with an interactive diameter of 2 square meters. A wooden base gives structural support and will enable Mirror ʼ s Image, to be placed independently apart from any other supports. Works better within a closed space because the XBee Radio ʼ s pick up interference and the images projected, will become obscured. Steven Wright, March 11th 2010

  3. Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror ʼ s Image Why: At Present we, that is the human race exists at the precipice of the next great sociological movement. The progression towards a trans-human state. A being that no longer fits our pre-ordained framework of what it means to be “human”. We are constantly in conflict with our desire to incorporate technology into our lives while at the same time distancing ourselves from the production of that very same technology. A consistent cycle of alienation produces a dependency without understanding; making us ignorant controllers without perspective. Mirror ʼ s Image, demonstrates our current relationship with trans-human technologies and their pursuit to mimic our capabilities. Steven Wright, March 11th 2010

  4. Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror ʼ s Image Creation Plan: There is a possibility that there will TECH Required SUPPLIES Required be no need for the XBee radio; for 2x IR Sensor 1x Cellophane wrap the purpose of projecting the image 1x Transmitter XBee radio 6x Packing Tape through the sculpture. May be able 1x Receiver XBee radio 12x White coat hangers to use a spy camera with built in 1x FTDI cable 1x 1/2” x 6 ʼ metal rebar radio transmitters. 10x Resistor 1x 2 ʼ x 2 ʼ Pine Base -Construction of the exoskeleton will 1x NPN transistor be completed by casting a human body. 1x 0.1uF capacitor -Form structural support / spine. 3x Arduino -Merge the support beam to the 1x Mini Camera base and add the sculptures frame 9x SuperBright LED to the beam. 1x Pekoe Projector Steven Wright, March 11th 2010

  5. Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror ʼ s Image Visualization: Will stand 6 ʼ tall. Clear in colour with a texture similar to broken glass. The exterior is predominantly cold plastic. Bright glowing interior helps illuminate form. The support beam will resemble that of a human spine which will house most of the electronics. The two Arduino ʼ s controlling each side of the body will be housed within the head of the sculpture. Also included will be the third eye (mini camera). The IR sensors will be mounted onto the exterior of the face and the Projector will point down through the neck. Steven Wright, March 11th 2010

  6. Communications with Hybrid Environments Mirror ʼ s Image Ultimately this is an exploration- of form and technology. A clearer understanding of these mediums can only be discovered with the implementation of them into my artwork. Mirror ʼ s Image is a stepping stone in terms of the development stages of my fourth year project; a collaboration of multiple mediums. That must be approached well in advance if I am going to able to complete what has been envisioned. Mirror ʼ s Image examines how technologies today are beginning to mimic human like qualities to allow for easier communication between human and technological forms. Mirror ʼ s Image questions what it is to be human. Something we will need to recognize and understand as the technological age of human manipulation progresses. Steven Wright, March 11th 2010

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