michigan votes in 2020

Michigan Votes in 2020 Voter registration, absentee voting, and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Michigan Votes in 2020 Voter registration, absentee voting, and Election Day New Voting Laws New Michigan Voting Laws Prop 3 of 2018 added several voting policies to the Michigan constitution, including: straight-ticket voting, automatic

  1. Michigan Votes in 2020 Voter registration, absentee voting, and Election Day

  2. New Voting Laws

  3. New Michigan Voting Laws ● Prop 3 of 2018 added several voting policies to the Michigan constitution, including: straight-ticket voting, automatic voter registration when interacting with the Secretary of State, same-day voter registration, and no-excuse absentee voting. ● Online voter registration recently arrived in Michigan, after the state legislature passed a bill in late 2018. Requires valid driver’s license or state ID.

  4. Registering to vote

  5. Prior Must register to vote to No “motor voter” No online voter 30 days before 2019 registration election 15 days prior to Automatic voter Register online at election by mail / registration of SOS website Now 14 days prior in eligible persons ( only for persons person + when getting with Michigan ON ELECTION DAY driver’s license or driver’s license (at clerk’s office) state ID card, or state ID) unless the person declines

  6. Michigan Voter Registration Form: Frequent errors

  7. Michigan Voter Registration Form: Frequent errors

  8. Michigan Voter Registration Form: Frequent errors

  9. Voting Absentee

  10. Voting Absentee ● Prior to 2019 : only those 60+ years old; out of town; etc. ● Now : anyone eligible to vote may vote by absentee ballot! ● Download Michigan’s absentee ballot request form at http:bit.ly/mi- absenteevoting ● Request a ballot starting 45 days prior to election and no later than 4:00pm the day before an election. ● Requests may be returned in person, via postal mail, fax, or email, as long as a signature is visible. ● Completed ballots must be in the possession of the local Clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted. ● Voters can sign up to have an absentee ballot request form sent to them before every election.

  11. Michigan Absent Voter Application

  12. Voting at the polls

  13. On Election Day ● If you want to register to vote on Election Day , you must register and vote at the Clerk’s office. ● To find your voting precinct, go to: www.Michigan.gov/VOTE ● Bring photo ID (e.g., State ID or Driver’s License, student ID, U.S. passport, Military ID with photo, or Tribal identification card. The ID does not need an address.) ● If you show up without identification , you may sign an affidavit and still get a ballot and vote.

  14. Challenges for 2020

  15. Will clerks have difficulty processing a possible new flood of absentee ballots? ● ● How long will lines at clerks’ offices be for same-day registration? How long will lines be on Election Day given the increased polarization of the ● electorate? ● Is new voting equipment across the state secure from interference? Will clerks be able to tell if their voter rolls or vote tallies have been ● compromised?


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