

MESA C OMMUNITY D ESIGN G UIDELINES AND S TANDARDS Meeting 3, July 1, 2014 Agenda 1. Purpose/Overview 2. May and June meeting recap 3. Existing Development Standards 4. Development & Design Options 5. Discussion Lot sizes,


  2. Agenda 1. Purpose/Overview 2. May and June meeting recap 3. Existing Development Standards 4. Development & Design Options 5. Discussion  Lot sizes, setbacks, height, uses and other standards 6. Upcoming Schedule

  3. Process  Workshop 1, 5/14 – Community Character  Walking Tour  Workshop 2, 6/3 – Development Standards  Workshop 3, 7/1 – Development Standards; Design Guidelines & Standards  Workshop 4, 8/5 – Review Draft

  4. Purpose  Mesa/Powderhorn Plan 2012  Land Use Action 1.A : Work with area residents to update and implement the Village of Mesa Overlay District and the Design Standards  Appendix 1 : Mesa Rural Community Design Guidelines

  5. Village of Mesa Overlay Purpose (Land Development Code Section 4.4.3)  Further the goals and polices of the Mesa County Master plan  Encourage urban development where adequate services already exist  Simplify the development process in the Overlay District  Recognize the Mesa Sanitation District as the logical growth boundaries for the Mesa rural Community  Strengthen the existing village character of Mesa

  6. 2 Components  Village of Mesa Overlay - Development Standards  Land Development Code Section 4.4.3  Density, Uses, Setbacks, Height  Design Guidelines & Standards  Appendix to the Land Development Code  Circulation, Site Design, Building Design, Signs

  7. Mesa Rural Community

  8. Build-out Analysis  Existing  Potential Build-out  257 acres  410-425 dwelling units (0.5 acre/d.u. avg.)  106 parcels  128,000 s.f. commercial  52 dwellings floor area  24,666 s.f. commercial  Population approx. 945 floor area  Population approx. 100

  9. What’s important to the Community?  From the May Community Character Workshop : • “A front porch community” • Green space along streets; xeric landscaping • Dark night skies and shielded lights • Mix natural materials like stone & rock with wood • Not ornate, but with charm and character • Laid-back

  10. How should Mesa be developed?  From the June Development Standards meeting :  “Keep Mesa as it is.”  Stick with development similar to what’s already there  Less/no new restrictions  Sidewalks, streetlights only on Hwy 65 & KE Road

  11. How Are the Guidelines and Standards Implemented?  Single-family and two-family development are exempt from the Design Guidelines & Standards.  New development and major redevelopment must use the Design Standards  Development is encouraged to use the Design Guidelines.

  12. Village of Mesa Overlay (VMO)  Property owners can opt-in to use the Village of Mesa Overlay zoning  Current zoning:  30% VMO  15% PUD  8% B-1  47% AFT  Consider a bulk rezone

  13. Village of Mesa Overlay (VMO) - current  Residential Density – (average lot size) 1 dwelling unit per 2,500 s.f.  Businesses – 2,500 s.f. minimum lot area  Building height 35’ or 2 stories  General store is 30’ tall  Setbacks  Front – 10’  Side – zero  Rear – 10’  See also Ch. 8, Signs, and Section 7.2, Landscaping

  14. Village of Mesa Overlay (VMO) - current Uses  No manufactured home parks along Hwy 65 or KE Road  RV parks allowed along Hwy 65 and KE Road  Mix of both business and residential uses allowed on Highway 65  Refer to B-2 zoning district for allowed uses

  15. What is the right density?  Higher density helps support financially sustainable infrastructure  Historic Mesa townsite – 2,500 s.f. lots (25’x100’)  American Legion and new sandwich shop are on 2,500 s.f. lots

  16. Mesa Lot Sizes - Now  Mesa Rural Community – 257 acres, 105 parcels = 2.5 acres average  Core developed area: 40-lot sample  Smallest: American Legion – 2,572 s.f.  Largest: Mesa Creek Center – 25,821 s.f. (.59 acres)  Average: 11,235 s.f. (.25 acres)

  17. “Keep Mesa as it is”  What does this mean ?  Keep current overlay standards (2,500 s.f. residential average lot size) and accept what may happen OR  Change overlay to reduce density (larger average lot size) so future development is similar to existing  One density for the entire rural community  Two or more densities retaining 2,500 s.f. in the core area/original plat and larger average lot size (reduced density) for the remainder

  18. Lot Size/Density Options  2,500 s.f. minimum lot size with max. 4 units/acre OR  Core area – 2,500 s.f. minimum lot size; remainder ¼ acre minimum lot size OR  ¼-acre minimum lot size, entire rural community

  19. Density Locations  Define where densities should occur  Core area?  Corridor?

  20. Use Options  All areas – Residential uses allowed  Fronting Highway 65 and KE Road plus original townsite:  Commercial, residential & mixed use allowed  Refer to Mixed Use Commercial zoning district for permitted uses OR  Refer to B-1 zoning district for permitted uses

  21. Other Possible Standards  Maximum building size ?  Typical commercial – 2,000-2,500 s.f.  General Store – 4,500 s.f. (2 stories)  Wagon Wheel – 10,500 s.f.  Community Center – 10,000 s.f.  Parking –exemption for first 2,500 s.f. of building area?  Setbacks – 10’ min./max. 20’ fronting on Hwy 65?  Accessory buildings – 3’ side?

  22. Design Guidelines & Standards  Village of Mesa Overlay: Western style  Wood facades  Front porches  Gables  Non-reflective roofs  Mesa/Powderhorn Plan Appendix 1.A  Architecture  Lighting  Roads  Signage  Utilities  Water

  23. What is Western style?  Simple & straightforward  Provides a connection to agricultural roots  Rectangular in form  1 or 2 stories tall  Gabled or hipped roof; false fronts  Wood and stone  Porches are essential, creating an inviting appearance  Bay windows and similar features  Decorative elements are limited, not ornate, and highlight features like windows, doors and cornices

  24. Western Style

  25. Design Guidelines & Standards Outline  Intent  Mesa Design Character The intent is to ensure a  Design Theme & Style: Western continuance of  Applicability design styles  Guidelines & Standards and patterns  Circulation already found  Site Design in Mesa  Building Design  Signs

  26. Discussion What are the appropriate development standards for Mesa?  Lot size  Uniform for all of Mesa?  Density  Different for Highway 65 frontage?  Scale  KE Road?  Setbacks  Uses  Parking

  27. Discussion What are the appropriate design guidelines & standards for Mesa?  Landscaping  Building size and shape  Pedestrians & bikes  Roof design  Parking lots  Front porches, bays,  Screening dormers, etc.  Screening  Materials  Lighting  Signs  Outdoor spaces

  28. Upcoming Schedule  Tuesday, August 5, 6:30 – Draft Development Standards and Design Guidelines & Standards All information is available on-line:


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