montana educator survey

Montana Educator Survey Overview of Results Teacher survey Total - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Montana Educator Survey Overview of Results Teacher survey Total participants= 2,240 Completes= 1,340 (incomplete responses were retained; total counts do not always = total participants) Administrator (superintendent, principal) survey

  1. Montana Educator Survey Overview of Results

  2. Teacher survey Total participants= 2,240 Completes= 1,340 (incomplete responses were retained; total counts do not always = total participants)

  3. Administrator (superintendent, principal) survey participants by system locale Locale Superintendent % Superintendent Principal participants % % Principal participants Percentage of total participants % and participants by recoded and number by recoded locale number of systems by number locale category category recoded locale category City midsize 1% 4% (n=2) (n=6) Non-rural Non-rural Non-rural City small 1% 0 29.5% 46.5% 14% (n=2) Suburb-midsize 2% 1.5% (n=3) (n=2) Suburb-small 1% 1.5% (n=2) (n=2) Town-fringe .5% 0 (n=1) Town remote 24% 37% (n=37) (n=50) Rural fringe 4% 4% (n=6) Rural distant/fringe (n=5) Rural distant/fringe Rural distant/fringe 24% 15% 25% Rural distant 20% 11% (n=30) (n=30) Rural remote 46% Rural distant/fringe 37% Rural-remote Rural-remote (n=72) 46% (n=72) 37% 61% Total 155 173

  4. Teacher participants by system locale Census locale Survey % and Number Recoded locale category % Proportion of all MT teachers City midsize 5% (n=93) Non-rural Non-rural 69% 60% City small 15% (n=279) Suburb-midsize .5% (n=3) Suburb-small .5% (n=3) Town-fringe 3% (n=53) Town remote 45% (n=848) Rural fringe 3% (n=57) Rural distant/fringe Rural distant/fringe 12% 14% Rural distant 9% (n=175) Rural remote 19% Rural-remote Rural-remote (n=362) 19% 26% Total 1,873 Total number of systems represented (1 or more responses) = 189

  5. Teacher participant demographics by locale Demographic Montana Locale Rural distant/ Non- All Rural-remote fringe rural Age 2% 1% 3% 2% < 25 (n=25) (n=4) (n=5) (n=16) 21% 22% 26% 26% 25-34 (n=335) (n=69) (n=50) (n=50) 28% 27% 26% 28% 35-44 (n=433) (n=84) (n=50) (n=299) 27% 26% 25% 27% 45-54 (n=420) (n=82) (n=49) (n=289) 20% 21% 18% 21% 55-64 (n=317) (n=64) (n=36) (n=217) 2% 3% 3% 2% 65+ (n=34) (n=8) (n=5) (n=21) Gender 78% female; 20% male (2% no answer/other) Race 95% white; 2% American Indian; 2% two or more; <1% all others

  6. Teacher participant experience and education Experience and education Montana Teacher Survey (2018) All Rural-remote Rural distant/ Non- Fringe rural % with < 4 years of teaching experience 10% 12% 20% 8% (n=173) (n=41) (n=44) (n=100) % with 4-9 years of experience 24% 26% 20% 23% (n=428) (n=92) (n=45) (n=279) 19% % with 10-14 years of experience 15% 17% 20% (n=344) (n=54) (n=38) (n=252) % with 15+ years of experience 48% 47% 43% 49% (n=860) (n=600) (n=166) (n=94) % first licensed as a teacher in MT 77% 77% 80% 77% Percentage reporting current grade-levels taught (select multiple; does not = 100%) 24% PK-5 6-8 23% 9-12 33% Undergraduates 3%

  7. Teacher satisfaction and salary National Survey Percentage of teachers who (2015-16) somewhat or strongly agree Montana Teacher Survey (2018) All Non-rural Rural Rural remote All distant/fringe I am satisfied with being a 84% 86% 80% 80% 89% teacher at this school (n=1315) (n=908) (n=158) (n=249) I am satisfied with my 48% 53% 31% 37% 42% (rural*) teacher salary (n=761) (n=560) (n=62) (n=201) 46% (non-rural) I am satisfied with my 47% 47% 37% 56% NA teacher benefits package n=740 (n=492) (n=71) (n=177) Average reported salary $54,248 $45,002 $43,027 $56,000 Min-max $20,000-74,000 $25,000-70,000 $20,581-80,000

  8. Teacher perceptions of leadership support and collegiality by locale National Percentage of teachers who somewhat or Survey strongly agree: Montana Teacher Survey (2018) (2015-16) All Non-rural Rural Rural All distant/ remote fringe There is a great deal of cooperative effort 70% 72% 69% 62% 84% among staff (n=1090) (n=760) (n=135) (n=195) There is shared belief among staff about 81% 83% 81% 75% 86% the central mission of the school (n=1279) (n=884) (n=159) (n=236) Staff members are recognized for a job 62% 66% 53% 54% 72% well done (n=985) (n=692) (n=103) (n=170) My principal enforces the rules/backs me 71% 73% 66% 66% 83% up when I need it (n=1109) (n=775) (n=128) (n=206)

  9. Relationship between teacher satisfaction and perceptions of administration support/encouragement The school administration is supportive and I am generally satisfied with being a teacher at this school encouraging to staff Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly agree disagree disagree agree Supportive total Strongly disagree 26% (n=51) 27% (n=54) 38% (n=74) 8% (n=15) 12% Somewhat disagree 6% (n=14) 27% (n=66) 49% (n=120) 18% (n=44) 15% Somewhat agree 1% (n=5) 10% (n=51) 61% (n=307) 28% (n=144) 32% Strongly agree .5% (n=3) 2% (n=13) 29% (n=184) 69% (n=438) 40% Satisfied total 5% 12% 43% 40% 97 % of generally satisfied teachers somewhat or strongly agree their administration is supportive and encouraging (compared to 95% nationally)

  10. Mentoring for teachers Percentage of teachers reporting they received formal mentoring by career stage and system classification 100% 90% 80% 71% 67% 70% 58% 60% 53% 52% 51% 47% 47% 50% 45% 44% 43% 43% 42% 38% 40% 36% 33% 32% 30% 25% 23% 22% 20% 10% 0% Montana AA A B C novice career <1 year early teacher (1-3 year) veteran teacher (4+ years) total

  11. Teacher commute time to work by locale Percentage of teachers reporting driving times from home to work 2% More than 1 hour 0% 0% 11% 30m-1 hour 13% 5% 30% 10-30 minutes 48% 34% 57% Less than 10 min 39% 61% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Rural remote Rural distant/fringe Non-rural

  12. Teacher influence on school policy Percentage of teachers reporting having a moderate or great deal of influence over areas of school policy (Montana teachers compared to National Teacher Survey) 98 % 93 % 100 85 % 84 % 84 % 90 82 % 73 % 80 65% 65 % 70 60 50 42 % 40 30 20 10 0 Deciding how the school Hiring new teachers Evaluating teachers Determining content of PD Setting discipline policy budget will be spent Montana Teacher Survey (2018) National Teacher Survey (2015-16)

  13. Teacher classroom autonomy Percentage of teachers reporting having a moderate or great deal of control in their classroom (Montana teachers compared to National Teacher Survey) 120 98 % 98 % 98 % 97 % 93 % 93 % 93 % 100 85 % 84 % 84 % 84 % 81 % 73 % 80 65 % 65 % 54 % 60 40 20 0 Setting Establishing Selecting Selecting content Disciplining Selecting Determining Evaluating and performance curriculum textbooks and and skills to students teaching amount of grading students standards other teach techniques homework to instructional assign materials Montana Teacher Survey (2018) National Teacher Survey (2015-16)

  14. Teacher perceptions about serious problems at school Percentage of teachers reporting that the following issues are serious problems at their school (versus moderate, mild, no problem ) (Montana teachers compared to National Teacher Survey, 2015-16) 34% Poverty 32% 31% Student absenteeism 17% 30% Students come to class unprepared 28% 26% Lack of parental involvement 23% 19% Student tardiness 10% 10% Student class cutting 6% 10% Poor student health 7% 6% Students dropping out 4% 3% Teacher absenteeism 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Montana National

  15. Teacher perception of problems by system locale Percentage of teachers reporting that the following are moderate or serious problems at their school, by locale 63% Students come to school unprepared 72% 73% 57% Lack of parental involvement 66% 70% 56% Teacher burnout 55% 53% 56% Poverty 66% 77% 52% Student apathy 57% 61% 51% Student absenteeism 67% 77% 42% Teacher turnover 42% 21% 38% Student tardiness 61% 63% 33% Turnover in school leadership 30% 24% 29% Poor student health 39% 40% 16% Students dropping out 19% 23% 16% Teacher absenteeism 16% 17% 16% Student class cutting 23% 31% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% rural remote rural distant/fr non-rural

  16. Teacher professional learning- recent experiences Percentage and number of Montana teachers reporting “yes” they participated in 2017 -18 School/district sponsored workshops on content or instruction 67% (n=1046) Informal support from peers 59% (n=921) Common planning time with other staff 54% (n=831) Workshops by regional curriculum consortia 35% (n=542) Montana Teacher Learning Hub courses 21% (n=326) Instructional coaching 17% (n=270) MBI Summer Institute 16% (n=243) Release time to observe other teachers 15% (n=241) MEA-MFT conference 8% (n=124) MCEL 3% (n=42) MCTM annual summit 1% (n=13)

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