
MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON Menjez is located in the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON Menjez is located in the Governorate of Akkar in north Lebanon at 130 km from Beirut. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON The village lies on a hill at an altitude ranging between 300 and

  1. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Menjez is located in the Governorate of Akkar in north Lebanon at 130 km from Beirut.

  2. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The village lies on a hill at an altitude ranging between 300 and 450 m above sea level. • It overlooks the river basin of Al Naher Al Kabir ( Eletherus ) and the green valley forming the borderline with Syria.

  3. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The location of the village between two rivers has formed a natural protection and attracted different civilization to settle in the area since the Bronze Age, the Romans, and the crusaders.

  4. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The origin of Menjez name is Syriac and is derived from Ngaz or Agnez which means to garner or to hide a treasure.

  5. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The village of Menjez is the home to a number of interesting historical, archeological and religious sites.

  6. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • With 250 housing units and around 300 families, Menjez has a population of around 1,600 persons, among which 700 live permanently in the village. • The remaining 900 live in the coastal urban areas stretching from Batroun to the capital Beirut.

  7. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON The landscape of Menjez can be divided into four major areas: • Forested (distinctive laurel black forest ) • Agricultural (olives, almonds, grapes, carobs, fruit trees, beehives, and seasonal vegetables) • River basin (Important endemic species, biodiversity and natural water ponds)

  8. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Urban (traditional black stone houses, St Daniel Church, 2 monasteries, 180 pre-historic megalith tombs dating back to 5,000 years BC , roman temple dedicated to the Goddess Nemesis and dating from the first century AD, Felicium crusaders castle)

  9. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • This archeological diversity and richness gives Menjez the possibility to become an archeological park for research, education, and tourism.

  10. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • It is until 2012 that Menjez had no elected municipal council. • The main concern of the newly formed municipality is to ensure the basic needs of the community in terms of necessary infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water, and agricultural development.

  11. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • In addition to the municipality, there are two active agricultural cooperatives in Menjez, one specialized in farming in general, and another one specialized in beekeeping and honey production. • The cooperatives have been certified FLOCERT.

  12. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The main objective of menjez municipality is to achieve sustainable economic development which includes appropriate use of the village’s natural and cultural resources.

  13. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON The municipality considers that: (1) the well preserved rural aspect of Menjez, (2) its rich cultural and natural resources, (3) its unique tangible and intangible heritage, and (4) the importance of fair trade and tourism in rural development.

  14. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The municipality is deploying important efforts to implement different sustainable development projects in the village pertaining to different sectors, including : energy, agriculture, environmental management, and tourism, for which a local committee was formed.

  15. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • All Menjez involved in Fair trade movement • Participation in world fair trade day every year • May 9 2013 • EU- AFKAR III Fair trade towns in Lebanon • Visit to Bristol and Garstang

  16. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Menjez became also the first Fair Trade village in Lebanon working under the charter of the Fair Trade town’s network developed by the association Fair Trade Lebanon

  17. Charter of Lebanese Fair Trade Towns - The municipality signs a declaration of agreement to support Fair Trade and achieve Fair Trade Town status; - Increase the awareness and knowledge about fair trade in the community with the eventual aim of increasing the sales of fair trade and local produce in the community; - Encourage local businesses, institutions and producers to work in compliance with ethical fair trade criteria; - Organize an annual event with the theme of fair trade in the town to which media will be invited - Form a Fair Trade committee in the town; - Support local producers and help them to integrate into the fair trade network in Lebanon and elsewhere; - Work on the respect and protection of the environment and the tangible and intangible heritage.

  18. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • In this context Fair Trade Lebanon and the Municipality and agricultural cooperatives of Menjez signed a “Development Agreement” to develop fair trade and contribute to the socio-economic development of Menjez.

  19. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • New organic agricultural types are prospering all over the village, particularly tomato, chili pepper, sweet pepper, pumpkins, ... • Now Fair trade Lebanon constituting one of the main sources of local income and local employment.

  20. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON Agricultural development on different value chain including: • Olives (table olives and olive oil), • Almonds, • Table grapes (production of Arak), • Carobs (production of molasses), • Honey • Seasonal vegetables, • Avocado plantation is being introduced to the village. • It worth mentioning that Menjez has one of the biggest organic farms in Akkar

  21. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • In sepember 19 2014 the municipality of Menjez signed the international covenant of mayors and committed to reduce its CO2 emission by 25% by the end of 2020. • SEAP : Sustainable Energy Action Plan. • Visit to Napoli in Italy with EU mission for sustainable information exchange. • Only city in Lebanon signed and submitted SEAP.


  23. Installation of 37 solar lamps in the main roads of the village

  24. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Installation of a Solar energy plant

  25. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Reforestation and sustainable laurel black forest management project and action plan.

  26. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • EU - Forestry Action in Lebanon • Agro-forestry development • 9000 trees are planted in Menjez in 2015

  27. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Rural tourism strategy and action plan with USAID • Archeological research and mapping

  28. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • The community tourism map developed by the municipality in 2014 with the support of the American University Nature Conservation Center

  29. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Modernization of the drinking water system with consumption monitoring financed by the embassy of Japan.

  30. MENJEZ FIRST FAIR TRADE TOWN IN LEBANON • Agricultural roads • Water pond (Rain water 50,000 m³ ) • Agricultural irrigation modernization

  31. Menjez irrigation modernisation

  32. Integration of our rural Menjez fair trade in the local, regional, national, and international levels : • Municipality of Menjez • Relevant lebanese ministries • Local community of Menjez and other public institutions (individuals) • National organizations (i.e. • Cooperatives Fair trade Lebanon) • Fair trade dialogue platform • Small businesses • Fair trade and tourism • St Francis Monastery & School businesses • Saydet El Qalaa Monastery • Donors and financing • Middle and upper Akkar region agencies • Surrounding municipalities • Sponsors and private sector (union of municipalities) • Universities • Local communities of the • Clubs and e-fair trade region • Exchange and twining • Regional organizations programs • Regional businesses • International NGOs and Fair Trade Movement


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