mehlville high school college career options

Mehlville High School College & Career Options Informational - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mehlville High School College & Career Options Informational Night - February 9, 2017 Various College Credit Opportunities (See detailed descriptions in the Career & Course Planning Guide) Dual Enrollment (pg.10) = Students may choose

  1. Mehlville High School College & Career Options Informational Night - February 9, 2017

  2. Various College Credit Opportunities (See detailed descriptions in the Career & Course Planning Guide) Dual Enrollment (pg.10) = Students may choose to enroll in an accredited college and pay the college to take a chosen course. Students must meet with a school counselor to fill out the appropriate paperwork and verify they meet the college requirements. These courses can be taken online or on the college campus. Students ONLY receive college credit. Dual Credit (pgs.10-11) = Students earn both high school and college credit for a courses taught by MHS teachers. Students must meet the eligibility requirements determined by the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education. Payment is made to each university per the university’s dual credit costs and deadlines.

  3. Various College Credit Opportunities (continued) Advanced Placement (pg.11) = AP courses are high school courses taught at the college-level. The College Board offers AP examinations in May to access the student’s knowledge of the curriculum. Students sign up and pay for the exams in advance. Based on their exam scores, students may qualify for college credit. Articulated Credit (pg.12) = Awarded for free or low cost once you are enrolled at Saint Louis Community College. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) (pg.12) = Biomedical, Computer Science, and Engineering courses are eligible for college credit at specific colleges based on successful completion of exam scores (usually credits do not transfer to other schools). There are some colleges that do allow students to transfer those credits so it is the student’s responsibility to check with each admissions office regarding transferability. (

  4. New Opportunities for 2017-18 My Path gives seniors the opportunity to design personalized electives in their potential career fields not currently offered by the district. Students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA, a cumulative minimum 90% attendance rate, be on track for graduation and maintain a record of good citizenship. Students must apply and those selected will be assigned a mentor teacher to supervise their independent experiences. The application (available next week) will include the course proposal. College Now gives juniors and seniors the opportunity to take Dual Enrollment courses at Saint Louis Community College which count toward the Associate in Arts Degree in General Transfer Studies. Courses will be offered to match the Mehlville Schedule for students who are eligible to take courses during the school day. Courses will also be offered right after school (from 3:00-6:00) and will include online options. Julie Loyet and Amanda Bair are here tonight from STLCC to provide more information and answer questions.

  5. Additional Half Day Opportunities South Technical High School (pg.104) = Provides students with Career ant Technical Education (CTE) opportunities which prepare them for continuing education and the workforce. Some of these also include college credit and/or career certifications. Students must apply at Career Prep Certificates from Saint Louis Community College (still in preliminary stages) = Students will take courses at the South County Education Center in two potential areas: Medical Billing & Coding or Computer Forensics STL CAPS = Guest Speaker, Dr. Travis Bracht

  6. Reasons students take these types of courses. Are these valid for everyone? 1. To have classes with friends 2. Because they like the teacher 3. Be challenged with rigorous courses 4. Get a head start on college credits 5. Save money for college 6. Weighted GPA points 7. Bump in Class Rank

  7. Finding Balance between Rigor & Relevance *Students should choose courses that challenge them, will prepare them for the future, and in which they can be successful. *Students need to evaluate the time each course will take outside of school and develop a plan for time management. If there will not be a realistic amount of time for studying, students need to prioritize which advanced courses will be most beneficial for them (whether that be courses in their potential major or courses they can finish prior to college).

  8. High School Schedule vs. College Schedule

  9. Comparing AP to Dual Credit Dual Credit Advanced Placement Run by College Board Company- Part-time college student--can contact no college affiliation the University’s Dual Credit Office Successful completion of course Successful completion of the course may earn college credit, depending earns college credit at given university on AP exam score and university and may also transfer to other standards. universities. Test Cost = approximately $95 per Cost per Credit Hour = approximately test (Cheaper than cost per 1 credit $65 (Compared to cost per credit hour hour at most colleges) at STLCC=$103 or SLU=$1,125)

  10. Various Colleges = Various Guidelines *Pay attention to all enrollment procedures, drop deadlines, and payment schedules. Regularly check the MHS Counseling Center Website and each university’s dual credit website

  11. Is There a Limit on Courses? * Or is there a maximum number of credits each student can earn? The Mehlville School District allows students to take as many courses as they believe they can successfully complete. Here are the limits given by the NACEP accredited Dual Credit programs we partner with: SLU=22 credits maximum total per year MBU & UMSL = 18 credits maximum per semester

  12. Which Credits will Transfer? *For AP, Dual Credit, & Dual Enrollment courses, students should check the websites of their potential colleges before signing up to verify the transferability of credits. *If you cannot locate the information on the college’s website, contact the admissions office via phone or email. *Missouri Department of Higher Education Transfer Course Library *Another resource is *Pay attention as to whether the credits transfer to the same department and for the same amount. (ex. you want 3 English Credits to transfer as 3 English Credits but you find out they only transfer as 1 Elective Credit)

  13. Be Aware of How Grades Are Transferred *Ask each potential college if transfer grades are included in the student’s GPA and if they affect Freshmen Scholarships. *Send transcripts from Dual Credit courses after all courses are complete.

  14. Expectations in All These Courses for Positive Outcomes: Students will . . . meet course prerequisites and get required Course Request signatures. ● commit to the yearlong course (business/marketing classes are semester) ● complete summer assignments (attend summer study sessions when ● offered) allow for one hour per night minimum of homework per AP/DC Course ● complete homework and projects by given deadlines ● be actively engaged and/or participate in class activities/discussions ● communicate regularly with their teachers and parents/guardians ● regarding their progress in the course.

  15. Questions? Representatives are available to answer questions tonight: Dr. Swanger/Mr. Landherr/Mr. Ruzicka/Mr. Ross - MHS Administration (table in lobby) Ms. Amanda Bair/Ms. Julie Loyet - Saint Louis Community College (table in lobby) Mr. Travis Bracht - STL CAPS (table in lobby) Mrs. Neighbors/Mrs. Van Der Tuin - MHS Counseling Department (on stage) Mr. Arbini -AP Statistics & Math Department Co-Chair Mrs. Clark - Pro-Start Culinary Arts Dual Credit w/MSU & FACS Department Chair Mrs. Dodd -AP Psychology, AP Government, & Social Studies Department Mrs. Eilerman -College Composition Dual Credit w/SLU & w/UMSL & English Department Mrs. Fritz - AP Chemistry & Science Department Representative

  16. THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING Feel free to contact us with questions in the future as well. 314-467-6000 Denise Swanger, Head Principal Beth Neighbors, College & Career Counselor

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