mee meeting ting age agenda nda

Mee Meeting ting Age Agenda nda Fruit Logistica Facts & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mee Meeting ting Age Agenda nda Fruit Logistica Facts & Figures Egyptian Exhibitors Egyptian Pavilion Location Egyptian Pavilion Design & Components Marketing support activities Exhibition Address & Shipping

  1. Mee Meeting ting Age Agenda nda ▪ Fruit Logistica Facts & Figures ▪ Egyptian Exhibitors ▪ Egyptian Pavilion Location ▪ Egyptian Pavilion Design & Components ▪ Marketing support activities ▪ Exhibition Address & Shipping Companies ▪ Rules & Regulations ▪ Toss

  2. Facts Fa cts & Fi & Figure gures ▪ Location: Messe Berlin, Germany ▪ Date: 5 – 7 February 2020 ▪ Overall area: 137.504 m² ▪ Total No. of Exhibitors @2019: +3.276 companies from 90 countries ▪ No. of Trade Visitors @2019: +78.269 buyers & traders from 135 countries, No. of Foreign Trade Visitors 85% increase ▪ Egyptian Exhibitors @FLB ’ 19: 70 Exhibitors ▪ Total No of the Egyptian Exhibitors @FLB ’ 20: 78 Exhibitors ▪ Total space of the Egyptian Pavilion @FLB ’ 20 : 1,370 Sqm ▪ Opening Hours daily from: 9:00 till 18:00 ▪ Friday from: 9.00 till 16.00 Source:

  3. Exhibitors Ex hibitors List st Daltex Agriculture SONAC Group. "Societe Nationale Du Commerce" Daltex Golden Nile SONAC FOR Export Daltex California Al Dahra Agriculture The Egyptian Company For Land Reclamation (Belco) Al Dahra Trading Egypt Egyptian company for - BELCO Navigator for Agriculture Investment Dakahlia Agricultural Development BLUE NILE ORGANIC Dakahlia Wadi el Natrun EL BOSTANIA FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CO. Mafa for Trade Ltd Modern Agriculuture Group "PICO" MAFA Organic for Trade & Export Pasco Agroland for Agricultural Manufacturing International Co. For Trade & Distribution Mediterranean Agriculture Products Co. "MAPCO" Cairo for Import & Export ( Gaber Mowiena 7 Co.) Green Egypt for Agricultural Investment (Agreen) Fruit Valley Fro Agricultural Investment PET Farm Fruits Fro Agricultural Investment Egyptian Agriculture Services and Trade Co. "EGAST" Agrofood group EGAST for Agricultural Development BioAgri Egast Fresh Green Produce Nile Esablishment Green Egypt Nivex Group Fayed Horticulture Export Co. Ltd. (FayedEx) Bio Agri for investement El Kekhia Plastic – El Kekhia Accessories

  4. Ex Exhibitors hibitors List st Abd El Wahab Sons Company Cairo 3A For Agricultural & Animal Production El Roda Co. for Agricultural Development. S.A.E Pyramids for Agro Industries Green Master for Export & Emport - Mohamed Hassan Agrostar - Egyptian Fruit Export Abdullah Gouda Agro Alex for Import & Export Grand Egypt Agro For Import &Export EGCT For Agricultural Products Elbostan for reconstruction and agricultural development Food Alliance For Exporting Agricultural Crops Queen Trading Co. ( Queen Fresh Produce) Hegazy Sons for Land Reclamation & Cultivation Egyptian Growers Organization for Agricultural Development Middle East for Agriculture Development S.A.E The International Co. For Food Industry, Fruttella El Teriak For Agricultural Development Nubaria Agriculture Development Company Itamco - Ghabbor Farms Extra Global El Wadi Export Co. for Agricultural Products Finbi for Land Reclamation & Agriculture Development Elwadi International Trade Co.

  5. Ex Exhibit hibitor ors s List st Pharaonic Bioherb Nahdit Misr Co. El Saad Fruit foe Import & Export Dehydro Foods Co. S.A.E ALZAHRAA FOR EXPORT OF LAND PRODUCTS Green Tiba for Agricultral Investment Green way Al Hossam for Export & Import (EGYPRO) Linah for Import & Export Rula farm Houd Elnile for Investment and agricultural development. Evagro Desert Reclamation and Animal Wealth Nour Misr for Export and Import El Taybat For Agricultural projects Nimos Engineering & Agricultral Development Co. Nilos Foods OROYAL EBC Trading island

  6. Eg Egyptian yptian Pav avilion ilion Location cation

  7. Eg Egyptian yptian Pav avilion ilion Location cation Hall 2.1

  8. Eg Egyptian yptian Pa Pavi vilion lion De Desi sign

  9. Eg Egyptian yptian Pa Pavi vilion lion De Desi sign

  10. Eg Egyptian yptian Pa Pavi vilion lion De Desi sign

  11. Eg Egyptian yptian Pa Pavi vilion lion De Desi sign

  12. Eg Egyptian yptian Pa Pavi vilion lion De Desi sign

  13. Bo Booth th Co Comp mponent nents Sing ngle e Stan and ▪ 1 table. ▪ 4 chairs. ▪ Showcase. ▪ Lockable cupboard. ▪ Brochure holder. ▪ 1 Poster ▪ Backwall boxes ▪ Electricity socket & 24 hr. electricity (if needed)

  14. Ma Marke keting ing Sup uppo port rt Ac Activit vities ies Collective Catalogue ▪ Outdoor Banners ▪ Indoor Banners ▪ Promotional Materials & Giveaways ▪

  15. Marketing Activities Branding @ Fairground

  16. Me Mega ga-Banner Banner @ IC ICC C Bri ridg dge e No Nort rth

  17. Entrance South Indoors

  18. Sout uth h Ent ntrance rance Ent ntranc rance e Le Level vel

  19. So Sout uth h Ent ntrance rance Mi Midd ddle le Foyer r of Halls lls 1.1 .1/2.1 2.1

  20. Exhibition Ex hibition Ad Address dress MESSE BERLIN, Messedamm 22 14055 Berlin, Germany Tel: +493023262327 Email: Hall 2.1 Stand No .....

  21. Rec ecomme ommend nded ed Sh Ship ippi ping ng Com ompanies panies 1. Overseas Company Note : please make sure that you Ms. Dalia Samir / Ms. Hend Elgohary have to deliver your goods at the Mobile: D: +201015423575 / H: +20106545658/9 stand (door to door service) Email: 2. Agiliy Mr. Wael Tag / Mr. Mohab Mobile: W: +201097777062/+201116666815 / M: Mohab: +201096872226 Email:; 3. Schenker Mr. Amr Omarn / Mr. Tarek Khidr / Mr. Shady Sherif Mobile: A: +201100995330 / T:+201002122175 / S: +201206944407 Email:;;

  22. Rules & Regulations ▪ Abide by the EDA / AEC Rules ▪ Cost share to be paid in full ▪ Letter Of Commitment ▪ Evaluation report (to be submitted on the last day of the exhibition)

  23. Ba Badg dges You will receive the codes for printing out your ▪ exhibitor passes for FLB ’ 20 (2 passes for each stand) To see a detailed instruction please take a look ▪ here: https://www.mb-capital- To redeem these codes please visit: www.fl- ▪

  24. Stan and Num d Numbe bers ▪ Please make sure that your stand number is updated on the VIRTUAL MARKET PLACE using your username & password. Fr Free e WiFi Fi

  25. Eg Egyptian yptian Pav avilion ilion Location cation Hall 2.1

  26. Ex Exhibitor hibitor St Stand and Nu Numbe mber Hall 2.1 Company Name Stand No Company Name Stand No Abd El Wahab Sons B-04A BLUE NILE / EL BOSTANIA B-04H Agreen B-03C Cairo 3A A-04E Agro Alex A-01A Dakahlia A-02D Agrofood B-03A Daltex B-01A Agroland / ICTD & Cairo for Import & Export A-02E Dehydro A-07B Agrostar A-07F EBC B-04F Al Dahra B-01B EGAST C-02A Al Hossam (EGYPRO) A-02C EGCT A-06C ALZAHRAA A-07D Egyptian Growers A-06B BELCO A-03A El Kekhia A-07I

  27. Exhibitor Ex hibitor St Stand and Nu Numbe mber Hall 2.1 Company Name Stand No Company Name Stand No El Roda A-08E Finbi A-04C El Saad Fruit A-07E Food Alliance A-07C El Taybat A-08C Fruttella B-02B El Teriak B-04E Ghabbor A-07H El Wadi Export / Elwadi Inter. B-02E Gouda A-07A Elbostan A-02B Grand Egypt A-05B Engineering & Agricultral Development Co. A-05A Green Egypt B-02A Evagro A-04D Green Tiba A-04H Extra Global A-01B Green way B-01C FayedEx A-02A Hegazy Sons B-04B

  28. Exhibitor Ex hibitor St Stand and Nu Numbe mber Hall 2.1 Company Name Stand No Company Name Stand No Houd Elnile A-08F Nubaria B-03B Linah A-08B OROYAL B-04D MAFA A-06A PET A-04A MAPCO B-02D Pharaonic A-08A Middle East for Agri. A-04B PICO C-02B Nahdit Misr A-03B Pyramids A-05C Nile Esablishment A-05D Queen Trading A-03C Nilos Foods B-04C Rula farm B-02C Nivex B-03D SONAC A-06D Nour Misr A-01C Trading island A-04F INFO A-08D / A-08H

  29. Ma Marke rketing ting Tools ols index.jsp

  30. Than ank You

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