PUBLIC 公開 Me Mental Mo Mode dels an and ADA DAS: A Summa mmary of CS CSRC RC Hu Huma man-Center ered ed Resea Re earch ch an and d De Developme ment Activities John K. Lenneman, Ph.D. Collaborative Safety Research Center Human-Technology Integration Febr bruar ary 2 27, 7, 2 201 019
PUBLIC 公開 Our ur E End nd Goal oal Saf afety i is #1 #1 goal goal – an an appr appropriat ate m ment ental al model odel fac acilitat ates s saf afe behav behavior or/respo pons nse/int nteraction on Not understanding how these products work can have disastrous consequences
PUBLIC 公開 Our ur E End nd Goal oal “Unde nderstand nding” ng” is not not the he end end goal goal O Outcome bas based ed appr approa oach
PUBLIC 公開 Overal all P Proj oject ct G Goal oals With regard to ADAS/ADS technologies: What are the nature of, and variants of drivers’ mental models? How are drivers’ mental models formed? How do drivers’ mental models change over time? What are the sources of change? Specific events that occur while driving Exposure to other sources of information (vehicle manual, service people, friends, Internet, ads, etc.)
PUBLIC 公開 Ant ntici cipat pated O ed Out utcom comes es Taxonomy of drivers’ mental models Indicates the most important dimensions or aspects of users’ MM that can be used to characterize and classify them. The taxonomy may help to explain differences between drivers’ behavior and changes in their behavior over time. Description of the information and experiences that influence formation of drivers’ mental models. Description of the information and experiences that influence changes in drivers’ mental models over time. Links between drivers’ mental models and specific behaviors
PUBLIC 公開 Thr hree ee Phas hases Subjective/qualitative research Objective/behavioral research 12 12
PUBLIC 公開 On On-road D oad Driver ver Behav ehavior or S Study udy Methods 12 vehicle owners: 8 purchased in the last month; 4 with no restriction. Target vehicles that have Toyota Safety Sense or Lexus Safety System+ 8 recruited. Target completion August 2019 Corolla RAV4 Camry LS
PUBLIC 公開 On On-road D oad Driver ver Behav ehavior or S Study: udy: Met Methods hods
PUBLIC 公開 Appl pplicat cation on Scouting System design Consumer education Ideally, we design technology so consumer education is not needed. Research findings Proof-of-concepts/demonstrations
PUBLIC 公開 Bey eyond H ond Human F uman Fac actor ors Promote the use of advanced statistical techniques and leverage methods in machine learning. + ANNOYANCE MODEL
PUBLIC 公開 Bey eyond H ond Human F uman Fac actor ors
PUBLIC 公開 Be Behav haviou oura ral Ad Adap aptat ation on Mod odel el to Lane ane Depar partur ure Wa Warn rning ngs Rudin-Brown & Noy, 2002
PUBLIC 公開 Human uman-Technol chnolog ogy I y Int ntegr egrat ation G on Grou oup T p Topi opics Infrastructure Driver State Mixed Automation Human-in-the- Detection Levels Loop Licensing/Education Driving Road User Interaction Personalization & Behavior/Culture Experience
PUBLIC 公開 Human uman-Technol chnolog ogy I y Int ntegr egrat ation G on Grou oup T p Topi opics ACCEPTANCE TRUST & Infrastructure Driver State Mixed Automation Human-in-the- Detection Levels Loop Licensing/Education Driving Road User Interaction Personalization & Behavior/Culture Experience
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