proj oject ct summa mmary 2017 2017 janu nuary the he b

Proj oject ct Summa mmary 2017 2017 Janu nuary THE HE B - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proj oject ct Summa mmary 2017 2017 Janu nuary THE HE B BIRTH OF OF T THE HE C COM OMPANY Diamo mond Te Temple is is the he first co company in in the he world ld to us use the he power of buying gr groups fo for inv

  1. Proj oject ct Summa mmary 2017 2017 Janu nuary

  2. THE HE B BIRTH OF OF T THE HE C COM OMPANY Diamo mond Te Temple is is the he first co company in in the he world ld to us use the he power of buying gr groups fo for inv nvestment nt in in the he diamo mond industry. It ha It has created ted a a system tem by which ch yo you ca can buy buy certi tificates tes and blister tered diamonds fo for inv nvestment nt at ex extrem emely favorable le terms ms thro rough the e formatio ion of independent buy buying gr groups. In n thi his way ay yo you ca can t take advantage of a lega gal and mathematic ically lly sustai ainab able earnin ings gs system by which ch each ch of us us ca can hav ave an n extra ra inco come. Diamond Te Temple, , presented in n July ly 2016, 2016, and started with t the e activities es in n Septem tember 2016, 2016, already ha has thousands of custo tomer ers in 13 13 countrie ies. Havin Ha ing the e opportunit ity to acquire diamo monds on co conce cessi ssional terms ms makes it it possib ible le to crea eate a e a virtual curre rency whose va value is is supported by a y a guarantee tee. Unlike many ny co companies that at hav ave sta tarted ted thei eir pat ath from the he issuan ance ce of a virtua ual currency and nd then en run un to the fra rantic se search ch fo for a sy syst stem to to crea eate te a counter ter, which makes expendable and therefore credib ible le cu currency cy, Diamon ond Te Temple has chosen th the op oppos osite ro route: it created ted firs rst th the necessary conditions to guara rantee the he nomina nal value of of its vi virtual cur urrenc ncy and has used the he partnership arrangemen ents ts nec eces essary fo for immediate marketabilit ility both onli line and in in physic ical stores es

  3. DT C COIN OIN Thank nks to to the he ag agreem emen ent wi with a majo jor softwa ware re company, y, which owns Ser erver er Fa Farms in in Duba bai an and Ea Eastern Eu Europe makes it it possib ible le to crea to eate te an algor gorithm fo for the he is issue an and mining its own vi virtual curre rency, and nd the cre reation of of a blockch chain and fin inally lly an exch change platfor orm open to op to th the public; tha hank nks to to th the company ny's will ill to to inv nvest in in diamonds to to be be made de subje ject to ensure value to to its vi virtual curre rency; Fin inall lly, thank nks to to impor ortant neg egotiations wi with Londoners Funds inter eres ested ed to to inter erven ene to to achiev eve ag agreed eed business obje jectives es of gro rowth in in corpora rate capital throu ough gh the purchase of of qualif lifyin ing holding, Diamon ond Te Temple wa wants today ay to to start th the process of of launching on on the he market th theDT eDT CO COIN, insert a ow own virtual curre rency that at already dur during the he sta tart-up and nd pre re-emis ission provides certain guara rantees of concrete ete supp upport. Althou ough gh not at this is stage ge we we ar are a a re real cryptovaluta ta dec ecen entral alized and nd o ope pen s sour urce, a and nd unlik like others rs in n the he industry that at are re not yet in a posit ye ition t to offe fer equal guara rantees, t the D e DT COIN, ev even en befo fore he he was born, , that at will ll ta take e its ts first walk from Jan January 22, 22, 2017 2017 through the e issu ssuance of 10 10 bil illio ion coins re ready t to mining, ( , (in initiall lly cen entral alized then en ex exte ternalized ed throu ough gh open en source s e software) e) with a a nomin inal va value of 0.05 E 0. 05 Euro launch, , it it aims ms to make the e correct pat ath to be rec ecognized ed as as a a re real currencyin the e near future. e.

  4. TRIP IPLE B BOOST TO T O THE D HE DT C COIN OIN R REV EVALUATIO ION Unlik like other er projec jects tha hat se see th the em emergen ence of of virtua ual curren encies es whos ose va value will ill be incr creas ased sole lely ly by demand law aw / dem emand of the he market, et, the he DT CO COIN want nt to sta tart with an an important momen entu tum since launch fo for its ts rev eval aluation. It It uses es a a pus push trip iple le system tem adopted by t the c company D Diamond Te Temple that at will ll see ee the e mone ney sta tart t a growth pat ath starting ng from Jan January 22 ( 22 (actual al star art t time t e to the e issu ssue and launch pre re-cen entral alized). ). Th This route is is fo for al all those who ho inte terven ene in t n the he process of prepar arat ation fo for mining: 1) Intrin 1) insic ic Reassessment of guarantee teeing data diamonds: diamo mond, a , a safe fe hav aven fo for excel ellen ence, is is reev evaluated ted constantly ly for o over 25 25 years rs on averag av age bet etwee een 4% and nd 6%; the he f ful ull apprec eciati tion of th f the precio ious ge gem is is inten tended ed to incr crease se the e va value of curren encies es in n mining; 2) Revalu 2) luatio ion of busin iness: a a percentag age of c corporate profit its from D Diamond Te Temple is is dedicat ated to further er growth in n mining of coins, w with th th the system tem direc ectly proportio ional to t the e amount nt of optioned coin ins from thei eir custo tomer ers thro rough the e pur purchase of Hardware P Pack, or t the enterpris ise server er portio ions Diamond Te Temple that at will ll employ fo for mining; 3) Exch change Platform: p public c exchange platfo form activat ated dur during 2017, 2017, where re ev ever eryone will ll be be able le to give ve in a and buy DT C COIN w with other er private te users rs to t the e va value in n euro ros at th the ti time o of f th the exchange.

  5. WHAT I T IT MEANS T NS TO I INVEST I IN ST STAR ART U T UP FASE ASE Just a Bi Bit Coin ha has taught ht us us the he importance of belie lievin ing in in the he birth of a new ew virtual al currency since its ts first momen ents of li life: introduced in 2009 2009 without any counter-guara rantee and nd m market it it, when en it it ca came to l light the e first t time, t the e Bit C Coin ha has increa eased ed its ts va value by 85, 85,000 000 times es in j n jus ust seven en years rs; this is means ns, f for so some, hav aving turne ned a single gle dolla lar in over $ $ 85, 85,000 i 000 in 7 7 years rs. . A unique phenom omenon on? Pr Probab ably we we hav ave no ambit itio ion to e emulate te hi him .... Howeve ver al also an n incr crease se of 1000 1000 time mes low ower than the he Bi Bit Co Coin would ld already be be a good result lt. While not wishing to provide, fo Wh for ethics cs and fa fairness, a , a result lt of mathem ematical cer ertai ainty, , that at only time e will ll perhaps ps give ve, , it' t's jus ust s stop a p and nd linger in li n distinctive elem emen ents that at now ow offe fers the D e DT COIN.

  6. BUY Y Y YOU OUR HA HARDWARE P PACK With the Wi he Hard rdware re Pa Pack, ev everyo yone become mes pa part of of a buying gr grou oup with th whi hich Diam amond Te Temple acquires property in in Dub ubai ser erver er lease se, pro rata, fo for 12 12 mont nths hs, subscribers Hardware Pack ck . Wi With h the Pack H k Hardwar are subscrip iptio ion yo you ge get th the opti tion o of f a spec ecified ed qua quantity of DT C COIN IN that at will ll be be mined ed from January 22, 22, 2017, 2017, w with a a cen entral alized mining process. The co Th coin ex extracti tion will ll be be do done ne by its ts ow own Miner with H HSM M technolo logy in the 12 12 mont nths hs of origin ginal algorit ithm. Th The Miner will ll extra ract on behal alf of th f the subscrib iber the e amount nt of coins optio ioned with t the H Hardware P Pack ck. . The num Th number of DTCOIN IN mined ed from thei eir Miner ca can b be viewe wed by accessin ing the e reserve ved area o ea on the e web ebsite D e Diam amond Te Temple. Regis gister as as DTCOIN P PROMOTER ER t to the s site w www.diamond-tem ( (ask yo your sponsor c code to t the person who ho introduced yo you to Diamond Te Temple) to ) to receive ve yo your custo tomer er num number. Obtained the e custo tomer er num number, i in n the he address yo you indicat ated dur during the e regis gistratio ion process, , yo you ca can l log in using the c e code e as as a a user er and p password o of yo you choose to acce ccess ss the o e online e store where yo you ca can choose one or more H Hardware P Pack amon ong those proposed, taking into ta to account al also the e pre re-lau aunch active ve Bonus. The pre Th re-lau aunch bonuses are ver ery importa tant as as they ey will ll give ve yo you a chance ce t to hav ave a a grea eater er number of DTCOIN IN minable and therefore a a greater ter ga gain already at thei eir launch. . We We invite yo you to choose the H e Hardware P e Pac ack k according to yo your re real needs and possib ibil ilit itie ies. NB: : the e purch chase se of a a H Hardware Pack should ld never er be be confused with a an investmen ent


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