McDevitt2023 Bishop McDevitt High School Strategic Plan 2018-2023
T HE B ISHOP M C D EVITT P ILLARS Ø C ATHOLIC I DENTITY Ø D IVERSITY • authentic, lived, valued Ø C OMMUNITY • small, supportive, family Ø I NDIVIDUALITY celebrated, encouraged, nurtured Ø O PPORTUNITY • many, varied, accessible
O UR N ORTH S TAR Bishop McDevitt High School is an empowering learning environment where every student is provided a path to become the best version of their God-given self.
S CRIPTURAL F OUNDATION : G EN 1:26-27 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created Mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
K EY S TRATEGIES The 21 st Century School at McDevitt 1. 60 th Anniversary Campaign 2. 3. Teacher SAT Collaboration Project 4. Summer Prep Programming for Incoming Freshmen
C HARACTERISTICS OF A 21 ST C ENTURY S CHOOL v Emphasis on T ECHNOLOGY Skills that are relevant, useful, & in-need v G LOBAL Perspective v Integrated in & with C OMMUNITY Partners v P ROJECT B ASED L EARNING (PBL): Team-Work / Collaboration v P ROBLEM -S OLVING as Foundational
W HAT M AKES A 21 ST C ENTURY C OURSE ? v Project-Based (hands on learning) v Collaborative (teamwork emphasized) v Problem-Solving (drives syllabus) v Career Skills (relevant) v Entrepreneurial (applicable) v Certifications Awarded (when available)
21 ST C ENTURY G RADUATE D ESIGNATION REQUIREMENTS : 1. Frosh Boot Camp 2. Tech Course 3. Global POV Course 4. At least one (1) 21st Century Elective 5. Capstone Course 6. Completed Internship w/ Community Partner 7. Minimum 85 Avg. in all 21st Century Coursework
G OALS 1. Better Student Learning Experiences 2. Better Graduates 3. Increased Enrollment 4. Increased Development $ ü Concrete Investment Opp for Alumni ü Grant $ Readily Available ü Future-Focused ü 60th Anniversary Campaign
A REAS OF F OCUS I. Facilities II. Finances III. Academics IV. Culture V. Community
SMART G OALS F ACILITIES • Remove 100% of unused and/or unnecessary items from school building by end of 2018 • Reorganize offices, classrooms, and storage facilities to improve opportunities for students and maximize use of available space in building by end of 2018 • Create three 21 st Century Classrooms by close of 2022-2023 School Year • Renovate: o Library (by January of 2020) o TV Studio (by August of 2020) • Create master plan (including stages + pricing) for renovating Cafeteria by April 2019 • Acquire new technology to accomplish the following: o Build a new MacLab (15 new MacBooks) by August 2018 o Equip all McDevitt students w/ a Google Chromebook by start of 2021-2022 School Year o Adobe Suite Licenses for one full class by August 2018
SMART G OALS F INANCES • Increase EITC/OSTC dollars to $750k/year by FY2022-2023 • Reach 100% of McDevitt Community with educational programs + materials related to EITC/OSTC (Email + DM + SM + Quarterly Public Forums) by December 2019 • Raise $250k to support the development and implementation of the 21 st Century School at McDevitt by December 2019 • Raise $250k to support scholarships for 21 st Century School students at McDevitt by December 2019 • Maintain our current yearly growth in Development dollars raised (currently $600k+) apart from the funds raised through the 60 th Anniversary Campaign and our planned EITC/OSTC growth
SMART G OALS A CADEMICS • 25% of all incoming Freshmen will receive at least 2 weeks of remediation in both Math and English prior to the start of the school year. Starting w/Class of 2022 • 100% of all incoming Freshmen will attend seminar on study skills + learning expectations starting with Class of 2022 • Weekly remediation opportunities for all McDevitt students in the bottom 25% of their class starting Fall of 2018-2019 School Year • 100% of Student-Athletes will receive at least 3 hours/week of in-season tutoring starting Fall of 2018-2019 School Year • Introduction of at least 10 new electives into the curriculum by 2022-2023 School Year • Dual-enrollment opportunities will be added at 2 new university/college partners by start of 2020-2021 School Year • Reduction of student-teacher ratio by 25% by start of 2022-2023 academic year • Raise total SAT scores for McDevitt Juniors 100 points by December 2022
SMART G OALS C ULTURE • 100% of incoming Freshmen to participate in two culture-building programs prior to and during their first year, including the Frosh Boot Camp and Freshman Retreat starting with the Class of 2022 • The McDevitt Student Body will complete over 10,000 community service hours per year starting Fall of 2018-2019 School Year • Each McDevitt Student will complete at least 100 hours of community service prior to graduation (25 hrs/yr) starting Fall of 2018-2019 School Year • 50% Increase in Parental Involvement in student events, activities, and school support by start of 2019-2020 School Year • 80% of all McDevitt Parents will complete at least 10 hours of service to McDevitt each year starting Fall of 2020-2021 School Year • Student-Lead Campus Ministry Team will be established and commissioned to monitor and support the spiritual health of McDevitt Community
SMART G OALS C OMMUNITY • Establish MOUs with at least 20 local community organizations to host McDevitt student internships by start of 2020-2021 School Year • Establish MOA with at least 2 additional local colleges/universities for dual-enrollment opportunities for McDevitt students by start of 2020-2021 School Year • Host a yearly community forum with community partners and officials to share concerns, address questions, and problem- solve – beginning in 2019. • Increase number of Community Service Partners to 50 by start of 2019-2020 School Year
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