Tioga Truck Drayage Metrics Frank Harder The Tioga Group, Inc. AAPA/EDF Environmental Performance Metrics Workshop October 10, 2012 www.tiogagroup.com/215-557-2142
Key Questions and Answers Tioga Key questions • Where are the drayage bottlenecks and delays? • How do we measure them? • How do we evaluate solutions? Answers • Congestion and exceptions cause most delays • The bottlenecks are in the terminal gate , container yard , and chassis pool • Terminal, trucker, and wencam data provide metrics • EPA’s SmartWay DrayFLEET model is the key evaluation tool 2
Example – Hooking Up a Chassis Tioga Hooking Up Chassis - Current Can we save an Minutes Frequency Minimal time 7 10% average of 2.4 Planned Time 10 45% minutes? Congested Time 30 40% Exception Time 90 5% Weighted Average 21.7 100% For 6 million annual chassis hook-ups at LALB Hooking Up Chassis - Improved marine terminals, that’s Minutes Frequency $4.6 million, 100 CY Minimal time 7 10% Planned Time 10 48% parking slots, 12 tons of Congested Time 30 40% NOx, and 1053 tons of Exception Time 90 2% CO 2 Weighted Average 19.3 100% NOTE - TIMES STRICTLY FOR ILLUSTRATION 3
Marine Terminal Data Tioga Available marine terminal data • Volume • Transaction characteristics • Gate times • Trouble tickets Metrics from available data • Turn times and distribution - by terminal condition, time, or transaction characteristic • Peaking – daily, weekly, seasonally • Trouble ticket rates – by driver, ocean carrier, or marine carrier • Chassis selection time 4
Terminal Congestion Tioga Terminal data (which exclude ingate queues) show a strong increase in turn times above 1100 daily trips Import Deliveries vs. Non-Trouble Turn Time - 2008 100.0 90.0 Turn Time Minutes 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 Daily Import Volume 5
Data on Exceptions Tioga Exceptions – “trouble tickets” – appear to be chiefly process and information issues TROUBLE TICKETS Booking size/Type required Container number unknown Booking not on File Booking tally reached Bill of Lading held by line operator: Empty to yard position 2008 2007 EMPTY Container Not Allowed New empty to be ON-HIRED New FULL Container not allowed Must Be on Hired No load receipt for containers until %S. Trucker Contract with line Expired New BARE CHASSIS not allowed 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 6
Motor Carrier Data Tioga Available motor carrier data • GPS/AVL Data • Dispatch practices • Survey results Metrics from available data • Turn times and distribution – including queue time outside gate • Understanding of dispatch patterns • Corroboration of findings from other data 7
Total Turn Times – GPS Data Tioga 30- 90 minute norm with a 5% “tail” of exceptions 20% 18% Example Terminal Turn Time 16% Port-wide Trucker Turn Time 14% Percent of Trips 12% 5% of the moves use 10% 14% of the total time 8% and back up the queue 6% GPS data show added queue time 4% – avg. around 20 2% min. 0% 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 90-105 105-120 120-135 135-150 150-165 165-180 180-195 195-210 210-225 225-240 240-255 255-270 270-285 285-300 Time Interval - Minutes 8
Total Turn Times – GPS Data Tioga 9
Webcam Data Tioga Available webcam data • Length of queues outside the gates • Time at gates Metrics from available data • Queuing times – queue time outside gate • Gate processing times • Impact of gate closures • Corroboration of findings from other data 10
Vancouver Webcam Example Tioga 11
Gate Queues – Webcam Data CONGESTION LEVEL late in the week — Not Vancouver Data Long queues in the mornings and for export cut-offs 0.5 1.5 2.5 0 1 2 3 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 MONDAY 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 TUESDAY 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 WEDNESDAY 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Level 3 - end of line not visible, 30+ min. wait Level 2 - 4 to 6 trucks in line, 15-30 min. wait Level 1 - 1 to 3 trucks in line, 0-15 min. wait Level 0 - an open lane exists, no wait 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 THURSDAY 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 FRIDAY 10:00 Tioga 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 12
What does it cost? Tioga Drayage delays are costing $200 million , 14.5 million hours, and 10 million gallons of fuel annually, and emitting 111,000 tons of CO 2 , 979 tons of NOx, and 18 tons of PM2.5. Hours Fuel C02 NOx PM 2.5 Cost Scenario (million) (million gal.) (tons) (tons) (tons) (million) 2008 National Default 39.10 69.90 782,613 7,678 149 $ 1,440.00 30 vs. 40 Minute Terminal Time (3.17) (1.40) (15,652) (160) (3) $ (79) Change -8.10% -2.00% -2.00% -2.09% -1.93% -5.50% 10 vs. 20 Minute Queue Time (2.66) (1.96) (21,913) (225) (4) $ (69) Change -6.80% -2.80% -2.80% -2.93% -2.71% -4.80% 3% vs. 5% Trouble Tickets (0.31) (0.15) (1,632) (17) (0) $ (8) Change -0.80% -0.20% -0.20% -0.22% -0.20% -0.50% 0% vs. 5% Trouble Tickets (0.78) (0.35) (3,913) (42) (1) $ (20) Change -2.00% -0.50% -0.50% -0.55% -0.51% -1.40% Idling Control - 50% - (5.87) (65,739) (450) (8) $ (17) Change 0.00% -8.40% -8.40% -5.87% -5.44% -1.20% 100% vs. 20% Neutral Pools (0.78) (0.35) (3,913) (42) (1) $ (20) Change -2.00% -0.50% -0.50% -0.55% -0.51% -1.40% Trucker-Supplied Chassis (6.10) (4.40) (49,305) (503) (9) $ (137) Change -15.60% -6.30% -6.30% -6.56% -6.07% -9.50% Combined Strategies (14.50) (9.93) (111,050) (979) (18) $ (202) Change -37.08% -14.21% -14.19% -12.75% -11.82% -14.01% 13
EPA DrayFLEET Modeling Tioga • Develop a planning-level emissions and drayage activity model that depicts drayage activity in terms of • VMT COMPATIBILITY • Emissions WITH FLEET • Cost MODEL, REALISM FOR INDUSTRY • Throughput CONFIDENCE • Reflect the impact of changing management practices, terminal operations, and cargo volume, including • Extended gate hours DETAILED, • Appointment systems ACTIVITY-BASED • Chassis pools MODEL WITH FLEXIBLE INPUTS • Virtual container yards • Near-dock or on-dock rail terminals • Truck retirement/rebuild/replacement programs 14
DrayFLEET Inputs & Outputs Tioga SmartWay DrayFLEET Version 2.0 Primary Inputs & Outputs DrayFLEET Version 2.0 Beta of 01/18/12 Primary Inputs Default Scenario Port Generic Terminal(s) Non-specific Port Scenario Calendar Year (Change manually) 2010 2010 Annual TEU 2,000,000 2,000,000 BETA Version for evaluation Only KEY PORT AND Average TEU per Container 1.75 1.75 This version has internal calculations unhidden and unprote TERMINAL Inbound Share 50% 50% Inbound Empty Share 5% 5% INPUTS Outbound Empty Share 25% 25% Rail Intermodal Share 25% 25% Date 1/18/2012 Marine Terminals Average Inbound Gate Queue Minutes 15 15 Average Marine Terminal Min. per Transaction 30 30 Activity Outputs Default Scenario Change % Change Rail Terminals Annual Activity Weighted Average Miles from Port 5 5 Number of Drayage Trip Legs 2,436,570 2,436,570 0 0.0% Average Inbound Gate Queue Minutes 5 5 Drayage Trip Legs per Container 2.1 2.1 0.0 0.0% Average Rail Yard Min. per Transaction 15 15 Total Drayage VMT 54,510,587 54,510,587 0 0.0% CUSTOMER & Container/Chassis Depots Drayage VMT per Container 47.7 47.7 0.0 0.0% Weighted Average Miles from Port COST DATA 2 2 Fleet Required (FTE Tractors) 1,444 1,444 0 0.0% ACTIVITY Share of Empties Stored at Depots 10% 10% Annual Duty Cycle Totals Container Shippers/Receivers Idle/Stopped Hours 1,865,911 1,865,911 0 0.0% Weighted Average Miles from Port 25 25 Creep Hours 736,931 736,931 0 0.0% Weighted Average Crosstown Trip Miles 10 10 Transient Hours 478,276 478,276 0 0.0% Trucker Yard Operations Cruise Hours 1,199,466 1,199,466 0 0.0% Weighted Average Miles from Port 10 10 Total Drayage Hours 4,280,584 4,280,584 0 0.0% Truck Yard share of Port bobtail moves 50% 50% Drayage Hours per Container 3.7 3.7 0.0 0.0% Cost Factors Average Drayage Labor Cost per Hour $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Outputs Default Scenario Change % Change Average Diesel Fuel Price per Gallon $ 3.25 $ 3.25 Pollutant (annual tons) Initiative Inputs Default HC 93.7 93.7 - 0.0% Port/Terminal Initiatives CO 448.1 448.1 - 0.0% EMISSIONS Stacked Terminal (% stacked) 50% 50% NOx 1,483.6 1,483.6 - 0.0% PM 2.5 On-Dock Rail (% of rail on-dock) 0% 0% 101.9 101.9 - 0.0% MANAGEMENT Automated Gates (% of gate transactions) 0% 0% CO 2 184,986.8 184,986.8 - 0.0% Extended Gate Hours (% off-peak, 50% max) 0% 0% Fuel Use and Total Cost STRATEGIES Container Info System (% used) 0% 0% Fuel - Gallons 17,932,147 17,932,147 - 0.0% COST & FUEL Virtual Container Yard (% available) 0% 0% Total Drayage Cost $ 187,470,331 $ 187,470,331 $ - 0.0% Neutral Chassis Pool (% used) 0% 0% Drayage Cost per Container $ 164 $ 164 $ - 0.0% 15
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