march 28 th 2019

March 28 th 2019 YHDP Racial Disparity Membership elected position - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

March 28 th 2019 YHDP Racial Disparity Membership elected position to CoC Board ESG Standards RRH Outcomes $75 Million split between 25 communities (at least 8 rural) In 2018 Columbus awarded $6 million CoC FL-507 missed the

  1. March 28 th 2019

  2.  YHDP  Racial Disparity  Membership elected position to CoC Board  ESG Standards  RRH Outcomes

  3. $75 Million split between 25 communities (at least 8 rural) In 2018 Columbus awarded $6 million – CoC FL-507 missed the awards by 1.6 points out of 100 Application Deadline: May 14 th We Need Your Help! Please be responsive to requests for information Learn more http tps: s://www.hude hudexchan change info/pro programs grams/yhd yhdp/

  4. HSN is the applicant on behalf of CoC Two Phases: 1. Community Planning 2. Project Application & Implementation Two year grant cycle beginning August 2019 Projects funds are renewal in the Annual CoC NOFA Questions? Email me:

  5. Monday April 1 st 12noon Homeless Services Network Conference Room 4065 L.B. McLeod, Orlando FL 1-605-475-6006 Code: 712-6196

  6. African Americans make up more than 40% of homeless population, but represent 13% of the general population Indigenous Peoples and Multi-ethnic persons make up 5% of population but nearly 10% of homeless population Those identifying as Hispanic make up 18% of general population, but 21 percent of homeless population Both Whites and Asians are significantly under represented among the homeless population

  7.  content/uploads/2018/03/SPARC-Phase-1- Findings-March-20181.pdf

  8.  Initial CoC Data was examined by HMIS team for 2018 NOFA  2018 NOFA asked Collaborative Applicants to respond to questions related to racial disparities as well as inclusion and representation  Racial Equity and Homeless Presentation by Regina Cannon in January  HSN Staff are engaging from an agency perspective lead by board members (Andrew Thomas and Thomas Chatmon)

  9.  7/coc-analysis-tool-race-and-ethnicity/

  10.  Assess scope or racial disparities (HMIS, Census Data)  Assess whether program service connection and outcomes are equitable  Solicit feedback from staff and those with lived experience about barriers and disparities  Share finding with leaders, partners, & stakeholders to build system understanding

  11.  What current data points are most instructive?  What other questions should we all be asking of our data to better understand access, service provision, and outcomes?  Are we achieving equitable outcomes?  What does the data tell us about who is entering our system?  What training do we need to better understand these dynamics and make recommendations?

  12.  Are people experiencing results due to how policies are enforces or enacted?  Do our policies address and meet the needs of people of color?  How does implicit bias affect individuals’ outcomes?  How can we address these dynamics?

  13.  CoC Training on understanding racism and intersection of racism and homelessness, so they can target resources and adapt programs for people of color  Develop Pro-D opportunities to identify and invest in emerging leaders of color  Create positions explicitly focused on and charged with creating equity-based response to homelessness.

  14.  Create greater racial/ethnic diversity on boards  Develop or adapt behavioral health interventions, DV programs, and other supportive services

  15.  The NOFA asks what our community is doing to address racial and other disparities impacting youth homelessness.

  16.  Self-nominate or nominate others  Persons with lived experience strongly encouraged  Complete Nomination Form ◦ Select affiliation (can be more than one) ◦ Identify counties you represent ◦ Disclose affiliation’s CoC funding, if any ◦ Complete narrative answer to help members know why you would like to represent them on the CoC Board  Submit scanned copy to prior to April membership meeting

  17.  Trauma uma Informed ormed Care: e: March ch 28 th th  Motivati vational onal Interv erviewing: ewing: May 14 14 th th  Ha Harm Reduc ucti tion: on: July y 9 th th  Recovery very Oriented ented Care: re: Sept. t. 10 th th Facilitated by Dr. David Cavalleri 1-4pm $35/or $100 for all four Sign up by email:

  18. April 17 th 12:30-2pm @ Homeless Services Network 4065 L.B. McLeod, Orlando FL Sign up by email:

  19. SAVE THE DATE!!! May 21 st 9am-4pm Location: TBD Registration Coming Soon

  20.  Required by HUD  Confirms that the CoC is aware of the statute and regulations  Clarifies how the CoC operationalizes key parts of those  Developed by the CoC in conjunction with other jurisdictions that administer ESG funds  Standards must be adapted and written by agencies that receive ESG funding

  21.  Must have basic facility inspection  Will be required to create Housing Plan for families that meet 30 days length of stay, and for singles at 3 months – updated quarterly  Must set their own standards regarding length of stay, denial process, appeals process

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