york diocesan board of education

York Diocesan Board of Education Business Over Breakfast Meetings - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

York Diocesan Board of Education Business Over Breakfast Meetings Tuesday 5th March 2019, Tickton Grange, Beverley Thursday 7th March 2019, Diocesan Offices, York Tuesday 12th March 2019, Wydale Hall, Scarborough Monday 18th March 2019, The

  1. York Diocesan Board of Education Business Over Breakfast Meetings Tuesday 5th March 2019, Tickton Grange, Beverley Thursday 7th March 2019, Diocesan Offices, York Tuesday 12th March 2019, Wydale Hall, Scarborough Monday 18th March 2019, The Cleveland Tontine, Northallerton Network Programme: 8.30am – 9.00am Breakfast and Networking 9.00am – 12.00pm Welcome and Reflection Distinctively Effective Up-dates

  2. Briefing Programme: Key Up-dates (National and Regional) Ambition School Leadership • Young Leaders Award – KS1 • Diocesan Update • SIAMs and C of E Education Office Updates Training and Support DfE and Ofsted Update General Discussion Hot Topics – opportunities and challenges Training Needs

  3. Reflection – Seeing the Extraordinary

  4. Reflection – Seeing the Extraordinary Seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary Much of our work in schools is often considered to be ordinary but to the children and young people it can be extraordinary and transformational

  5. Reflection – Seeing the Extraordinary

  6. Reflection – Seeing the Extraordinary O Lord, Meet us today in the ordinary rhythms of our working lives. We invite you to come and breathe your life into ours. May your love fill our hearts and may it overflow into the lives of others. May your hope well up inside us, bring new vision to our lives and light up our reactions and decisions. May this ordinary day become extraordinary because of you. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen

  7. Rozy Brian

  8. Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) Vision Shared vision for children and young people in schools and churches Links with wider diocesan strategy of Reach, Grow, Sustain

  9. Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) Vision Growing Faith is the vision set by the House of Bishops to ensure a national commitment to achieve a significant culture change within the church so that every aspect of mission and ministry is seen through the lens of what it means for ministry with children, young people and households. It will flow into the type of relationships encouraged between schools and churches, and how these are developed to resource and support households to grow in faith together.

  10. Service Level Agreement (SLA) 2019 – 2021: Two year offer • Following feedback in the • Autumn, much as before Marginal increase in cost for • the next two years Looking at an increased offer • regarding governance – focused visit, online module on governance in a Church School

  11. SIAMs

  12. SIAMs

  13. SIAMs

  14. SIAMs

  15. SIAMs

  16. SIAMs

  17. SIAMs

  18. SIAMS: In a good Church school…. • Curriculum planning is well constructed, coherent and balanced (theology, philosophy and human /social science). • Statutory obligations are met and RE is largely in line with SoE • Assessment informs planning securing accurate challenge and support for pupils • Good practice is shared with involvement with local, regional and national groups. • RE teaching and learning is consistently good, progress good against local expectations and national averages. • Vulnerable pupils flourish in RE 18

  19. SIAMS: Reflecting the SoE RE is part of vision and leadership. • The SIAMS evaluation schedule assesses the way RE contributes to the outworking of church school’s Christian vision. • It highlights the responsibility of church school leaders to ensure that pupils flourish academically through the provision of high-quality RE. • In addition, in voluntary aided schools, a judgement on standards in teaching and learning in RE is included in the SIAMS report. 19

  20. The legal situation in Church schools • In voluntary aided schools, RE must be taught in accordance with the trust deed: the RE statement of entitlement will help schools interpret that legal requirement. • In foundation and voluntary controlled schools with a religious character, RE must be taught according to the locally agreed syllabus for RE unless parents request RE in accordance with the trust deed of the school. • In academies and free schools RE must be taught in accordance with the funding agreement. 20

  21. What do Ofsted expect? • Ofsted’s lead inspector will check the section 48 arrangements, including when the next inspection is due, and will write about that under ‘Leadership and management’ (para 35) • All pupils in maintained schools are expected to study the national curriculum subjects, religious education and age appropriate sex education. Academies are expected to offer all pupils a curriculum similar in breadth and ambition to the national curriculum, including the requirements to teach English, mathematics, science and religious education (para 159) 21

  22. SIAMs

  23. SIAMs

  24. SIAMs

  25. SIAMs – the school website

  26. SIAMs

  27. SIAMs

  28. SIAMs

  29. SIAMs

  30. SIAMs

  31. SIAMs

  32. Spirited Poetry Get involved in this year's competition! Third Spirited Poetry competition, coinciding with National Poetry Day on 4 October and World Poetry Day on 21 March 2019. Schools are invited to send in up to ten poems in one of the categories or in a variety of them. Entrance is open to children and young people aged 5 – 19, and the closing date for the competition is 31 July 2019. https://www.natre.org.uk/about-natre/projects/spirited- arts/spirited-poetry-2019/

  33. Leavers Service

  34. Peer-to-Peer Network 2018-20 Funded Opportunities 1. Leadership Development/Teaching and Learning 2. Social Action and Community Engagement

  35. Education Secretary sets out vision for character and resilience: Damian Hinds sets out in a speech that character and resilience are as important as academic achievement https://www.gov.uk/government/news/education- secretary-sets-out-vision-for-character-and-resilience

  36. Conference Thursday 20 th June 2019 – York Racecourse • A Hopeful Vision – Building Flourishing Communities • Confirmed speakers and contributors • Revd Nigel Genders , Chief Education Officer for the Church of England Mary Myatt , Educational Consultant Christian Aid Aspire Alternative Provision, Hull Rt Revd Paul Ferguson , Bishop of Whitby and Chair of the DBE Andrew Smith and members of the Education team

  37. Conference Thursday 20 th June 2019 – York Racecourse • A Hopeful Vision – Building Flourishing Communities • Booking via the website and Eventbrite • Prices held at 2018 level of £120 per delegate and £80 for • the third delegate or more from the same school/ organisation

  38. The Big Curriculum Conversation Where next? New Networks?

  39. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachme nt_data/file/772056/School_inspection_update_- _January_2019_Special_Edition_180119.pdf

  40. https://literacytrust.org. uk/

  41. New Guidance Report https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.u k/tools/guidance-reports/working-with- parents-to-support-childrens-learning @EducEndowFoundn

  42. Nearly four in five teachers WHY? say they are satisfied with their jobs and income levels, Concerns over teacher mental which is mostly higher than health because of workload and the other professions. leadership pressure. However, only 47 per cent Three in 10 teachers say they of teachers say they are have turned to medication over satisfied with their leisure the last year to deal with the time, the lowest of the three physical and mental toll their job is taking on them, a survey has professions.” found. 75% of 1,250 school and college staff and leaders surveyed said they had experienced psychological, physical or behavioural symptoms because of work. 45% felt they don’t achieve the right work-life balance (Education Support Partnership, 2017 ) Chief Inspector of Schools Amanda Spielman said that she want to look at how Ofsted can play its part in reducing workload .: ‘how policies and accountability measures are translated by school leaders into day-to-day management tools such as policies for planning, assessment and marking. Endless data cuts, triple marking, 10 page lesson plans…… https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/reducing-teachers- workload/reducing-teachers-workload

  43. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/reducing- What is the Workload workload-in-your-school Reduction Toolkit? Stage 2 Addressing the issues in schools Stage 1 Communications, including use of Identifying the Stage 3 issues – Actions email; Evaluating Curriculum impact taken to planning and the impact assessment resources; reduce workload tools; survey; Data structured management; conversations in schools Feedback and marking; Managing change, including planning the yearly calendar and managing ‘pinch points’; and Advice to support early career teachers ‘We know that teacher workload is an issue for everyone to address – including government. As well as tackling the drivers of workload nationally, we have recently published a toolkit for schools. This provides free online training materials, audit tools, practical examples and model policies, developed and tested by school leaders and teachers.’


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