ma pping n earby g alaxies at a pache point observatory

Ma pping N earby G alaxies at A pache Point Observatory Bruno - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ma pping N earby G alaxies at A pache Point Observatory Bruno Rodrguez Del Pino CAB (INTA-CSIC) MaNGA general overview Integral Field Spectroscopy of ~10 000 nearby galaxies MaNGA is one of the three core programs of SDSS-IV, with eBOSS and

  1. Ma pping N earby G alaxies at A pache Point Observatory Bruno Rodríguez Del Pino CAB (INTA-CSIC)

  2. MaNGA general overview Integral Field Spectroscopy of ~10 000 nearby galaxies MaNGA is one of the three core programs of SDSS-IV, with eBOSS and APOGEE-2 Main MaNGA papers: - General Overview (Bundy et al. 2015) - Data Reduction Pipeline (Law et al. 2016) - Observation strategy (Law et al. 2015) - IFU Instrument description (Drory et al. 2015)

  3. From SDSS to MaNGA

  4. MaNGA general overview • Multiplexed : 17 IFU per plate • IFU bundle sizes : 19, 37, 61, 91, 127 • Fiber size : 2” on the sky (1-2 kpc) • Spatial PSF ~2.5 arcsec +~100 sky fibres calibration bundle (standard stars) ~32 arcsec ~12 arcsec • Spectral resolution : 
 R~1400 at 4000Å (90km/s) to R ~2600 at 9000Å (49km/s) • Wavelength coverage : 
 360-1000 nm

  5. MaNGA general overview ar& • Sample size : wide and uniform coverage in stellar mass , color and density. 50 galaxies per bin } 6 3 x 50 = 10 800 6 bins per parameter ! • Sample selection : - Flat stellar mass distribution (M * ≥ 10 9 M sun ) - Uniform radial coverage based on R e . - S/N: at least 5 per Å in continuum at 1.5 R e ieband!absolute!magnitude!(Mi)! Primary sample (~5000) : 1.5 R e for >80% of its targets (<z> = 0.03) + “ Color-Enhanced sample ” ( ~1700 ): including high-mass blue galaxies, low-mass red ones and “green valley” objects). ~6700 Secondary sample (~3300) : 2.5 R e for >80% of its targets (<z> = 0.045) Ancillary targets outside main sample : ~10%

  6. Comparison with other IFU surveys ét endue : How quickly one can map the sky to a given S/N at a given R

  7. Bundy et al. 2015

  8. Bundy et al. 2015 MaNGA is the only survey mapping galaxy clusters

  9. IC0674 H α map (QFitsView) H α map (QFitsView) SDSS image

  10. SDSS DR13 - MaNGA DR1 (Aug. 2016)

  11. SDSS DR13 - MaNGA DR1 (Aug. 2016) largest public sample of galaxies with IFU 1 390 galaxies (1351 unique objects) spectroscopy 600 in the Primary Sample + 216 in the “ Color Enhanced ” 473 in the Secondary Sample 62 extra galaxies, some of them ancillary TABLE 3 Summary of MaNGA Ancillary Programs with Data in DR13 1 Ancillary Program Number of Targets BITNAME binary digit value Luminous AGN 1 1 2 AGN BAT 4 AGN OIII 2 4 Edge-On Star-forming Galaxies 4 6 64 EDGE ON WINDS Close Pairs and Mergers 5 PAIR ENLARGE 7 128 10 PAIR RECENTER 8 256 1 PAIR SIM 9 512 1 PAIR 2IFU 10 1024 Massive Nearby Galaxies 1 MASSIVE 12 4096 Milky Way Analogs 2 MWA 13 8192 Dwarf Galaxies in MaNGA 2 DWARF 14 16384 Brightest Cluster Galaxies 2 BCG 17 131072 MaNGA Resolved Stellar Populations 1 ANGST 18 262144 1 An individual galaxy can be targeted by more than one ancillary program.

  12. SDSS DR13 - MaNGA DR1 (Aug. 2016) What comes with DR13? Data : • Raw Data (before Data Reduction Pipeline) • Raw Stacked Spectra (RSS) : row-stacked, flux-calibrated fiber spectra for a given galaxy across all exposures • Reduced data cubes , rearranged in a regular 0.5” grid. Catalogues : • ‘ drpall ’ (v1_5_4 for DR13) main table containing: • plateifu : identifies an observation • mangaid : identifies an object for a given catalogue • RA, DEC, redshift, data quality, etc., of all objects What DOES NOT comes with DR13? • No higher-level science products , scheduled for DR14 (July 2017)

  13. SDSS DR13 - MaNGA DR1 (Aug. 2016) Online information available Tutorials : • How to interact with the ‘ drpall ’ file. • How to download MaNGA data. • How to open and visualise data cubes. Data models: containing all the information about the ‘drpall’ catalog, raw data, RSS data and data cubes. Targeting catalogue: Primary, secondary, ancillary… MaNGA Field Layout Forecast and whether a galaxy will be observed in MaNGA Ancillary targets and programs MaNGA caveats

  14. Caveats Reconstructed PSF FWHM is 2.5 arcsec - Spectral resolution is overestimated by ~10% (also appeared in SDSS - data). It is planned to be fixed in future releases. Data cube covariance (from the redistribution of light) not included : - when combining spectra from multiple spaxels the noise has to be calibrated (see Law et al. 2016). More details on: and DR13 paper

  15. Caveats

  16. Data Acces

  17. Data Acces

  18. Data Acces 8138-12705

  19. Data Acces Content of a single data cube EXT0 ( PRIMARY ): Main header EXT1 ( FLUX ): 3d rectified cube in units of 10^{-17} erg/s/cm2/Å/spaxel EXT2 ( IVAR ): Inverse variance cube EXT3 ( MASK ): Pixel mask cube EXT4 ( WAVE ): Wavelength vector in units of Angstroms EXT5 (SPECRES): Median (among fibers) resolution vs lambda EXT6 (SPECRESD): Standard deviation (1 σ ) of spectral resolution vs lambda EXT7 (OBSINFO): Table describing exposures combined to create this file EXT8,9,10,11: Broadband SDSS g,r,i,z images created from the data cube EXT12,13,14,15: Reconstructed SDSS g,r,i,z point source response profile

  20. Done with MaNGA data Bulge-Disc Decomposition of IFU Datacubes ( BUDDI ) Johnston et al. 2016

  21. Conclusions MaNGA Survey - largest IFU survey up to date. It will contain ~10 000 galaxies by 2020. - Large spectral coverage and spatial up to 2.5 Re. - Uniform and wide sampling in stellar mass , color and environment . MaNGA DR1 - SDSS DR13 contains ~1400 objects already reduced. - Lots of information and help available online. Future Data Releases - One per year until 2020 when all data will be released

  22. Conclusions MaNGA Survey - largest IFU survey up to date. It will contain ~10 000 galaxies by 2020. - Large spectral coverage and spatial up to 2.5 Re. - Uniform and wide sampling in stellar mass , color and environment . MaNGA DR1 - SDSS DR13 contains ~1400 objects already reduced. - Lots of information and help available online. Future Data Releases - One per year until 2020 when all data will be released


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