ste tepp pping ng u up your ur baby f y friend endly game


STE TEPP PPING NG U UP YOUR UR BABY F Y FRIEND ENDLY GAME Buildin Building Mom Momentum Through gh P Par artner erships ps AAP S STATEME TEMENT NT Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding

  1. STE TEPP PPING NG U UP YOUR UR BABY F Y FRIEND ENDLY GAME Buildin Building Mom Momentum Through gh P Par artner erships ps

  2. AAP S STATEME TEMENT NT “ Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term medical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infa infant nt nut nutrit itio ion sho n should uld be consid nsidered a pub ublic lic he healt lth h issue issue and nd no not ice ” onl nly a lif lifest style le c cho hoic Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk. Pediatrics, March 2012.

  3. HOSPITAL PEER COUNSELOR PROGRAM YEAR AR HOS OSPITAL NA NAME LOG LOGO 1994 Park rkland nd Memori rial 2000 Metho hodist D Dallas 2000 Metho hodist C Charl rlton 2006 Mesqui uite Communi nity 2007 Baylor I Irving 2009 Doctor ors Hospi pital 2014 Clements Hospi pital

  4. Ch Chall allenge D Defin fined Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative – Step Two “Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement policy.”

  5. Planni lanning Goa Goal:  To provide at least 3 hours of hands on experience for staff that met the requirements for Baby Friendly  Workshop format  Initially ~ 1000 nurses targeted  Share resources

  6. Timelin line Spring g 2013 2013 Sept 2013 2013 Initia iated P Plannin ing Started t train inings gs • • WIC, PHHS, M MHS 4 s ses essions/month • • Les essons Learned Sum ummer 2013 2013 Sin ince t then en CE CEU a approval Presen sentatio ions s at: U USBC, T TX S Star • • Create D Cr DVD VD Achiever, NICHQ Q • Meet etin ing g 2-3 3 Repl eplication o of train ining g modules les • • times/month in in o other er s states!

  7. Six ix Co Content A Areas as  Safe skin to skin care  Hand expression  Use of breast pumps  Position and latch assessment  Supplementation  Positive messaging

  8. Whe here L Life S Shi hine nes Br Bright ht Mentori ring g Facilit ity Dissemin inatio ion P Phase

  9. WI WIC C Peer Co Counselors

  10. Ski Skin-to-Ski Skin  Define various terms used for skin- to-skin  Stress safe skin-to-skin positioning  Define Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse (SUPC)  5 Criteria for SUPC  Risk Factors for SUPC

  11. Ski Skin-to-Ski Skin  Students demo safe STS  Critique pictures of babies STS  Used principles of “The Magical Hour”  “Growing Your Baby’s Brain” by Dr. Nils Bergman  Dr. Susan Ludington & USIKC website

  12. Pra racticing g Sa Safe Ski e Skin to n to Ski Skin

  13. Han and E d Exp xpressi sion  Describe benefits of hand expression  Review literature citing increase in milk volume when using hand expression at the end of pumping session  Describe effective steps to hand expression

  14. Han and E d Exp xpressi sion  Describe and demonstrate “hands- on-pumping”  Each participant performed hand expression with a hand expression model  Provided links to video clips of Jane Morton’s demonstration of hand expression and hand’s-on-pumping

  15. Han and E d Exp xpressi sion

  16. Posi sition & & Lat Latch

  17. Posi sition an and d Lat Latch  Define aspects of an asymmetrical latch  Signs of successful milk transfer for infant/mother  Review positive messaging for assisting breastfeeding couplet  Discuss common latch challenges

  18. Posi sition an and d Lat Latch  Observe pictures of proper position and latch  Demonstrate position and latch with a doll  Role play with participants and dolls  Review LATCHES documentation tool

  19. Par arkl klan and H Healt alth & & Hospit pital S l Syst ystem

  20. Suppl pplementatio ion To Tools ls

  21. Suppl pplementatio ion Eviden dence ce-based c ed care  Step 5: Show mothers how … to maintain lactation, even if they are separated from their infants  Step 6: Give the newborn infant no food or drink other that breast milk, unless medically indicated  Step 9: No artificial nipples

  22. What to Us Use a and How? What? How ow?  Mother’s milk  Supplemental nursing system (SNS)  Banked milk  Cup feeding  Formula  Finger feeding  Syringe Ot Other T r Tools  Finger-syringe feeding  Nipple shields  Spoon  Breast shells  Bottle

  23. Reasons ons t to Supplement ement Materna nal I l Issue ssues Infa nfant nt I Issue ssues  Illness  Baby unable to achieve an  Too sick effective latch  Radiation therapy  Prematurity  Certain medications  Poor tone   Anatomical Infectious diseases abnormalities  Active or untreated TB, HtLV -1, HIV  Fussy/ Sleepy  Illicit drug use  Medically baby cannot breast feed  History of some breast surgeries  Galactosemia  Non-glandular breast development

  24. Breast Pu Pumps  Verbalize reasons for mother/baby separation  Reasons for the use of manual & electric breast pumps  Review set-up and use of manual, single-user and hospital grade pumps

  25. Breast Pu Pumps  Hands-on interactive practice assembling manual and electric pumps  Participants identify proper uses for hospital grade, single-user and manual pumps  Shown various flange sizes and how to ensure proper fit

  26. Han ands ds-on Tr Train aining

  27. The Power o of Posit sitive Messa sagi ging

  28. Posi sitive M Messa ssagi ging  Stress that change is hard for staff, patients and providers  Use concrete examples  Discuss “new” ways of talking to patients and peers  Role Play/Problem Solve

  29. LO LOVE Te VE Techniqu que  L ~ Listen  O~ Observe  V~ Validate  E~ Educate, Empower, Encourage

  30. Baby by-Frien iendly D y Design gnat atio ion Febr bruary 10 10, 20 2015 15!!!

  31. Succ Successes  1500 participants  Increased visibility of Hospital Peer Counselor Program  Increased exclusive breastfeeding rates in the partnering hospitals  Reaching beyond Dallas

  32. Than ank k You ! !  Christine Wiseman, RN, IBCLC Cit ity o of Dall llas W WIC  Reba Godfrey, RNC-MNN, IBCLC, LCCE Methodist C Charl rlton M Medi dical C Center  Janice Ballou, DNP, PPCNP, IBCLC Parkl kland H d Healt lth & & Hospit ital S l System  Dani Cagle, BA, IBCLC Methodis dist D Dalla las M Medical C l Center  Linda Jackson, MA, IBCLC, LCCE Methodist R Ric ichardson M Medic dical C l Center

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