longfellow elementary

Longfellow Elementary A P E R F O R M I N G F I N E A R T S M A G N E - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Longfellow Elementary A P E R F O R M I N G F I N E A R T S M A G N E T A L E A D E R I N M E L I G H T H O U S E S C H O O L Open House 2017 We are a community of leaders and learners living the 8 Habits to create a positive impact in our

  1. Longfellow Elementary A P E R F O R M I N G F I N E A R T S M A G N E T A L E A D E R I N M E L I G H T H O U S E S C H O O L Open House 2017

  2. We are a community of leaders and learners living the 8 Habits to create a positive impact in our world. LONGFELLOW'S MISSION


  4. 2016-2017 e c n Attendance a d n e t t A ! r e t t a M 96% 2017-2018 GOAL IS TO HAVE 98% $105,110.74 LOST ATTENDANCE

  5. Attendance 98% 100% 3 Our school goal is to You are allowed to submit Students and have 98 % no more than 3 written parents with perfect attendance . This is 3 excuses for absences attendance will days or less per without a doctor ' s note or receive several child . principal approval . incentives !

  6. If you ' re unsure about your child ' s health - bring them and Attendance let our nurse check them out . Schedule appointments for tips after school . Communicate with your teachers . Tardies cause your student to miss valuable instruction . Tardies Tardies are a disruption to the campus learning environment .

  7. 2017-2018 State Accountability Highlights - Second Distinction Earned - Index 1 remained the same from 2015- 2016 -Index 2, 3, and 4 all showed growth

  8. Homework All Students should expect to have no more than 30 minutes of homework four nights a week . In addition to homework assigned by your child ' s teacher - students must read 20 - 30 minutes each night . If your child is not reading yet , please take time to read to your child .

  9. Uniforms HISD has a relaxed uniform policy for the first semester . What does this mean ? If you have a uniform , please wear it . If you don ' t have a uniform , let your teacher know . Navy and Khaki bottoms Red , Navy , White , or Yellow polo shirts No jeans please . Pre-K and Kinder students should keep a change of clothes at school. Accidents happen.

  10. Communication Social Website Thursday Folder App Media Sent home each week www . LongfellowHISD . com Like us on Facebook . Contains school updates , graded work , Download our App in your Follow us on Twitter and more ! App store .

  11. Arrival CAR POOL Kiss and Ride . Please make sure your students are ready to get out once you pull up to the front . WALK UP Kiss and Walk Please stay clear of the main door way so students can easily enter . You ' re welcome to come to the ENTRY cafeteria with your child if they are in PK - 1st . If you wish to go past the cafeteria , you ' ll have to get a visitor ' s pass .

  12. Dismissal CAR POOL Line up around the block single file . Please join the end of the line . Place your tag in your window . Line up along the fence on Timberside near the playground . WALK UP You will need your dismissal tag . Then walk up to the appropriate door . Older siblings will be with your youngest child . School staff will ensure that your BUS student boards the proper bus . HISD code of student conduct applies to students on the bus .

  13. Dismissal School staff will ensure that your DAY CARE child goes on the correct day care bus . Make sure your child ' s BUS teacher knows which day care bus they ride . LEOPARD'S Our PTA offers after school care . Stop by their table to learn more DEN and sign up . Students often stay for OTHER enrichment , sports , or tutorials . We will ensure that these students go to the proper activity .

  14. Dismissal Dismissal is at 3 : 05 PM . Please be on time to pick up your child . Details After 3 : 30 you will need to sign your student out . Ensure that your enrollment form stays up to date with who can pick up your child .

  15. Dismissal For the safety of ALL of our students , every parent must have the proper dismissal tag to pick up you child . Tags If you do not have a tag you will be asked to come to the front office and show proof of identification . No exceptions .

  16. Lunch Parents are allowed to eat lunch with their child once a month after the first two weeks of school . Students who qualify will receive a free lunch . Students may bring lunch from home . Students are not permitted to share lunches .

  17. Nurse Students may not self - administer any medication If your child takes medicine stop by to see our nurse ! Our nurse is here to help in the event your child gets sick or hurt at school .

  18. Emergencies Campus will hold monthly drills . In the event of an emergency , please refrain from calling the campus . If there is a personal / family emergency contact your teacher . Download our Longfellow Elementary App .

  19. 8 Habits of Happy Kids BE I am in charge of myself . I control my mood , attitude , and PROACTIVE behaviors . BEGIN WITH THE END IN Plan ahead . Consider the consequences MIND ( positive and negative ) PUT FIRST Do what I HAVE to do before I do THINGS what I WANT to do . FIRST Work first , then plan .

  20. 8 Habits of Happy Kids THINK I am a problem solver ! I think about what other people WIN-WIN want , not just what I want . I try to make others happy ! SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, i listen to others without interrupting . THEN TO BE I try to understand other people ' s UNDERSTOOD feelings and views . SYNERGIZE Together is better ! I work well with a team . I value others !

  21. 8 Habits of Happy Kids SHARPEN i take care of my body by eating right and getting enough sleep . THE SAW I balance my time between school work and activities . FIND YOUR I find my gifts and talents and use VOICE them to make the world a better place . I value new opportunities and other ' s ideas . Help be a model for your child! We will be providing parent training on the 8 habits.

  22. Cell Phones Students are permitted to have a cell phone , but it must remain off and stored during the day . The school is not liable for student cell phones . Phones used without permission will be collected and kept by the principal or secretary . There is a $ 15 fee to get the phone back .

  23. Volunteer! Complete the VIPS background check . Ask your teacher how you can help ! Chaperone a field trip .

  24. thanks for the time L O N G F E L L O W E L E M E N T A R Y


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