logic based multi objective design of chemical reaction

Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of Chemical Reaction Networks Luca - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of Chemical Reaction Networks Luca Bortolussi 1 Alberto Policriti 2 Simone Silvetti 2 , 3 1DMG, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy luca@dmi.units.it 2Dima, University of Udine, Udine, Italy

  1. Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of Chemical Reaction Networks Luca Bortolussi 1 Alberto Policriti 2 Simone Silvetti 2 , 3 1DMG, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy luca@dmi.units.it 2Dima, University of Udine, Udine, Italy alberto.policriti@uniud.it 3Esteco SpA, Area Science Park, Trieste, Italy silvetti@esteco.com October 15, 2016 L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 1 / 16

  2. Outline 1 Introduction General Overview Chemical Reaction Network and Signal Temporal Logic (STL) STL semantics Multi-objective Optimization Three different approaches 2 Results The Genetic Toggle Switch Criticisms to the robustness: the scale problem 3 Summary and Conclusion L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 2 / 16

  3. Introduction General Overview Overview System Design System Design is a methodology useful to prototype an architecture which satisfies a given requirement. Fields of application: Industries : CAE software Synthetic Biology and Systems Biology Complex systems (in general) Motivations: Cost reduction and prototyping time reduction. L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 3 / 16

  4. Introduction General Overview System Design 1 Define a model of the real systems we want 1 Chemical Reaction Networks (CRN). to build up. 2 Signal Temporal Logic interpreted over the 2 Define the requirements we want to address. path generated by the CRN. 3 Tuning the parameters of the model in 3 The parameters are related to the chemical order to satisfy the given requirements. reaction rates. The goal Maximize the probability of satisfaction of different requirements. Usually the systems design procedure will involve conflicting requirements. Multi-objective Approach Conflicting requirements are optimized simultaneously. L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 4 / 16

  5. Introduction Chemical Reaction Network and Signal Temporal Logic (STL) The stochastic model: Chemical Reaction Network (CRN) Consider a CRN as a tuple ( S , X , R , θ ) α j ( x ,θ ) r j : u j , 1 s 1 + . . . + u j , n s n − − − − → w j , 1 s 1 + . . . + w j , n s n , θ = ( θ 1 , . . . , θ k ) is the vector of (kinetic) parameters, taking values in a compact hyperrectangle Θ ⊂ R k . Simulation Example L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 5 / 16

  6. Introduction Chemical Reaction Network and Signal Temporal Logic (STL) The requirements: Signal Temporal Logic (STL) Signal temporal logic is: a discrete linear time temporal logic. X ) ≥ 0 ] where g : R n → R is a continuous the atomic predicates are of the form µ ( � X ):=[ g ( � function. the syntax is φ := ⊥ | ⊤ | µ | ¬ φ | φ ∨ φ | φ U [ T 1 , T 2 ] φ, (1) Example φ 1 := F [ 0 , 50 ] | X 1 − X 2 | > 10 1 The Booleans semantics: if a given path satisfies or not a given STL formula. 2 The Quantitative semantics: How much a given path satisfies or not a given STL formula. L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 6 / 16

  7. Introduction Multi-objective Optimization Multi-objective problems C dominates A A dominates B There is no dominance relation among A , D 1 , D 2 . Pareto Frontier The pareto frontier is the set of non dominated points. L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 7 / 16

  8. Introduction Three different approaches Three Strategies Probability Average Robustness Degree P (Φ | θ ) = ( P ( φ 1 | θ ) , P ( φ 2 | θ ) , . . . , P ( φ k | θ )) ˆ ρ (Φ | θ ) = (ˆ ρ ( φ 1 | θ ) , ˆ ρ ( φ 2 | θ ) , . . . , ˆ ρ ( φ k | θ )) � N � N j = 1 χ ( φ i , � x j , 0 ) j = 1 ρ ( φ i , � x j , 0 ) P ( φ i | θ ) = ˆ ρ ( φ i | θ ) = N N The multiobjective problem max P (Φ | θ ) = ( max P ( φ 1 | θ ) , max P ( φ 2 | θ ) , . . . , max P ( φ k | θ )) Strategies Direct Probability Approach (DpA) Direct Robustness Approach (DrA) Mixed Approach (MA) L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 8 / 16

  9. Introduction Three different approaches Behind the Three strategies II The idea consists of using the robustness score: To escape from probability-zero flat zone To prefer more robust outcome in probability-one flat zone. Question Direct Robustness Approach is the solution? Answer Almost, in fact it will produce under optimal results... (a) φ 1 (Probability vs Robustness) (b) φ 2 (Probability vs Robustness) L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 9 / 16

  10. Introduction Three different approaches Mixed Approach Steps Ranking using the Pareto dominance Best designs are selected New generation of designs is created using the genetic operators ( mutation and crossover ) The new generation is append to the entire population Mixed approach idea Modify the usual Pareto Dominance as follows: if { P (Φ | θ 1 ) == P (Φ | θ 2 ) } then return { ˆ ρ (Φ | θ 1 ) dominates ˆ ρ (Φ | θ 2 )? } else return { P (Φ | θ 1 ) dominates P (Φ | θ 2 )? } L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 10 / 16

  11. Results The Genetic Toggle Switch Genetic Toggle Switch: Results Two populations X 1 and X 2 . The reaction depends on 4 parameters. Two stable equilibria X 1 > X 2 or X 1 < X 2 Higher is the difference among X 1 and X 2 more stable is the systems. α 1 : ∅ − − → X 1 α 1 = 1 r 1 α 2 r 2 : ∅ − − → X 2 α 2 = 1 a 1 N b 1 + 1 α 3 − − → ∅ r 3 : X 1 α 3 = N b 1 + X b 1 2 a 2 N b 2 + 1 α 4 r 4 : X 2 − − → ∅ α 4 = N b 2 + X b 2 1 STL requirements | X 1 − X 2 | > 300 φ 1 := F [ 0 , 1000 ] φ 2 := F [ 0 , 300 ] G [ 0 , 50 ] ( X 1 > X 2 ) ∧ F [ 300 , 550 ] G [ 0 , 50 ] ( X 1 < X 2 ) . L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 11 / 16

  12. Results The Genetic Toggle Switch Genetic Toggle Switch: Results (c) Robustness Space (d) Probability Space Analysis DpA: it cannot escape from probability-zero flat zone. DrA: the optimization explores a useless area. MA: reach an optimum point. L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 12 / 16

  13. Results Criticisms to the robustness: the scale problem Criticism to the Robustness Semantics Case 1 Case 2 ∀ θ ∈ D , ∀ t ∈ [ 0 , 30 ] f ( t ) ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] ∀ θ ∈ D , ∀ t ∈ [ 0 , 30 ] g ( t ) ∈ [ − 3 , − 2 ] φ 1 := F [ 0 , 30 ] f ( t ) > 0 . 5 φ 2 := F [ 0 , 30 ] g ( t ) > 1 Implication 1 Implication 2 ρ ( φ 1 | θ ) ∈ [ − 0 . 5 , 0 . 5 ] ρ ( φ 2 | θ ) ∈ [ − 4 , − 3 ] Robustness of the conjunction ρ ( φ 1 ∧ φ 2 | θ ) = min ( ρ ( φ 1 | θ ) , ρ ( φ 2 | θ )) = ρ ( φ 2 | θ ) The quantitative semantic of the conjunction does not take in account the requirement φ 2 . Maximizing it means maximize only the robustness of φ 2 . L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 13 / 16

  14. Results Criticisms to the robustness: the scale problem Criticism to the Robustness Semantics The problem The robustness score is sensitive to the different length-scale of the atomic predicates normalizing them accordingly to the length-scale is not possible. Idea Use the multi-objective approach! Decompose Φ : from Φ to φ 1 ∧ φ 2 ∧ · · · ∧ φ n Define an optimization but ... ...instead of max ρ ( φ 1 ∧ φ 2 ∧ · · · ∧ φ n | θ ) do ( max ρ ( φ 1 | θ ) , max ρ ( φ 2 | θ ) , . . . , max ρ ( φ n | θ )) L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 14 / 16

  15. Summary and Conclusion Summary and Conclusion Summary : System design as multi-objective optimization. Three approaches: DpA, DrA, MA. Genetic Toggle Switch Example. The "weakness" of the robustness score: the length scale problem. Conclusion : The robustness score could be useful to escape from flat zone of the probability space. Using both the probability and the robustness score is a promising choice. Future Works : Study the feasibility of the multi-objective approach to deal with the length-scale problem of the robustness semantics. Investigate the use of more refined optimization methods to deal with noise. L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 15 / 16

  16. Summary and Conclusion L. Bortolussi, A. Policriti, S. Silvetti Logic-based Multi-Objective Design of CRN October 15, 2016 16 / 16


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