1 Application of the Risk Management Framework Local authority perspective Karen Brackstone
2 Break
3 Application of the Risk Management Framework Hampshire Fire and Rescue perspective Fran Williams
Case Study Miss W The meeting was requested and Chaired by the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service to support Miss W. It had become clear that Several Individual Agencies (often working in isolation) had made numerous attempts over many months.
Multi-Agency Risk Management Planning Meeting The purpose of the meeting: To consider the present situation regarding Miss W and clarify whether any further action can be taken to reduce risks being presented. To ensure all agencies are working together with each other and Miss W
Present at the meeting: Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Adult Services Social Worker Neighbourhood Officer Miss W’s Nephew Community Safety Officer Environmental Health Minute taker
Reason for discussion: An opportunity for each agency to identify and share what actions they and other services are/ have been taking, so as not to duplicate actions. To ensure Miss W and her Nephew are aware of all actions and they are as comfortable as possible with them. To ensure Miss W stays firmly at her centre of her journey and in control as much as possible/as she wants to be To ensure that all agencies are in communication with each other. To ensure that any other support they can provide to reduce the risk Miss W is presenting.
Key Question: What does Miss W want to happen? Does Miss W have needs of care and support? Mental Capacity considerations, assessment of understanding? Support historically and currently being offered? Who else is at risk? What control measures are currently in place? What further actions can be provided?
Information Gathering Housing - Neighbourhood Officer Advised that they have been aware of Miss W for years and would like to work with her rather than serve a breaching notice Was obliged to serve a notice around seeking possession of property which was actioned, reiterating that this is a formality and that the Housing Association are not at the point of taking action. Meeting with Miss W was booked for 24/03/17, went to the property but did not get a response from Miss W Met with Miss W and her Nephew and informed meeting that the property is looking much better, clear routes on stairs – an aim would be to have nothing on the stairs and to install a new fridge and cooker.
Information Gathering Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service The HFRS had extensive involvement with Miss W dating back to January 2015 and have completed 7 Safe and Well visits and various other engagements with her. They have installed additional smoke detections within the property, attended previous meetings with Miss W. Flagged the address and risks being presented with Fire Control and increased HFRS attendance for all reported incidents at the address They also checked local hydrants and ensured all risks had been and continue to be communicated to all local response personnel .
Miss W’s Nephew Miss W’s Nephew expressed his aim is to get a plan together going forward. To get clarification on how the agencies can work with the family and what immediate help is available and what long term support is available. He provided knowledge of Miss W’s mood swings. He voiced his shock on visiting her property. The nephew and other relatives wanted to get on board with changing things. The Nephew stated that he has ability to be more firm with her than supporting agencies and would like to immediately start clearing the property to improve Miss W’s current living environment both in terms of safety and for her immediate health and wellbeing. The family felt that the signing of consent for third party information sharing form was a ‘positive step’ from Miss W.
Social Worker • Miss W has seen the psychiatrist and has received a letter of diagnosis of possible Bipolar • The diagnosis had been given to her and her Nephew • The Social Worker will look into what support they can now provide. • Support and care requirements will now need to be addressed.
Update on Action Plan
Adults Services Actions To be the lead agency in all future risk management meetings for Miss W To consider capacity assessment for Miss W in understanding the consequences of living in current conditions with such high level of fire risks to herself and others. HFRS to offer support with this capacity assessment To meet with Miss W to discuss assessment of care needs. To go and see Miss W to reiterate the positive changes that she is making.
Adults Services: other actions The SW to go and speak with Miss W and carry out an assessment (no cost) A financial assessment will also need to be carried out to find out what the cost implications would be. To consider providing a support worker: will need to know how often a support worker is needed and what will be asked of them. A possible concern A support worker may feel uncomfortable entering the premises due to its current state. If a support worker is provided, close links to be maintained with nephew.
Environmental Health Will action concerns raised by neighbour (odour issues) and maintain links to this Multi Agency Risk Management approach for updating purposes.
Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service To check with control how long the property has been flagged for hoarding. (Flagged with Fire Control and to be reviewed on 1 st June 2017) To engage with neighbour to carry out a safe and well visit. To maintain fire safety intervention with Miss W and develop an action plan (phased approach) until current fire risks have been significantly reduced. To host Risk Management review meeting and issue meeting invites.
Miss W’s Nephew Miss W’s nephew spent 3 hours cleaning and clearing the property after last meeting due to immediate concern. Four additional days were spent clearing away obstructions, all the floors were cleared, and carpet cleaned and bedroom vacuumed. Five/six bags left for Miss W to sort out. Called in on 27/03/17 – confirmed kitchen floor still cleaned and clear, stairs cleared, refrigerator taken away and confirmed a gas man was visiting on 27/03/17 for the cooker. The Nephew confirmed HFRS bedding has been delivered and that Miss W does appreciate this and wants to write a letter of thanks. Informed meeting that Miss W is ‘pretty able’ but struggles to get to grips with some tasks, which can affect the level cleanliness eg: of washing up. The Nephew is working to change Miss W’s habits and approach and reiterating that this will allow her to have the choice of living there. Confirmed the house is in a much more habitual state.
Housing To support Miss W in reducing current clutter levels and maintaining a safer living environment through regular engagement. To have a meeting at Miss W’s house with her and her nephew in attendance so that HFRS can be happy that the property is safer and to carry out final assessments of risk.
Miss W’s Nephew To continue clearing the property to improve Mrs W living environment. Upon the advice of HFRS, initial clearance should focus on areas close to ignition sources, access to smoke detectors, areas around internal doors (so they can shut) and clearing of stairs and other escape route Family involvement will continue. Plan to sort out door for store cupboard to create more storage space. Cooker being replaced.
All Agencies HFRS has asked for all agencies to provide Adult Services, (who is now the lead agency) with updates, so that any development can be shared with all agencies in a timely manner to ensure effective communications. A review meeting date will be made and communicated to all agencies and family
23 Consideration of mental capacity and best interests decision making Pauline Dorn
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