councils in partnership

Councils in Partnership: A local authority perspective on Marine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Councils in Partnership: A local authority perspective on Marine Spatial Planning Dr Shona Turnbull EIMR2014-130 Overview Which environment? MSP = Interdisciplinary approach How two Scottish councils advocate MSP: S upport E

  1. Councils in Partnership: A local authority perspective on Marine Spatial Planning Dr Shona Turnbull EIMR2014-130

  2. Overview • Which environment? • MSP = Interdisciplinary approach • How two Scottish councils advocate MSP: • S upport • E nable • E ngage • Conclusions EIMR2014-130

  3. Which environment? Ecological Physical Biological Policy Social EIMR2014-130

  4. MSP = Interdisciplinary Approach Marine Scotland Local Academics Authorities Developers Local NGOs Community EIMR2014-130

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  7. Our council marine planning roles S upport E nable E ngage • EMEC • Harbour • Workshops upgrades • Local/Master- • Info Days planning • On-shore sub- • Plan station • Key Consultations applications consultees • Leadership • Marine • PFOW Marine Fora & Spatial Plans Energy Park working • Land groups • Enterprise purchase Areas • Lobbying EIMR2014-130

  8. Support: Planning Guidance EIMR2014-130

  9. Enable: Infrastructure Investment EIMR2014-130

  10. Enable: PFOW MSP process EIMR2014-130

  11. Engage: Talk to People EIMR2014-130

  12. Engage: Provide Opportunities Call for sites Public Draft Local & Harbour Consultation Plans Masterplans EIMR2014-130

  13. Engage: Policy versus Practice “… analysis indicates that benefits may be gained from testing government renewable energy policies against the different worldviews…. that move away from homogenised views of public opinion ” West et al, (2010) EIMR2014-130

  14. How we can help each other… • Provide concise summaries of key research/policy work, highlighting main implications • Sign up to be a stakeholder in the PFOW marine spatial plan process • Come and talk to us, phone us or email us EIMR2014-130

  15. Summary • Highland and Orkney Islands Council are playing a key role in supporting Marine Spatial Planning in Scotland. • Significant investment in harbour upgrades and land provision is enabling development and economic growth. • By engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders, we are the key link between developers, academics, SG agencies and the local communities we serve. EIMR2014-130

  16. References West, J., Bailey, I. & Winter, M. (2010) Renewable energy policy and public perceptions of renewable energy: A cultural theory approach. Energy Policy , 38 , 5739-5748 Acknowledgements EIMR Peter Alexander, Highland Council Kevin Woodbridge, Orkney Shona Croy & James Green, Orkney Islands Council EIMR2014-130

  17. THANK YOU - EIMR2014-130


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