living our values together

Living our values, together Introduction for ELT Learning Lab, 27 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Living our values, together Introduction for ELT Learning Lab, 27 January 2015 Tim Keogh, April Strategy Front cover of The Lancet, November 2014 1 Agenda 1. Introducing values project 2. Developing the narrative 3. Your role in its success 4.

  1. Living our values, together Introduction for ELT Learning Lab, 27 January 2015 Tim Keogh, April Strategy Front cover of The Lancet, November 2014 1

  2. Agenda 1. Introducing values project 2. Developing the narrative 3. Your role in its success 4. Take part in Graffiti Boards 2

  3. At out best we are… This is how our patients and whānau described their care in compliments about our teams, in the 12 months to January 2015. The height of each word is proportional to the number of times patients mentioned it. 3

  4. The value of appreciation 4

  5. But not consistently at our best This is how our patients and whānau described their care in complaints, received in the 12 months to January 2015. The height of each word is proportional to the number of times patients mentioned it. 5

  6. Patient experience drives quality 66

  7. Staff engagement drives quality 7

  8. Human factors drive both 8

  9. Introducing A campaign to refresh our values, to help us make Counties Manukau DHB a consistently great place to receive healthcare, and to work 9

  10. Objectives • Refresh / renew our values, to support us to deliver a more consistently good patient / staff experience • Involve the whole organisation, for ownership and relevance, building a change movement as we go • Include every group – no one is too important or not important enough • Be appreciative of the good things people already do • Be honest about where we can be better – as teams and individuals 10

  11. Outcomes Behaviours we can notice, Recruit, appraise, develop appreciate and challenge staff who live up to our values Values we can measure A movement for change 70% 20% We lco min g Re s p e ct He l p f u l P ra ise Ca n r d o u Sa fe Cle a n Pro fe ss io n a l E x ce p t io n a l I m p ro vin g s p o Re n sib le y Time l iste n L mm u n C o ica te T e a m wo rk Co n ti n u i ty !30% 0 !80% Reduce waiting Understanding Helps others Professional Communicate$ Excellence Teamwork Reliable Respect Friendly Involve Smiles Patient !130% Listen Open Safe Welcoming $ Helpful $ Expert $ One$ team $ 11

  12. Project approach Feb - March 28 April – 4 May May onwards 1. Engage 1. Engage 2. Listen 2. Listen 3. Distil 3. Distil Living our Values week • Refresh our values , distil Start conversations behaviour framework, about values-led care • 5 In Your Shoes patient and reflect what’s important to and teamwork family listening events: what is patients, families and staff it like to be cared for here? • Launch w/c 9 Feb (20 patients / 20 staff per event) • Share evidence / data • 5 In Our Shoes staff • Awareness and behaviour in team discussions listening events: what makes a -change campaign good day or bad day working • Values Graffiti Boards here? • Embed values / behaviours ask patients and staff (100 members of staff per event) in recruitment, induction about their vision for a • 3 Leading with values : appraisal, talent, values-led organisation building our leaders’ skills and progression, development • Build the movement to role model and manage • User feedback on how we by involving thousands values, attitude and behaviour are living up to our values – in the discussions • Tailored discussions eg SMOs reporting / improvement • Create content eg selfie-videos 12

  13. Governance and Strategic Alignment � A working group with organisation-wide representation will provide intelligence into the planning and facilitate engagement across the organisation � ELT will receive regular progress reports to maintain oversight � This work contributes to and supports other strategic priorities including the Strategy Refresh, SWIFT and Patient & Whaanau Centred Care � Interaction with the leads of these programmes and projects has been initiated to ensure alignement 13

  14. 2. Developing the narrative How do we talk about the values project with teams? Two key sentences for each of the following… A . What’s happening that B . So what are we doing? C . What do we ask of you? means we need to act? 14

  15. 3. Our role in leading this If you want people (from all professional groups and services) to get involved: in listening events; and by starting to changing their own behaviours… what can you do to make this more likely? A . Role modeling – our own behaviour B . Speaking up – others’ behaviour 15

  16. 4. Graffiti Board – your views Thinking about a great patient Sometimes we don’t provide the The compliment I would most If we could make one and staff experience, what are best patient and staff experience. like to hear from a patient is... improvement for patients it the things you see and hear staff What are the things you see and would be... doing, that they should keep hear staff doing, that they should doing, or do MORE of… do LESS of, or not at all… …with patients and families… …with patients and families… I'd like colleagues to describe If we could do one thing to make me as the kind of person who... your experience at work better it would be… …with colleagues… …with colleagues… 16

  17. References (charts 6-8) 17


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