ROI HSP Project The approach to Boolean Values IGG 11-01-12
The approach to Boolean Values Messages that are Inbound to ESBN • The new harmonised TIBCO solution will allow a Supplier to send only 1 , 0 , true , false as boolean values • This is the same as currently happens in RoI, so no change for boolean values on any messages that are inbound to ESBN Messages that are Outbound from ESBN • The harmonised TIBCO solution will only ever allow 0 or 1 for Boolean values • Currently in RoI the only values that are ever sent out are true or false • This means that the values that are populated in all Boolean fields on all messages that are outbound from ESBN will be changing from true to 1 and from false to 0. • See next slide for details of impacted fields / messages
The approach to Boolean Values (I)Inbound from Retail MPs to ESBN (O)Outbound to Retail MPs from ESBN No Change All will be changing from true to 1 and from false to 0. CancellationAgreementFlag 011A(I) ChangeMeterAddressFlag 013(I) ChangeOfUsageFlag 114(O) COS_EstimateAcceptableFlag 010(I) 102(O), 102P(O), 102R(O) COT_LE_Flag 010(I), 017(I) 101(O), 101P(O), 102(O), 102(N), 102P(O), 110(O) CustomerDetailsChangedFlag 114(O) DebitReEst 305(O) DebtTransferFlag *** 010(I) 110(O) DeleteAccessInstructionsFlag 013(I) DeleteCustomerServiceDetailsFlag 013(I) DeleteMedicalEquipmentNeedsFlag 013(I) DeleteMeterReaderPassword *** 013(I) DeletePOBoxAddressFlag 013(I) DisplayOnExtranet 010(I),013(I),016(I),017(I) LongTermVacantIndicatorFlag *** 013(I) 114(O) MeterPointAddressChangedFlag 114(O) PSOExemptionFlag 700(O), 700W(O) SupplyAgreementFlag 010(I), 016(I), 017(I), 030(I) 101R(O), 102R(O) VCAttributeDeleted 102(O) ***4 Messages (010,110,013,114) will have New fields for Harmonisation , none of which are being used by RoI 102N is an unused RoI Market Message that is being removed as part of Harmonisation
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