W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S Update on Fall Planning July 22, 2020 1
Our Work So Far: Living our Values 2 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Our Time-Line Late May-Mid-June: District Working Groups ● Operations: Identified highest priorities for safe reopening ○ Teaching and Learning: Develop different models for instruction with focus on hybrid model ○ May 31-Present: Community Input ● 3 surveys and 13 Zoom Chats with families, teachers and students ○ June 25 DESE Commissioner’s Guidance ● 3 models including one that incorporates the new 3-foot minimum ○ All-in, hybrid, all-remote ■ June 25-present: Building-Based Work ● Building-based work developing master schedules at staffing approaches for 3 models ○ 3 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
July 21 Survey of Families (1467 responses) ● 4 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
July 21 Survey of Families ● 5 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
July 21 Survey of Staff (183 Responses) ● 6 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Survey of Other Districts (13 Districts Similar to Ours) Regarding the Model 7 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Survey of Other Districts (13 Districts Similar to Ours) Regarding the Type of Hybrid Model Under Consideration 8 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Review of Guidance • June 25 Guidance from the DESE With accompanying AAP support Mitigating factors (hand hygiene, masks, and social distance) • July 6-Present: Weekly Board of Health meetings to discuss proposed plans and protocols and get BOH guidance • July 6-Present: Weekly meetings for elementary and secondary with Health Department Staff • July 15: Presentation from Dr. Roitfarb-Canterbury • July 17 DESE Guidance regarding responding to COVID scenarios 9 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Ventilation Actions Taken So Far by Town Review of ventilation equipment and their functioning ● Engineering firm contracted to do independent testing ● Determining appropriate MERV filters and sourcing them for ● installation 10 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Interscholastic Sports Decision about which sports and how postponed until ● September 14 More guidance from the Commissioner in early August ● 11 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Your Source for Information at WPS website https://www.wayland.k12.ma.us/cms/One.aspx?portalId=1036435&pageId=48416911 12 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Upcoming Timeline July 29: Possible Vote on priority model for Fall ● July 31: 3 plans including priority plan due to DESE ● August 10: Comprehensive Fall Reopening plan due to ● community and DESE 13 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
Thank you 14 W A Y L A N D * P U B L I C * S C H O O L S
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