Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Capacity building workshop for the National Designated Entities (NDEs) NH Hotel, Vienna, Austria 17-18 June 2014 Vladimir Hecl Finance, Technology and Capacity Building Programme UNFCCC secretariat
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Processes under the Convention • There are many processes / mechanisms under the UNFCCC Why are there so many processes? • These processes were established by Parties to address specific needs and to enhance action on climate change • Many are related to enhancing action on: • Mitigation • Adaptation • Support for implementation Q: What is the process in which the CTCN forms part of? 2
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes The CTCN forms part of the Technology Mechanism Objective: enhance action on the development and transfer of technology for action on climate change Technology Executive Committee • The policy arm CTCN • The implementation arm • NDEs Q: At the national level, how can CTCN activities link with other UNFCCC processes? A: Through the NDE 3
UNFCCC processes UNFCCC Processes focusing on implementation: 1. Mitigation • Clean development mechanism (CDM) • Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) 2. Adaptation • National adaptation plans (NAPs) • National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) 3. Support for implementation • Finance • Global Environment Facility (GEF) • Green Climate Fund (GCF) • Adaptation Fund (AF) • Technology • Technology Mechanism (mentioned previously) • Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) 4
UNFCCC processes 1. Mitigation Clean development mechanism (CDM) • The CDM allows emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits • These CERs can be traded, sold and used by industrialized countries to a meet a part of their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol At the national level • Designated national authority (DNA) Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) • NAMAs are actions by developing country Parties aimed at achieving a deviation in emissions relative to 'business as usual' emissions in 2020 At the national level • NAMA approver, NAMA developer(s) 5
UNFCCC processes 2. Adaptation National adaptation plans (NAPs) • Enable developing countries to: • Identify medium- and long-term adaptation needs • Develop and implement strategies and programmes to address those needs At the national level • Country specific National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) • A process for the least developed countries to identify priority activities that respond to their urgent and immediate needs with regards to adaptation At the national level • Country specific 6
UNFCCC processes 3. Support for implementation - Finance The financial mechanism of the Convention • Provision of financial resources on a grant or concessional basis, including for the transfer of technology • Operating entities of the financial mechanism: • Global Environment Facility (GEF) • Green Climate Fund (GCF) At the national level • GEF focal point; GCF modalities not yet determined Adaptation Fund of the Kyoto Protocol • Finances concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing countries that are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol At the national level • Adaptation Fund – Designated Authority 7
UNFCCC processes 3. Support for implementation - Technology Technology Mechanism • (Described previously) Technology needs assessments (TNAs) • Process by which developing countries can identify and determine their technology priorities for climate change At the national level • TNA coordinator + national team 8
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes How could an NDE link CTCN activities with other UNFCCC processes? • NDE: national focal point for the development and transfer of climate technologies • Submit requests to the CTCN for technical assistance on issues related to these processes • Support preparation of projects of UNFCCC processes -> overcome challenges for financing • Support the process focal point or national agency, i.e. GEF focal point • Information and knowledge sharing • Provide information on relevant climate technologies and good practices • Highlight projects from other countries and other UNFCCC processes, e.g. TNAs -> NAMAs • Foster collaboration and networking • Promote linkages between processes, e.g. NAMAs -> GEF/GCF • Enhance synergies, coherence and complementarities and reduce duplication of efforts between processes 9
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Example: Energy efficient lighting in industrial sector in Sri Lanka 1. Technology needs assessment (TNA) – identification of technology need and project idea • NDE supports the national TNA process • Providing and sharing information on climate technologies • Fostering collaboration and networking between stakeholders • Energy efficient lighting prioritized in TNA • Project idea: Development of a national energy efficiency lighting strategy • Energy codes, standards, labeling, enforcement, etc. 2. NDE facilitates a linkage between the TNA coordinator and the NAMA approver/developer 10
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Example: Energy efficient lighting in industrial sector in Sri Lanka, cont. 3. NAMA – preparation of project • At the request of NAMA approver: • NDE submits a request to the CTCN for support in preparation of NAMA project • Project is listed on the NAMA Registry 4. Support for implementation of project • NDE creates awareness of the project within the CTCN community to identify project financing • Shares information with CTCN, Network and other NDEs (both Annex I and non-Annex I) • Financing source is identified 5. Project is implemented 11
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Possible input of TNA results into other planning tools
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Linkages and potential integration of TNA into NAMA and NAP
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Conclusions • There are many possible linkages between the activities of the CTCN and UNFCCC processes • It is through the NDE that activities of the CTCN can be linked with these processes • Primarily, the NDE has the opportunity to play a valuable role in: • Supporting the UNFCCC processes with regards to technology assistance • Facilitating information and knowledge sharing between these UNFCCC processes • Enhancing collaboration and networking, therefore supporting the building of complementarities and linkages • Linking CTCN activities may enhance the effectiveness of the CTCN support, and enhance national efforts on climate change 14
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Questions for the national designated entities • What are concrete ways in which CTCN activities can support other UNFCCC processes? • How can technical assistance from the CTCN support other UNFCCC processes? • How can enhanced knowledge and information sharing support other UNFCCC processes? • How can collaboration and networking be enhanced to support other UNFCCC processes? 15
Linking CTCN activities with UNFCCC processes Thank you More information: Vladimir Hecl Finance, Technology and Capacity Building programme UNFCCC secretariat
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