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Introduction to Update by Mr. Fred Onduri NDERSA CTCN Advisory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to Update by Mr. Fred Onduri NDERSA CTCN Advisory Board Chair CTCN Mandate, Services and Structure The CTCNs mission is Stimulating technology cooperation and enhance the development and transfer of

  1. Introduction to Update by Mr. Fred Onduri NDE‐RSA CTCN Advisory Board Chair www.ctc‐

  2. CTCN Mandate, Services and Structure The CTCN’s mission is “Stimulating technology cooperation and enhance the development and transfer of technologies to developing country Parties at their request” The CTCN promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries . We provide technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries.Knowledge sharing and training.

  3. CTCN Structure Conference of Parties (COP) and CTCN Advisory Board guide the work of the CTCN CTCN operations are conducted through: • The CTCN Secretariat hosted by UNEP and UNIDO • CTCN Consortium: 11 independent, regional and global organizations with expertise in a variety of climate technology sectors • An international network of academic, multilateral, NGO and private sector institutions • National Designated Entities (NDEs): national CTCN focal points selected by each country to coordinate and submit technical assistance requests to the CTCN

  4. National Designated Entities (NDEs) 158 NDEs have been selected by their countries as of 24 November 2017 NDEs facilitate support to their countries from the CTCN by: • Serving as the National Focal Point on CTCN activities. • Supporting the articulation and prioritization of requests and proposals. • Managing the national submission process of technical assistance requests to the CTCN

  5. CTCN Consortium 5

  6. CTCN Services and Intended Impacts Service 1: Agriculture Technical Energy Energy Water & Forestry Supply Use Assistance Reduce Human Coastal Strengthen Transport Industry Service 2: GHG Zones Health Climate Knowledge Emissions Resilience Sharing Infrastructure, Waste Marine & Agriculture Transport & Management Early Fisheries Service 3: Urban Warning & Forestry Collaboration Design Environmental & Networking Assessment 6 http://ctc‐

  7. Fundamental role • NDE – Roles & Responsibilities • Ensure that requests submitted to CTCN reflect national priorities – TNA, LEDS, NAPAS, NAMAs Ensure that support provided by the CTCN is well co-ordinated at the national • level – Advisory Committee Ensure engagement of relevant ministries, focal points of other UNFCCC • mechanisms, private sector, civil society and academia as relevant – Advisory Committee & IGCCC 7 http://ctc‐

  8. NDE-RSA: Advisory Committee NDE – Advisory Committee Department NDE – RSA Department of Environmental Affairs Director: Environmental Services & Technologies Department of Science and Technology Department of Science & Technology Department of Energy Department of Water and Sanitation Department of Trade and Industry Organisation brought in as required Department of Transport incl but not limited to: Economic Development Department • SALGA • NBI Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 8 http://ctc‐

  9. CTCN Technical Assistance Fast and short (3 pages) application process for countries Provided: • To developing countries upon their request • Free of charge (value up to 250,000 USD) • State of the art and locally relevant expertise • To academic, public, NGO, or private entities • For a broad range of adaptation and mitigation technologies At all stages of the technology cycle : At all stages of the technology cycle : • From identification of needs; • From identification of needs; • policy assessments; • policy assessments; • selection and piloting technology solutions; • selection and piloting technology solutions; • to assistance that supports technology • to assistance that supports technology customization and widespread deployment customization and widespread deployment

  10. Technical Assistance: Key for Success • Seek targeted and tangible technical advice when expertise is not available - Not seeking funding from the CTCN to finance expertise already available • Not seeking assistance for activities that are already being fully supported or that are in the process of being fully supported • Facilitate actual development, demonstration, deployment, diffusion of one or several climate technologies, • Identify specific difficulties/barriers hampering the deployment of technologies for CTCN support to remove these barriers • Engage technology stakeholders that have the potential to trigger concrete results for the deployment of technologies (private sector, etc.) • Clear plan on how and when to use to outputs produced by CTCN assistance including specific actions that will be undertaken by the request proponents or the NDE once the assistance is delivered. • Demonstrates the commitment and engagement of the request proponent or the government to advance on the deployment of the concerned technology

  11. What are REQUESTS Core service of CTCN is to respond to direct country requests • submitted through the NDE For example, these could be: • T echnical support and advice for the identification of technology needs; • • Advice on policies and measures for the uptake of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies; T echnical support for preparing projects and strategies on mitigation and • adaptation technologies; • T echnical support and advice for adapting technologies to meet local needs and circumstances; T echnical support and advice for facilitating research, development and • demonstration of climate friendly technologies; and • Tailored training and capacity building. http://ctc‐ 11

  12. Categories for requests Quick Response Response Project • Activity for which the cost is • Request where the cost is approx. USD 50 000 between USD 50 000 and USD 250 000 • The response can be addressed rapidly and directly • This type of request requires by the CTC usually through a more detailed response and the Consortium Partners is normally tendered to the Climate Technology Network http://ctc‐ 12

  13. Types of T echnical Assistance • Can be at local, national or regional levels • To academic, public, NGO or private sector entities for a broad range of adaptation & mitigation technologies At all stages of the technology cycle • Identification of climate technology needs • • Policy assessment Selection and piloting of technological solutions • • Assistance that supports technology customisation and widespread deployment http://ctc‐ 13

  14. Submission process Short List NDE-RSA Advisory Call issued twice in Submission Committee a calendar year NDE-RSA Final inputs Country request Notification IGCCC http://ctc‐ 14

  15. Flow of money Consortium member Submission Proposer NDE-RSA $50 000 Network member $250 000 http://ctc‐ 15

  16. Response Plans being implemented and contracted in Africa Examples of country requests Country Title Objective Sector Proponent Mali Study of technical and economic feasibility to remove Adaptation Agriculture barriers to the implementation of drying and storage Response expert: technologies for okra, mango and potatoes to support ENDA food security South Africa Adaptation, Mitigation Governance and KZN Department of The Development of Technology Needs Assessment at Subnational Level Planning Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs; and iLembe District Municipality South Africa Substantial GHG emissions reduction in the cement Mitigation Industry Association of industry by using waste heat recovery combined with Cementitious mineral carbon capture and utilization Material Producers (ACMP) Mauritius Building Capacity for promoting a greenhouse gas Mitigation Energy supply mitigation strategy for the proposed power generation Response expert: facility in Mauritius GIZ http://ctc‐ 16

  17. Network members - criteria CTN – Membership criteria Operational & Organisational Institutional Structure Capability in the following stability • Technology Centre / • Initiatives aimed at • Evidenced by financial, Institution development, transfer and human and other resources deployment of climate relative to their mandate • Regional climate technology technologies applicable for and size that could centre or network developing countries reasonably be deemed • Intergovernmental, including sufficient to deliver the international, regional or organization’s mandate • Expertise in policy, capacity sector organization, building and/or investment partnership or initiative that contributes to technology deployment and transfer • research, academic, financial, non‐ governmental, private sector or public sector organization, partnership or initiative • NDE Pledge to comply with CTN Code of Conduct http://ctc‐ 17


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