linear nonlinear classifiers

Linear & nonlinear classifiers Machine Learning Hamid Beigy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Linear & nonlinear classifiers Machine Learning Hamid Beigy Sharif University of Technology Fall 1393 Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 1 / 34 Table of contents Introduction 1

  1. Linear & nonlinear classifiers Machine Learning Hamid Beigy Sharif University of Technology Fall 1393 Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 1 / 34

  2. Table of contents Introduction 1 Linear classifiers through origin 2 Logistic regression 3 Perceptron algorithm 4 Support vector machines 5 Non-linear support vector machine 6 Generalized linear classifier 7 Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 2 / 34

  3. Introduction In classification, the goal is to find a mapping from inputs X to outputs t ∈ { 1 , 2 , . . . , C } given a labeled set of input-output pairs (training set) S = { ( x 1 , t 1 ) , ( x 2 , t 2 ) , . . . , ( x N , t N ) } . Each training input x is a D − dimensional vector of numbers. Approaches for building a classifier. Generative approach: This approach first creates a joint model of the form of p ( x , C n ) and then to condition on x , then deriving p ( C n | x ). Discriminative approach: This approach creates a model of the form of p ( C n | x ) directly. Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 3 / 34

  4. Linear classifiers through origin We consider the following type of linear classifiers. y ( x n ) = g ( x n ) = sign ( w 1 x n 1 + w 2 x n 2 + . . . + w D x nD ) ∈ {− 1 , +1 }   � � D �   = sign w T x n = sign w n x nj . j =1 w = ( w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w D ) T is a column vector of real valued parameters ( w ∈ R D ). Different value of w give different functions. x n = ( x n 1 , x n 2 , . . . , x nD ) T is a column vector of real values. This classifier changes its prediction only when the argument to the sign function changes from positive to negative (or vice versa). Geometrically,this transition in the feature space corresponds to crossing the decision boundary where the argument is exactly zero: all x such that w T x = 0. Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 4 / 34

  5. Logistic regression In linear regression, we often assume that the noise has a Gaussian distribution. N ( t | µ ( x ) , σ 2 ( x )) p ( t | x , w ) = We can generalize the linear regression to binary classification by making two changes: Replacing the Gaussian distribution for t with Bernoulli distribution, which is more appropriate for classification. � µ ( x ) if t = 1 p ( t | x , w ) = Ber ( t | µ ( x )) = 1 − µ ( x ) if t = 0 where µ ( x ) = E [ t | x ] = p ( t = 1 | x ). We compute a linear combination of the inputs but then we pass through a function that ensures 0 ≤ µ ( x ) ≤ 1 by defining. 1 sigm ( w T x ) � µ ( x ) = 1 + exp( − w T x ) . where sigm ( x ) refers to sigmoid function. Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 5 / 34

  6. Logistic regression (cont.) Putting these two steps together, we obtain Ber ( t | sigm ( w T x )) . p ( t | x , w ) = This is called logistic regression due to its similarity to linear regression. If we threshold the output probability at 1 2 , we can introduce a decision rule of the form if p ( t = 1 | x ) > 0 . 5 ⇐ ⇒ g ( x ) = 1 . Logistic regression learns weights so as to maximize the (log-)likelihood of the data. Let S = { ( x 1 , t 1 ) , ( x 2 , t 2 ) , . . . , ( x N , t N ) } be the training set. The negative log-likelihood of data equals N � µ ( x ) I [ t n =1] (1 − µ ( x )) I [ t n =0] − log L ( w ) = n =1 N � = − I [ t n = 1] log µ ( x ) + I [ t n = 0] log(1 − µ ( x )) n =1 This is called the cross-entropy error function. Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 6 / 34

  7. Logistic regression (cont.) Let t n ∈ {− 1 , +1 } . Another way to write the log-likelihood of data is. 1 p ( y = +1 | x ) = 1 + exp( − w T x ) 1 p ( y = − 1 | x ) = 1 + exp(+ w T x ) By combining the above equations and computing negative log-likelihood of data, we obtain N � 1 L ( w ) = − log 1 + exp( − t n w T x n ) n =1 � � N � 1 + exp( − t n w T x n ) = log n =1 Unlike linear regression, we can no longer write down the minimum of negative log-likelihood in the closed form. Instead, we need to use an optimization algorithm for computing it. Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 7 / 34

  8. Logistic regression (cont.) Computing the gradients of L ( w ) with respect to w , we obtain N � ∂ L ( w ) t n x ni sigm ( − t n w T x n ) = ∂ w i n =1 Updating the weight vector using the gradient descent rule will result in N � w ( k +1) w ( k ) t n x ni sigm ( − t n w T x n ) = + η i i n =1 η is the learning rate. In order to have a good trade-off between the training error and the generalization error, we can add the regularization term. � � N � + λ 1 + exp( − t n w T x n ) 2 � w � 2 L ( w ) = log n =1 Using the gradient descent rule, will result in the following updating rule. N � w ( k +1) w ( k ) t n x ni sigm ( − t n w T x n ) − ηλ w ( k ) = + η i i i n =1 Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 8 / 34

  9. The Perceptron algorithm We would like to find a linear classifier that makes the fewest mistakes on the training set. In other words, we want find w that minimizes the training error N � 1 E E ( w ) = (1 − δ ( t n , g ( x n ))) N n =1 N � 1 = L ( t n , g ( x n )) . N n =1 δ ( t , t ′ ) = 1 if t = t ′ and 0 otherwise. L is loss function called zero–one loss. What would be a reasonable algorithm for setting the parameters w ? We can just incrementally adjust the parameters so as to correct any mistakes that the corresponding classifier makes. Such an algorithm would seem to reduce the training error that counts the mistakes. The simplest algorithm of this type is the Perceptron update rule. We consider each training instances one by one, cycling through all the training instances, and adjust the parameters according to (drive it.) w ′ = w + t n x n if t n � = g ( x n ) In other words, the parameters (classifier) is changed only if we make a mistake. These updates tend to correct mistakes. Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 9 / 34

  10. The Perceptron algorithm (cont.) The parameters (classifier) is changed only if we make a mistake. To see this, When we make a mistake sign ( w T x k ) � = t k . The inequality t k w T x k < 0 is hold. Consider w after updating t n ( w + t n x n ) T x n t n w ′ T x = t n w T x n + t 2 n x T = n x n t n w T x n + || x n || 2 = This means that, the value of t k w T x n increases as a result of the update (becomes more positive). If we consider the same feature vector repeatedly, then we will necessarily change the parameters such that the vector is classified correctly, i.e., the value of t k w T x n becomes positive. if the training examples are possible to classify correctly with a linear classifier, will the Perceptron algorithm find such a classifier? Yes, it does, and it will converge to such a classifier in a finite number of updates (mistakes). To drive this result (an alternative proof), please read section 3.3 of Pattern Recognition Book by Theodoridis and Koutroumbas Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 10 / 34

  11. The Perceptron algorithm (cont.) We considered the linearly separable case in which the following inequality holds. t n ( w ∗ ) T x n > 0 for all n = 1 , 2 , . . . , N W ∗ is the weight learned by the Perceptron algorithm. Now assume we want to learn a hyperplane that classifies the training set with margin of γ > 0, i.e. we have t n ( w ∗ ) T x n > γ for all n = 1 , 2 , . . . , N Parameter γ > 0 is used to ensure that each example is classified correctly with a finite margin. Theorem When || x n || ≤ R for all n and some finite R, the Perceptron algorithm needs at most � � 2 || w ∗ || 2 updates of the weight vector (w). R γ Outline of proof. The convergence proof is based on combining the following two results, The inner product ( w ∗ ) T w ( k ) increases at least linearly with each update. 1 The squared norm || w ( k ) || 2 increases at most linearly in the number of updates k . 2 Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 11 / 34

  12. The Perceptron algorithm (cont.) We now give details of each part. Proof of part 1. The weight vector w updated when the training instance is not classified correctly. We consider 1 the inner product ( w ∗ ) T w ( k ) before and after each update. ( w ∗ ) T � � w ( k − 1) + t n x n ( w ∗ ) T w ( k ) = ( w ∗ ) T w ( k − 1) + t n ( w ∗ ) T x n = ( w ∗ ) T w ( k − 1) + γ ≥ ( w ∗ ) T w ( k − 2) + 2 γ ≥ ( w ∗ ) T w ( k − 3) + 3 γ ≥ . . . ( w ∗ ) T w (0) + k γ ≥ = k γ Hamid Beigy (Sharif University of Technology) Linear & nonlinear classifiers Fall 1393 12 / 34


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