HELO A CO N FEREN CE 2 0 2 0 LGBTQ+ IN OUTREACH #lgbt By Kir s t y McLa r e n W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ab ou t m e KIRSTY M CLAREN Chair of Proudly King's Staff Network and Widening Participation Officer Say hello on Twitter @kirsty_kcl # HELOANationalConference W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Brave space FIRST, Chatham House Rules HOUSE The goal is not to agree, it is to gain RULES a deeper understanding. Challenge respectfully W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ove r vie w TO DAY' S DISCUSSIO N Introduction to LGBTQ+ terms What are the issues? Em pathy task What can we do? Grill-A-Gay Q&A W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ove r vie w TO DAY' S DISCUSSIO N In t rodu ct ion t o LGBTQ+ t e rm s What are the issues? Em pathy task What can we do? Grill-A-Gay Q&A W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
“Never doubt that a LGBTQ+ small group of Alp h a b e t thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’ s the only thing that ever has.” M ARGARET M EAD W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
LGBTQ+ Alp h a b e t Nobody expects you to be an expert. All people tend to expect is an open m ind, unassum ing language and a swift and short apology when* you get things wrong *Because all of us do! W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ove r vie w TO DAY' S DISCUSSIO N Introduction to LGBTQ+ terms Wh a t a re t h e issu e s? Em pathy task What can we do? Grill-A-Gay Q&A W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Wh a t a re "I have multiple identities. I am a trans woman, but I'm a t h e issu e s woman of colour first. A nd in High e r before I'm a woman of colour, I'm a person of colour. A nd Ed u ca t ion ? before a person of colour, I'm a human.... There's layers to identity." DAN IELLA CARTER W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
P RE U N I H ARRASSM EN T 45% of LGB pupils and 64% of trans "A large group of boys ganged pupils are bullied for being LGBT at school. up on me and tried to rape me. They said it was OK and 86% cent regularly hear phrases such as ‘ that’ s so gay’ or ‘ you’ re so gay’ in school. not rape because I am a freak and not real, and 1 in 10 (9%) of trans pupils are subjected because I’ m asking for it by to death threats at school. being a ‘ freaky tranny’ " Ash , 18 (En gla n d) Alm ost half never tell anyone about the bullying. W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
U N I H ARRASSM EN T 1 in 7 LGBT students (14%) have been the target of negative com m ents or "My pronouns and conduct from a m em ber of u n ive rsit y st a ff in the last year because they are preferred name are not LGBT. used by my university tutor, and only by very For black and m inority ethnic students, the num ber is 1 in 4 (24%). For LGBT few students." students who are disabled, 22% Ja n , 19 (Wa les) experienced this. For Trans students, this was 1 in 3 (36%). W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
H ARRASSM EN T + BACKGRO U N D 50 40 30 20 10 0 W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S Low income High income Small town Larger town
P RE U N I M EN TAL H EALTH Rates of poor mental health are alarmingly high am ong LGBT young people, with "I have looked into trans pupils at particular risk. Over 4 in 5 trans pupils and 3 in 5 of non-trans LGBT therapy that might make pupils have deliberately harm ed me straight and in the them selves at som e point. This com pares past have had suicidal to NHS estim ates that roughly 1 in 10 young people in general have deliberately thoughts because of my harm ed them selves. sexuality." Of these, m ore than 2 in 5 of trans pupils Ah m ed, 15 (En gla n d) and one in 5 non-trans LGBT pupils have attem pted to take their own life. W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
U N I M EN TAL H EALTH 42% of LGBT young people report m ental health issues, com pared to 29% "I went to a Christian of non-LGBT. LGBT people are sim ilarly m ore likely to report experiences of self- event at university and it harm and worryingly, are twice as likely was heavily implied that to have contem plated suicide. they thought being L GBT+ 32% of those who have attended gender was sinful and wrong." identity clinics waited between 1 and 3 Kevin , 20 (En gla n d) years for an appointm ent, which leads to an increase in already disproportionately poor m ental health. W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
P RE BELO N GIN G AN D U N I SU CESS 3 in 5 gay pupils who experience hom ophobic bullying say that this "I lost confidence and the im pacts on their school work. 1 in 6 say it’ s had a big effect on their school work. power to succeed and get (2012) the best qualifications. I One in three (32 per cent) gay pupils left because I was scared who experience hom ophobic bullying and I didn’ t belong in that change their plans for future education environment." because of it. George, 16 (Scot la n d) Significantly m ore likely to truant, and significantly m ore likely to be estranged from fam ily W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
U N I BELO N GIN G AN D SU CESS Gay/lesbian and non -binary learners are m ore than twice as likely than average "I was playing volleyball to say that they had considered leaving their education because of the way they with the men's team and were treated was told I was not allowed to play matches unless I played with the girls' team." Alex, 22 (En gla n d) W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
REASO N S FO R DRO P P IN G O U T I felt as though I didn't fit in Financial issues Hom esickness Non-LGBT+ Non-LGBT+ Non-LGBT+ 41.3% 41.3% 45% LGB+ 55% LGB+ LGB+ 58.7% 58.7% W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
• DURING Fewer role m odels APPLICATION Less accessible accom m odation Little outreach work AT SCHOOL • AT UNIVERSITY More likely to experience More likely to be estranged More likely to skip school discrimination and violence More likely to drop out More likely to achieve poor grades Less likely to achieve top grades More likely to have poor m ental health W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ove r vie w TO DAY' S DISCUSSIO N Introduction to LGBTQ+ terms What are the issues? Em pa t h y t a sk What can we do? Grill-A-Gay Q&A W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Privilege for sale GRO U P TASK W E A R E PR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ove r vie w TO DAY' S DISCUSSIO N Introduction to LGBTQ+ terms What are the issues? Em pathy task Wh a t ca n we do? Grill-A-Gay Q&A W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Consult your LGBT societies and staff network Check your policies, create or suggest WHAT toolkits and guidance, check your com m s and outputs CAN WE Be visible, all year round. In com m s, DO? signage, m erch and in the curriculum Be accessible - both you and the university. W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Facilitate nam e changes Have any student -facing staff (including WHAT am bassadors) trained on LGBT issues CAN WE Stick to your prom ises, com m it DO? som ething in your Access and Participation Plans... only 6% do. W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
Ove r vie w TO DAY' S DISCUSSIO N Introduction to LGBTQ+ terms What are the issues? Em pathy task What can we do? Grill-A-Ga y Q&A W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
#lgbt W E A R EPR O U D L Y K IN G 'S
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