lessons learned from planning and preparing a distributed

Lessons learned from planning and preparing a distributed ISR LVC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UNCLASSIFIED Lessons learned from planning and preparing a distributed ISR LVC Environment - and there were lots John W. Diem Test Technology Director, US Army Operational Test Command ITEA Systems of Systems Engineering Workshop January

  1. UNCLASSIFIED Lessons learned from planning and preparing a distributed ISR LVC Environment - and there were lots John W. Diem Test Technology Director, US Army Operational Test Command ITEA Systems of Systems Engineering Workshop January 29, 2015 UNCLASSIFIED

  2. UNCLASSIFIED Why did we need an ISR LVC Solution for OT – and why distributed? • For the Distributed Common Ground Station – Army (DCGS-A) Limited Users Test to be conducted as part of the Network Integration Evaluation (NIE) 15.2 in May 2015 • Preceded by lab based risk reduction @ Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD • Preceded by developmental testing @ Fort Huachuca, AZ • Preceded by multiple Technical Integration Events for each of the 3 preceding NIEs (14.1, 14.2, 15.1) • Required hybrid LVC solutions from testing, training, experimentation, and operations – even 3 letter agency support – to create the right mix of simulation, scripting and control for a free-play environment for the system, its system of systems – and most importantly, its users • Long ramp-up: multiple DTs, LBRRs, and NIEs as preparatory events – the economy and power of distributed planning, engineering, and support became readily apparent. Getting there was another matter. UNCLASSIFIED

  3. UNCLASSIFIED What does distributed mean for this test –and can it help? ( according to dictionary .com) Build and prove-out hybrid teams and distribute architectures [dih- strib -yoot] Geography – but more: security, architectures, protocols, verb (used with object), distributed, distributing. nationality, standards 1 . to divide and give out in shares; deal out; allot. Link evaluators, testers, tool 2 . developers – concept to to disperse through a space or over an area; spread; scatter. accreditation 3 . to prom ote, sell, and ship or deliver ( an item or line of m erchandise) to individual custom ers, especially in a specified region or area. Leverage SoS elements for time 4 . needed to pass out or deliver ( m ail, new spapers, etc.) to intended recipients . 5 ,6 . to divide into distinct phases or classes: Grow the capability from The process w as distributed into three stages. concept through LBRR through These plants are distributed into 2 2 classes. DT through LUT to IOTE YES! – starting with planning and ending in test execution UNCLASSIFIED

  4. UNCLASSIFIED How has this test been distributed? • Geography – but not always nation or world-wide. Sometimes the most challenging link was between simulations at Fort X and live players at Range Y, 60 miles and multiple tactical and installation backbones away • Security – unclassified live tactical engagement simulations tied to collateral constructive simulations tied to SCI simulations and operational ISR systems, working at collateral and SCI • Architectures, Standards and Protocols – DIS, HLA, TENA, multiple tactical message formats and data exchanges distributed across an LVC federation linked at multiple points to a C4ISR enterprise as well as data collection and test control sysetms • Responsibilities – PM, DT, OT, Evaluator for concept, multiple agencies for scenario and event control development (data, road to war, event lists,….). A Team of Teams • Time – Multiple events over a 2 year window • System of Systems – mix of live and simulated sensors and other C4ISR inputs working in the context of a common scenario and envionment UNCLASSIFIED

  5. UNCLASSIFIED Test Environment Design: A Team Sport Planning and Preparation LUT Scenario - Operational Thread Requirements - Friendly Force Structure - Mission Profile - Concept of Operations Work Group Validated Test Scenario Intel - Mission Profile - Conventional / Insurgency Architecture / - Intel Message Requirements Threat Structure Mission - Threat Profile - HVI Story Lines Threat Work Events List - Mission Events List Group - Five Events Technical Simulation to - Simulation Interoperability Mission Integration - Simulation to Mission Command System Integration Command Events - Network Performance Assessment Network Validated Validation - Complete build of Test Unit and NIE Tactical Network Exercise - Intelligence WfF technical threads (live and sim) (VALEX) - Fires and Maneuver WfF technical threads (live and sim) Work Group UNCLASSIFIED

  6. UNCLASSIFIED Test Environment Control: Another Team Sport Execution / Assessment • Test Team Team Hotwash • Tasks / Outputs • ATEC Sync Meeting  Refine the Master  Coordinator: OTC • Daily Operations Sync Meeting Event List  AEC  Coordinator: BMC  Refine/Adjust  Test Team Deputy Commander individual storylines  OTC G3, Test Team,  Refine/Adjust BMC staff, OPFOR threat scheme of • Daily Intel / Threat Sync Meeting Commander, Threat EW,  Coordinator: BMC G2 maneuver LVC team  OPFOR Commander  Synchronize Live / o Live OPFOR CDR Constructive OPFOR o Constructive OPFOR CDR o Threat EW Lead  LVC Team Threat Entity Live / Sim Intel Signatures Intel Source Threat Cell #1 HVI #1 Live SIGINT - Live OPFOR communications network GMTI - Truck (Sim) HUMINT - TiMS Inject Live Role Player UNCLASSIFIED

  7. UNCLASSIFIED Distributed Scenario Development To ensure the test environment is robust … 1. Develop overall scenario including DCGS-A LUT Test Team requirements 2. Develop storylines 3. Develop individual messages to support storylines 4. Live and Simulated portions must be synchronized 5. Supports BDE Operations and DIV ACE (-) (ISR) ATTICA Example Storylines Messages of Quality 4 th ID attacks 2/1 AD TACREP - OPFOR Comms Targeting VBIED HUMINT reporting Decision Points 2/1 LOG PAC attacked Unit Reporting BCT Operations Plan, Prepare, Execute, Assess Lessons Learned: 1) Robust is a small word but is open for lots of interpretation; 2) Synchronization is a bigger word but getting that right – and defining robust - has consumed 3 NIEs and we still have a lot of work left between multiple sites to be ready for OT UNCLASSIFIED

  8. UNCLASSIFIED Getting the Scenario Right (1/2) End State: Unit feels like they are conducting live BDE operations and are supporting the commander’s decision making process • Operational Mode Summary / Mission Profile : describes the concept of employment, missions, and environmental conditions DCGS-A capability will encounter during the full range of military operations • Combination of Wide Area Security and Combined Arms Maneuver • Messages – describes what messages should stimulate the BDE S2 • TOC/TAC jumps are executed throughout the exercise in response to the Situation • Filling data buckets – ensure our messages properly stimulate the use of DCGS-A; quality ensures that it is a true operational environment that is relevant to the fight Lessons Learned: 1) Art & Science; 2) Insuring that the means to deliver • Master Event List with dynamic scripting to adjust; REDFOR Commander information “filled the data buckets” correctly would have benefited from a lot (Live and Sim) can make decisions (traceability i.e. truth table); more distributed engineering and integration; 3) Event control distributed across simulations, scripting and control cell could also have benefited from a reviewed/updated daily lot more distributed rehearsal. UNCLASSIFIED

  9. UNCLASSIFIED Getting the Scenario Right (2/2) SIPRNet JWICS “SCI” Message Type (24 hour period) min max min max min max   Mission Command Maneuver/OPS   Combat Reports   Collaboration   Weather   All Source Intel Products     Collection Management   Biometrics   Engineer Products     Imagery Products GEOINT  FMV   Moving Target Indicator   Operations SIGINT   Reporting   Operations HUMINT/CI Lessons Learned: 1) More trial and effort than expected on finding – and   Reporting documenting “operational realism” – what information, in what sources, over   MASINT MASINT what networks? 2) Close collaboration with TCM and PM required – and has  Structured from the OMS/MP Message Requirements been improved via distributed integration efforts pre-test. UNCLASSIFIED


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