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LeRoy CUSD #2 Funding and Accountability in Illinois; Whats it mean - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strategic Leadership in Education LeRoy CUSD #2 Funding and Accountability in Illinois; Whats it mean for us at home? Involved Community, Competitive Students, ProductiveCitizens Governance & Planning Fundamentals of EBF 34 Elements x

  1. Strategic Leadership in Education LeRoy CUSD #2 Funding and Accountability in Illinois; What’s it mean for us at home? Involved Community, Competitive Students, ProductiveCitizens

  2. Governance & Planning

  3. Fundamentals of EBF 34 Elements x the LeRoy Students Old Money from What’s possible with New State Money our Property Tax Base the State

  4. Fundamentals of EBF Real $8,344,911 Target $ 1,676,458 $4,623,983 $22,086 Local New Money State Base Mathematics $1,952745 Gap to Adequacy

  5. Illinois State Board of Education FY 2019 Adequacy Target Gap Analysis Calculator October 2018 n List By Selecting the Yellow Box OY COMMUNITY UNITSCH DIST2 Planning Process: What do we need most? Final FY 19 AdequacyTarget FY 19 Value in FY 19 Cost Prior to Applying (After Regionalization if Ratio orCost Adequacy Target Actual Staffing Differences Regionalization Factor Applicable) -Income, 20:1 Non Low-Income 34.04 $2,198,459.76 $1,980,812.24 -Income, 25:1 Non Low-Income Today vs TheModel oreTeachers 8.13 $533,464.63 $480,651.63 ore Teachers ents : 1Facilitator 3.73 $241,624.23 $217,703.43 ents : 1 InterventionTeacher 1.52 $97,696.68 $88,024.70 ents : 1 InterventionTeacher ents : 1 InterventionTeacher ore Positions 48.40 dditional Investment Positions 9.71 structional Assistant Positions 5.30 itions forSubstitutes 63.41 - - $72,559.50 $65,376.10 1. Is our Adequacy Target sufficient to ents: 1 Guidance Counselor 2.36 $168,196.56 $151,545.10 ents: 1 Guidance Counselor ents: 1 Guidance Counselor meet the demand of our community? ents : 1Nurse 0.98 $57,068.34 $51,418.57 ents : 1Nurse ents : 1Nurse 2. How are we staffed and spending? Is ents: 1 Supervisory Aide 3.44 $88,150.00 $79,423.15 ents : 1 SupervisoryAide ents : 1 Supervisory that our intention? Aide ents : 1Librarian 1.52 $104,779.68 $94,406.49 ents : 1Librarian 3. Within the researched based ents :1 Librarian ents : 1 LibrarianAide 2.48 $63,550.00 $57,258.55 recommendations, what is our ents : 1 LibrarianAide ents: 1 Librarian Aide ents : 1Principal 1.52 $162,146.00 $146,093.54 greatest opportunity for impact? ents : 1Principal ents: 1 Principal ents : 1 AssistantPrincipal 1.52 $140,469.28 $126,562.82 ents : 1 AssistantPrincipal ents : 1 Assistant Principal ents: 1 School Site Staff 3.44 $105,780.00 $95,307.78 ents: 1 School Site Staff ents: 1 School Site Staff

  6. Category Model Target U2 Current Target for Change Core Teachers 34.04 30.33 Specialist Teachers 8.13 13.50 Instructional Facilitator 3.73 0.00 Planning Process: What do we need most? Core Intervention Teachers 1.52 1.00 Guidance Counselor 2.36 1.00 Nurse 0.98 1.00 Supervisory Aide 3.44 0.00 Librarian 1.52 1.00 Decade ofDirection Librarian Aide 2.48 0.00 Principal 1.52 3.00 Assistant Principal 1.52 1.00 School Site Staff 3.44 2.50 Targeted Intervention Teacher 1.43 0.00 Targeted Pupil Support Staff 1.43 0.00 Targeted Extended Day Teacher 1.49 0.00 Targeted Summer School Teacher 1.49 0.00 1. Interventionist Position SPED Core Teacher 5.30 6.00 I. Cost: $40,000 SPED Instructional Assistant 5.30 14.50 SPED School Psychologist 0.74 0.25 II. Tier Funding: $22,000 in FY18 and Total: 81.86 75.08 6 FTE's $25,000 in FY19 Notes: We have several staff that exist in multiple categories at the same time, so some III. Hire the position for FY20 of our "0's" are actually occupied positions. The existence of our LIFE and LPA program also create a level of uniqueness to the calculations for the LeRoy School system. 2. Continued commitment to AdvancED as a Because we have students attending on a tuition basis, we are actually supported in part by the state funding of other districts. We also have staff that transitions over into Continuous Improvement Partner. our efforts with PK education which is not reflected within the Evidence Based Model. It is important to realize that this is not a perfect representation of our staffing but is 3. Continued Commitment to Measured Progress appropriate to be used for planning purposes. It is also our position that in the area of "specialist teacher" that our overage is reflective of our local demand to offer Art, Music, for Assessment of AcademicGrowth. and Vocational Programming. 4. Title funds will support the extension of the school day/year until Tier Revenues allow the replacement. 5. Do without the Instructional Facilitators and Guidance Counselor positions for now.

  7. Tax RateImplications Current EAV: $102,844,903 ❖ Current Adjusted Operating Tax Rate: $4.504 ❖ Relative Necessary Rate: $4.486 ❖ ❖ ($4,613,901 / $102,844,903 x 100) Gap in Rate: -$0.018 ❖ ❖ $250,000 House (33% x $250,000/100 x $0.018) = $14.85 reduction ❖ Gap in Resource: $18,233

  8. Using the Model to Build Our Narrative Staffing by Evidence ❖ Responding to ESSA ❖ Negotiating ❖ Property Tax Debate ❖ Does the $40,000 matter to us? ❖ Example Questions or Dissent ❖

  9. Thank You… For taking the time to invest in learning and leading!


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