education action plan

Education Action Plan New NY Education Reform Commission Dick - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education Action Plan New NY Education Reform Commission Dick Parsons, Chair The NEW NY Educ ucation on Reform orm Co Commiss ssion on *Convened vened by Gove vernor nor Cuomo o in April il 2012 2 to

  1. Education Action Plan New NY Education Reform Commission Dick Parsons, Chair

  2. The NEW NY Educ ucation on Reform orm Co Commiss ssion on *Convened vened by Gove vernor nor Cuomo o in April il 2012 2 to develo lop an acti tiona onable le course e of reforms to transform New York’s public lic educati tion on system em *25 members, rs, consisti sisting ng of top educati tion, on, community unity, , and busines ness s leaders rs *Hel eld d 11 public ic heari ring ngs in every y region on of New York k over r 4 months ths *Hea eard rd fr from more than an 300 students, nts, parents, ents, educator ors, , business ess leaders rs, and stakeh kehol olders, rs, and received ceived thousan usands of pages es of testi timony mony

  3. Ad Addre resses ses the he entir ire educa cati tion on pipeline line Provides ides the road adma map for an an educ ucation on that will sup upport a a stude udent nt from crad adle e to college ge an and car aree eer r – beginn nnin ing g in pre pre-ki kind ndergar rgarten en

  4. The NEW NY Educa cati tion on Refor orm m Com ommi missi ssion on Me Members rs Ch Chai airma man n Richard ard Par arsons Eduar ardo o Marti ti Lisa sa Belzb lzberg rg Sara a Mead Geoffrey ffrey Canad nada Assemb mblyw ywoman oman Cathy hy Nolan an Jessi sica ca Cohen en Michael chael Rebell ll Jean n Desravin vines es Carrie ie Remis Elizabet beth h Dic ickey key Jose se Luis s Rodrig iguez uez Stanley anley Drucke uckenm nmill iller Mary y Anne Schmi hmitt tt-Car Carey ey Senator or John hn Flanagan anagan Sand ndy y Weill ll Patti ti Gallaghe allagher Randi di Weingar ngarten ten Chanc ncellor ellor Matt t Gold ldste stein in Irma a Zardo doya Karen en Hawley wley Miles les Michael chael Horn Chanc ncello ellor Na Nancy cy Zimph impher Thoma mas s Kane ane Commis mmissi sione oner John n King ng

  5. The he Commission’s Action Plan TH THE E AC ACTI TION PLAN ON PLAN

  6. The he Commission’s Action Plan 1. Ful ull-da day pr pre-kind indergar rgarten ten for r highest hest ne need eds s st stud udents ents

  7. The he Commission’s Action Plan 2. St Strea reamline ne services es and re resour urces es thro roug ugh h “Community S chools”

  8. The he Commission’s Action Plan 3. Tr 3. Tran ansf sfor orm m an and ex d extend end the e sc school ool da day an and d yea ear t r to ex expan and d qual ality ty lea earn rning ng time me

  9. The he Commission’s Action Plan 4. Imp 4. mpro rove ve the he tea eache cher r an and pri rincip cipal al pipel eline ine to re recr cruit it and re retain in better r educa cators rs

  10. The he Commission’s Action Plan Improve ve Recruitm itment ent and Prepara rati tion on of Top Quality ty Educators rs by: *Increa easi sing ng admission on requirem rements ents for candidates tes pursuing ng a t teachi hing ng degree *Provid viding ng more classr ssroo oom m experience ence prior to earning g certif ifica cati tion on * Creating a “bar exam” to ensure competen etency cy for new educators ors *Recogn ogniz izin ing g and rewarding ng effect ctive ve educators ors by incenti tiviz vizin ing g perfor orma mance nce

  11. The he Commission’s Action Plan 5. Bui uild d bet ette ter r bri ridg dges es fro rom m high sc school ool to college co ege an and c d car aree eers rs with Ea Earl rly Co College ege High Sch chool ools s an and Ca d Care reer r Te Tech chni nical cal Educ ucati tion on

  12. The he Commission’s Action Plan 6. Inc 6. ncen enti tivi vize ze the e sma mart an and i d inn nnovati tive ve us use o e of tech chnolo nology y to imp mpro rove ve tea each ching ng an and le d lear arni ning ng

  13. The he Commission’s Action Plan 7. Pu Purs rsue ue ef effi ficien ciencies cies su such ch as s di dist strict rict co cons nsoli olida dati tion on, , high sc school ool re region onali aliza zati tion on an and d sh shar ared ed se services es to inc ncre rease se st stud udent ent ac acces ess s to ed educ ucati tiona onal l oppor pportun tuniti ties es

  14. The he Commission’s Action Plan 8. Incr 8. crea ease se tra ranspare arency ncy an and ac acco coun untabil bility ity of distric trict t le leaders rshi hip by cr creatin ing g a pe perf rforma rmanc nce e ma manage gemen ment t syste tem m

  15. The he Commission’s work continues… The Pre relimin minar ary y Ac Action on Plan pre resents ts imm mmedi diate te oppor ortu tuniti nities es to begin in developi ping ng a wo worl rld-class ss educati tion on syste tem m in New w York rk State te

  16. The he Commission’s work continues… The he Comm mmiss ission on is commit itte ted d to conti tinuing nuing its work rk in the weeks ks and months mo hs ahe head d and wi will ll issue ue a F Final al Report t in Fall 201 013



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