ler y seafood group

Lery Seafood Group Quarterly report Second quarter 2004 August 26 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lery Seafood Group Quarterly report Second quarter 2004 August 26 th Ole-Eirik Lery CEO Helge Singelstad CFO Agenda 1. Considerations 1 2. Key financial figures Q2 2004 2 3. Lery at a glance 3 4. Lery

  1. Lerøy Seafood Group • Quarterly report • Second quarter 2004 • August 26 th • Ole-Eirik Lerøy • CEO • Helge Singelstad • CFO

  2. Agenda 1. Considerations 1 2. Key financial figures Q2 2004 2 3. Lerøy at a glance 3 4. Lerøy Seafood Group – Company profile 4 5. Market glance 5

  3. Internal considerations 2nd Quarter 2004 Main figures All figures in mill NOK Q2-04 Q2-03 YTD 04 YTD 03 2003 Change • Turnover 851 678 25,5 % 1.709 1.280 2.915 • Operating profit 29 24 20,8 % 57 41 84 • Affiliated companies 2 -4 150 % 0 -11 -21 • Pre-tax profit 27 9 200 % 48 20 55

  4. Internal considerations 2nd Quarter 2004 • Financially Solid Well positioned for future organic and strategic growth • Dividend for 2003 NOK 0,60 per share (Ex dividend 26. May 2004) • • Appr. 2.924 shareholders as of 20. August 2004 Considerably improved liquidity traded shares • • Consolidated Satisfactory operations in most areas in Q2 2004 • Still focus on operations and synergies • Lerøy Midnor AS well integrated • Acquired rest of shares in Lerøy Sweden AB • Acquired 60 % shares in Portnor LDA •

  5. Portnor Lda, acquisition 60 % shares • Established in Lisboa in 1991 • Key figures 2003: • Turnover NOK 90 mill • Pre tax profit NOK 1,9 mill • Share price (60 %) NOK 4,6 mill • Employees: 22 • Leading distributor of fresh seafood in Portugal • Other shareholders • Man. Director Mr. Thomassen & Mrs. Thomassen

  6. Internal considerations 2nd Quarter 2004 • Financially Solid Well positioned for future organic and strategic growth • Dividend for 2003 NOK 0,60 per share (Ex dividend 26. May 2004) • • Appr. 2.924 shareholders as of 20. August 2004 Considerably improved liquidity traded shares • • Consolidated Satisfactory operations in most areas in Q2 2004 • Still focus on operations and synergies • Lerøy Midnor AS well integrated • Acquired rest of shares in Lerøy Sweden AB • Acquired 60 % shares in Portnor LDA • • Affiliated companies Improved, but still difficult market situation •

  7. External considerations 2nd Quarter 2004 • Improved salmon and trout prices • Prices increased in H1 (15.6 %) • Prices in Q2 04 higher than comparable figures in Q2 03 (22.1 %) • Higher prices needed • Prices so far in Q3 04 higher than comparable prices in Q3 03, but uncertainty in price development • Weakened financial and operational performances throughout the industry • Enhances restructuring • Consolidation • Increased market orientation • Still difficult market situation in both pelagic and white fish sectors • Currencies • Future will bring great volatility

  8. External considerations 2 nd Quarter 2004 cont. • Political issues / trade barriers • Safeguard measures • WTO • Dumping ?

  9. Agenda 1. Considerations 1 2. Key financial figures Q2 2004 2 3. Lerøy at a glance 3 4. Lerøy Seafood Group – Company profile 4 5. Market glance 5

  10. Yearlyturnover LSG mill. NOK 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

  11. Pre-tax earnings LSG mill. NOK 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

  12. Quarterly turnover LSG mill. NOK 1800000 1600000 1400000 1200000 2001 1000000 2002 800000 2003 600000 2004 400000 200000 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YTD

  13. Quarterly operating profit LSG mill. NOK 60000 50000 2001 40000 2002 30000 2003 20000 2004 YTD 10000 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YTD

  14. Profit before tax LSG mill. NOK 50000 40000 2001 30000 2002 20000 2003 2004 10000 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YTD

  15. Resultatregnskap / Income Statement Q2-04 Alle tall i NOK 1.000 / All figures in NOK 1,000 Q2 - 2004 Q2 - 2003 YTD 2004 YTD 2003 2003 678 442 1 280 101 Salgsinntekter / Operating revenues 851 254 1 708 653 2 914 873 Vareforbruk / Cost of goods sold 606 011 1 143 172 734 666 1 467 272 2 614 210 Lønn og andre personalkostnader / Salaries and other personnel ex 42 074 22 396 90 128 46 282 116 472 Andre driftskostnader / Other operating expenses 33 656 22 881 70 395 42 886 85 674 Ordinære avskrivninger / Ordinary depreciation and amortization 12 114 3 406 24 178 6 734 14 150 Driftsresultat / Operating profit 28 744 23 748 56 680 41 027 84 367 Inntekt tilknyttet selskap / Income from affiliated companies 2 419 -4 051 -18 -10 934 -20 511 Netto finansposter / Net financial items -4 117 -11 153 -8 359 -10 520 -9 196 Resultat før skattekostnad / Profit before tax 27 046 8 544 48 303 19 573 54 660 Beregnede skatter / Estimated taxation -6 441 -3 619 -13 149 -8 722 -20 577 4 925 10 851 Periodens resultat / Profit for the period 20 605 35 154 34 083

  16. Balanse / Balance Sheet Q2-04 Alle tall i NOK 1.000 / All figures in NOK 1,000 30.06.04 30.06.03 31.12.03 Immaterielle eiendeler / Intangible assets 265 299 32 060 272 457 Varige driftsmidler / Tangible fixed assets 178 755 68 366 183 417 Finansielle anleggsmidler / Financial fixed assets 275 061 273 116 275 063 Sum anleggsmidler / Total fixed assets 719 115 373 542 730 937 Varer / Inventories 276 841 63 447 274 823 Fordringer / Receivables 401 841 337 965 505 917 Betalingsmidler / Cash and equivalents 1 263 966 313 611 292 749 ) Sum omløpsmidler / Total current assets 942 648 715 023 1 073 489 Sum eiendeler / Total assets 1 661 763 1 088 565 1 804 426 1) Tall som inngår i beregningen av netto rentebærende gjeld / Figures used in calculation of net interest bearing debt

  17. Balanse / Balance Sheet Q2-04 forts./cont. Alle tall i NOK 1.000 / All figures in NOK 1,000 30.06.04 30.06.03 31.12.03 Innskutt egenkapital / Equity contributions 656 113 505 288 656 043 Opptjent egenkapital / Earned equity 162 982 121 825 127 781 Minoritetsinteresser / Minority interests 10 742 10 612 10 325 Sum egenkapital / Total equity 829 837 637 725 794 149 Avsetning for forpliktelser / Accrued liabilities 8 457 310 8 647 Langsiktig gjeld / Long-term liabilities 1 391 538 190 249 412 195 ) Kortsiktige kreditter / Short-term loans 1) 126 941 16 089 242 898 Annen kortsiktig gjeld / Other short-term liabilities 304 990 244 192 346 537 Sum gjeld / Total liabilities 831 926 450 840 1 010 277 Sum egenkapital og gjeld / Total equity and liabilit 1 661 763 1 088 565 1 804 426 1) Tall som inngår i beregningen av netto rentebærende gjeld / Figures used in calculation of net interest bearing debt

  18. Key figures – Lerøy Seafood Group Q2-04 Q 2 - 2003 YTD 2003 2003 Nøkkeltall / Key figures Q2 - 2004 YTD 2004 Resultatmargin / Profit margin 3,18 % 1,26 % 2,83 % 1,53 % 1,88 % Driftsmargin / Operating margin 3,50 % 3,20 % 2,89 % 3,38 % 3,32 % Resultat per aksje / Earnings per share 0,60 0,17 1,02 0,37 1,15 Utvannet res per aksje / Dil. earnings per sha 0,17 0,37 1,15 0,60 1,02

  19. Key figures – Lerøy Seafood Group Q2-04 Q2 - 2004 Q2 - 2003 YTD 2003 2003 Nøkkeltall / Key figures YTD 2004 Avkastning på sysselsatt kapital / ROCE 2) 11,65 % 7,08 % 10,45 % 7,63 % 9,55 % Egenkapitalandel / Equity ratio 49,94 % 58,58 % 44,01 % Netto rentebærende gjeld / Net interest bearing debt 254 513 362 344 2) Annualisert / Annualized Delårstall er ikke revidert / Ouartely figures have not been audited

  20. Lerøy Seafood Group consolidated Q2-04 • Lerøy Seafood Group’s total equity is 829,8 mill NOK • Subsidiaries share of group equity is 482,7 mill NOK • Operating profit for YTD 2004 is 56,7 mill NOK

  21. Affiliated companies Balance at 30.06.04 30.06.03 31. 12.03 Norskott Havbruk AS (50%) 158,6 mill 152,8 mill 155,1 mill Hydrotech Gruppen AS (39%) 86,8 mill 94,1 mill 91,1 mill Egersund Fisk AS (27%) 23,5 mill 21,4 mill 22,6 mill Total 268,8 mill 268,3 mill 268,8 mill Income from affiliated companies 0 mill -10,9 mill -20,5 mill Lerøy Seafood Group’s total equity 829,8 mill 637,7 mill 794,1 mill

  22. Lerøy Seafood Group Consolidated Key figures • Total equity (49,94 %) 829,8 mill • Net interest bearing debt 254,5 mill • Total intangible assets 265,3 mill • Licences fish farming Norway 195,0 mill • Goodwill / def. tax 70,3 mill • Total LSG-shares: 34.440.767

  23. Agenda 1. Considerations 1 2. Key financial figures Q2 2004 2 3. Lerøy at a glance 3 4. Lerøy Seafood Group – Company profile 4 5. Market glance 5

  24. Lerøy Seafood Group • Global distribution network • Global distribution from Head Office in Bergen • Local distribution and processing in Sweden • Local representative offices in some key markets (France, Spain, Italy, Japan, China, USA)

  25. Lerøy Seafood Group - Sales per market Q2-04 Others 1,9 % Norway 8,6 % USA and Canada 8,7 % Asia Pacific 14,7 % Western Europe 60,1 % Eastern Europe 5,9 %

  26. Lerøy Seafood Group - Sales per product Q2-04 Shellfish Salmontrout Other/other species 5,4 % 4,1 % 3,0 % Pelagic fish 1,5 % White fish 10,8 % Whole salmon 48,5 % Processed salmon 26,8 %


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