leaders in industry industrikompetens thank you agneta

leaders in industry (Industrikompetens) Thank you! Agneta Larsson, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Swedish project involves four local companies Tillvxt Motala and Tillvxt Motala Tillvxt Motala Growth Motala is a local network organisa1on for company support. It involves 300 companies and organisa1ons from all kind of

  1. The Swedish project involves four local companies Tillväxt Motala and Tillväxt Motala Tillväxt Motala – Growth Motala – is a local network organisa1on for company support. It involves 300 companies and organisa1ons from all kind of branches These companies represent industry, caring, business counseling and housing. The SWOPS objec1ve is to break gender carrier barriers. The companies are ac1ve in the project by developing strategies and efforts for equal recruitment. The companies aim at breaking gender biased barriers in choices of training, educa1on and work choices. Co-opera1on with Linköping University, Motala municipality and Employment office Motala

  2. Changing gender biased carrier choices - Let us bury the working life stereotypes in loads of realis7c informa7on! What happens behind the company front? There are exci7ng things going on! It is fun and rewarding Sweden: to work in industry, caring and commerce. Par1cipa1ve methods for commitment and implementa1on - We will join forces to take posi7ve ac7on. We have plans for new ways to interact with schools, training and educa7on. We also see ways to get the local media to provide interes7ng ar7cles about the content and situa7ons in the modern workplaces. We want to replace the stereotypes in the minds of young people, their teachers, parents and influen7al persons in their surroundings .

  3. Method: An ac?on research approach New theoretical knowledge C ompanies and consultants meet in dialogue, New practical knowledge they join their different views and experiences Practical intervention Joint analyses, joint ac?on

  4. Network Interviews Network External mee1ng mee1ng anchoring Dialogue Mapping Dialogue Implementation Idea development Analyses of needs Idea development We must start early, - We have difficulties Can we develop a Further development in the schools; to recruit women. creative exchange here of the ideas from the educations and (Holms, industry in Motala, an company network trainings! interaction between company) We must get behind schools and • Tillväxt Motala’s the stereotypes companies? - We have difficulties network for Carrier around our working to recruit men. development places: (Aleris, caring What if companies could give access, and company) • school/employment • Industry isn’t dirty schools could use cooperation group and noisy! companies as practical - We aim at company • (municipality and parts of school work? diversity to mirror our companies) The Motala model! • There are technical customers. jobs in the caring (Platen) • inspiration seminars sector, jobs that in the company’s don’t require any . network - We develop support caring training at measures for women all! leaders in industry (Industrikompetens)

  5. Thank you! Agneta Larsson, Tillväxt Motala Kicki Stridh, Brohuset FoU 1llvaxtmotala.se


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