LCM 2007 Presentation Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal Case Study on Rajesh Metal Crafts Ltd. Jeetpur, Bara (Iron Pipe Industry) Govinda Prasad Kharel From the Least Developed Country (LDC) Nepal Life Cycle Management (LCM) Zinc Dust Collector Industrial Ecology and Environment CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 1 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
Presentation Outline Hot Rolled Sheets 1. Introduction 2. Eco-efficiency 3. Study Objectives 4. General Methodology GI Pipe 5. Results and Comparisons 6. Conclusion and Recommendations 7. Concluding Remarks CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 2 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
1. Introduction (Scope of the Study) N Study a re a : Ce ntra l De ve lopme nt Re g ion C H I N A (CDR), Na ra ya ni zone , Ba ra Distric t Southe rn pa rt of Ne pa l, Ne a r to the Northe rn borde r of India . I N D I A Study Area of Iron P Study Are of Iron Pipe pe Industry Industry I N D I A Study sc ope d to e valuate e c o- e ffic ie nc y indic a tor s in pr opose d site : 1. Ma nufa c turing mild ste e l blac k pipe a nd ga lva nize d iron pipe CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 3 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
1. Introduction Infrastructural • development of country Conventional technologies, • age old practice Contributing factor for • economic development and Black Pipe environmental pollution Rajesh Metal (Iron Pipe Industry) Eco-efficiency and LCM not • yet implemented Boundary setting of • production processes CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 4 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
2. Eco-efficiency World Business Council for Sustainable Development states (1991), • Delivery of competitively priced goods • Bring quality of life • Reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity in line with the earth’s carrying capacity ECONOMY • Main theme is producing more with less ECO ECOLOGY (WBCSD, 1991) CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 5 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
Manufacturing Processes of Iron Pipe Industry (Rajesh Metal Crafts Ltd.) Slitting F r om HR She e ts Slitting L oade d in T ube Mill F or ming or Contour ing Contour e d the T ubing High F r e que nc y E RW We lding Hydr o T e sting Ga lva nizing T hr e ad Cutting Bur r ing CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 6 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
3. Study Objectives Evaluation of Eco-efficiency Quantitative Analysis Using Conversion Factors 1.Energy Intensity (GJ) 2.Material Consumption (T) 3.Water Use (m 3 ) 4.Waste Generation (T) 5.CO 2 Gas Emission (T of CO 2 eq.) 6.Sales Revenue (US$) 1. Coupling Environmental Improvements and Economic Excellence 2. Eco-innovation and Exploring further creation CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 7 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
4. General Methodology E c o- e ffic ie nc y = Pr oduc tion Va lue in US$ E nvir onme ntal Influe nc e s SR SR n n 1. EE n = = + + r ∑ (E x CF E x CF .......... ... E x CF ) E n 1 n2 2 nr r 1 t = t 1 SR SR n = n 2. EE n = + + r ∑ (M x CF M x CF .......... ... M x CF ) M n1 1 n2 2 nr r t = t 1 SR SR SR n SR n = n 3. EE n = n 4. EE n = = + + + + r ∑ r (W W .......... ... W ) ∑ (Ws Ws .......... ... Ws ) W Wst n1 n2 nr n1 n2 nr t = = 1 t t 1 SR SR n n 5. EE n = = + + r ∑ (E x CF E x CF .......... ... E x CF ) ( CO 2 ) n1 1 n2 2 nr r t = t 1 CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 8 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
5. Results E c o-e ffic ie nc y in $/ GJ $ or GJ E nerg y E co- efficiency Indica tor of Iron Pipe Industry $/ GJ 16000 1200 E c o-e ffic ie nc y Tre nd 1112 $/ GJ 1054 $/ GJ 14000 L ine in $/ GJ Ene rg y Utilize d (G J) 1000 a nd Pro d uc tio n ($ ) 801 $/ GJ 12000 800 681 $/ GJ 746 $/ GJ 10000 $ 8 6 6 1 8000 600 1 2 1 3 2 G J 1 4 5 1 3 G J 1 3 8 2 6 G J 7 8 4 2 G J 7 7 1 8 G J $ 1 1 6 3 1 6000 $ 9 4 1 6 400 $ 9 0 4 8 $ 8 2 6 3 4000 200 2000 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8661 9416 9048 8263 11631 Production in (US$, 000) 7718.682 13825.825 12132.233 7841.667 14513.142 E nerg y Utilized (GJ) 1112 681 746 1054 801 E co- efficiency in $/ GJ CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 9 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
5. Results E c o -e ffic ie nc y in $ o r T Ma ter ia l E c o- effic ienc y I ndic a tor of I r on Pipe I ndustr y $/ T $/ T 800 25000 E c o -e ffic ie nc y 698 $/ T Tre nd L ine in $/ T 646 $/ T 700 ) a nd 20000 600 Produc tion Va lue ($) 396 $/ T 500 Ma te ria lUtilize d (T 15000 475 $/ T 375 $/ T 400 10000 18000 T 300 23771 T 19021 T 11834 T $11631 23086 T $8263 200 $9048 $9416 5000 $8661 100 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8661 9416 9048 8263 11631 Pr oduc tion in (US$,000) 23086 23771 19021 11834 18000 Ma ter ia l Utilized (T ) 375 396 475 698 646 E c o- effic ienc y in $/ T CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 10 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
5. Results E c o -e ffic ie nc y in $ o r m3 Wa ter E c o- effic ienc y Indic a tor of Ir on Pipe I ndustr y $/ m3 $/ m3 14000 16000 E c o -e ffic ie nc y Tre nd L ine in $/ m3 13509 $/ m 3 14000 12000 Wa te r Utilize d (m 3) a nd 12000 10434 $/ m 3 10000 Prod uc tion (US$) 10000 8000 8000 6628 $/ m 3 6000 5188 $/ m 3 $11631 6000 4532 $/ m 3 4000 $8661 1911 m 3 1365 m 3 $8263 $9416 861 m 3 792 m 3 1815 m 3 4000 $9048 2000 2000 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8661 9416 9048 8263 11631 Pr oduc tion in (US$, 000) 1911 1815 1365 792 861 Wa ter Utilized (m 3) 4532 5188 6628 10434 13509 E c o- effic ienc y in $/ m 3 CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 11 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
5. Results E c o -e ffic ie nc y in $/ T $ o r T Wa ste E c o- effic ienc y I ndic a tor of I r on Pipe I ndustr y $/ T 14000 30000 E c o -e ffic ie nc y Tre nd 28108 $/ T 27550 $/ T L ine in $/ T 12000 25000 ) a nd 10000 20000 a tion (T 18168 $/ T Produc tion ($) 8000 13941 $/ T 10889 $/ T 15000 6000 Wa ste G e ne r $11631 10000 $9416 $9048 $8263 $8661 4000 422.18 T 795.4 T 675.4 T 498 T 294 T 5000 2000 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8661 9416 9048 8263 11631 Pr oduc tion in (US$, 000) 795.4 675.4 498 294 422.18 Wa ste Gener a tion (T ) 10889 13941 18168 28108 27550 E c o- effic ienc y in $/ T CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 12 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
5. Results Ec o- e ffic ie nc y in T o r T CO2 CO2 Emission Ec o-effic ienc y Indic a tor Of Iron Pipe Industry $/ T CO2 $/ T CO2 14000 35000 Ec o- e ffic ie nc y CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 T re nd L ine in $/ T 12000 30000 CO2 31042 $/ T CO2 18242 $/ T 13068 $/ T CO2) a nd 12571 $/ T 13132 $/ T 10000 25000 8000 20000 oduc tion ($) CO2 Emission (T 6000 15000 4000 10000 $9416 $9048 CO2 CO2 CO2 $8263 CO2 $11631 CO2 $8661 Pr 2000 5000 279 T 749 T 689 T 453 T 890 T 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 8661 9416 9048 8263 11631 Produc tion in (US$, 000) 279 749 689 453 890 CO2 Emission (T CO2) 31042 12571 13132 18242 13068 Ec o-effic ienc y in $/ T CO2 CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 13 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
5. Results: Summary of Overall Eco-efficiency of Iron Pipe Industry (BENCH MARK) Average Comparison Environmental Unit 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 (2001- (2001 and Influences 2005) 2005) Production Tone 36000 57000 57000 57000 57000 Capacity Actual Tone 22244 22682 18200 11309 17188 Production Capacity % 62 % 40 % 32 % 20 % 30 % Utilization Energy Eco- 28 % ( ↓ ) $/GJ 1112 681 746 1054 801 879 efficiency Material Eco- 72 % ( ↑ ) $/T 375 396 475 698 646 518 efficiency Water EE $/m 3 4532 5188 6628 10434 13509 8058 198 % ( ↑ ) Waste 153 % ( ↑ ) $/T 10889 13941 18168 28108 27550 19731 Generation EE CO 2 Emission $/T 58 % ( ↓ ) 31042 12571 13132 18242 13068 17611 EE CO 2 CO- "Evaluation of Eco-efficiency of Iron and Steel Industries in Nepal" Kharel 14 EFFICIENCY KHAREL, Abstract No. 114 (August 27-29, 2007)
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