lbusd superintendent selection

LBUSD Superintendent Selection Board of Education Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LBUSD Superintendent Selection Board of Education Presentation January 2020 Superintendent Selection Process 1. Recruitment 2. Timeline 3. Public Outreach 4. Advisory Committee 5. Final Selection of our New Superintendent 1. Recruitment

  1. LBUSD Superintendent Selection Board of Education Presentation January 2020

  2. Superintendent Selection Process 1. Recruitment 2. Timeline 3. Public Outreach 4. Advisory Committee 5. Final Selection of our New Superintendent

  3. 1. Recruitment January 22 Board Meeting: - The Board approved the motion to conduct an external search for candidates that is limited to internal candidates and candidates within California. - Internal recruitment efforts will be managed by the Deputy Superintendent of Education Services, Ruth Ashley.

  4. 2. Timeline Jan. 22 Process Identified Jan. 27 - Mar. 6 Public Engagement & Recruitment Mar. 9 - April 3 Application Screening & Initial Interviews April 6 - May 1 Interviews May 6 Board Appoints New Superintendent

  5. 3. Public Outreach ➢ Conduct Community Forums ○ At least one meeting in each BOE Trustee Area ○ All Community Forums will follow a standardized process ○ A final Saturday morning Community Forum will be held at a centralized location to allow attendance for those who missed the meeting in their particular area ○ Translations available at all community meetings ➢ Deploy Electronic Survey ○ Thought Exchange (LCAP survey Feb. 25 - March 6) ➢ Engage District & Community Stakeholder Groups

  6. 3. Public Outreach Engage District Stakeholder Groups ➢ ○ District Community Advisory Committee (DCAC) ○ District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) ○ Californians for Justice (CFJ) ○ Coalition of Involved African American Parents (CIAAP) ○ Khmer Parent Association ○ Long Beach Council Parent Teacher Association (LBCPTA) ○ National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) ○ Pacific Islanders Education Voyage (PIEV) ○ Special Education Community Advisory Council (CAC) ○ Superintendent’s Student Advisory Group ○ Superintendent’s Parent Forum ○ The LGBTQ Center Long Beach (The Center)

  7. 4. Advisory Committee Purpose: To represent various stakeholder groups and serve as a confidential arm of the BOE and HRS during the selection process. The Advisory Committee will only give feedback and recommendations to the BOE. Function: All meetings will fall under the Brown Act, allowing members of the community to see the posted agenda within 72 hours of the meeting and an opportunity to address the Advisory Committee in an open session. Advisory Committee Meetings: Meetings will be held to 1) review roles and responsibilities, 2) review applications, and 3) conduct preliminary interviews. Logistics: Planning considerations will include 1) time and length of day of meetings if students are involved, 2) centralized location of meetings, and 3) advisement by legal counsel and signed confidentiality agreements.

  8. Advisory Committee Members (23) 1. Association of Long Beach Education Managers (ALBEM - 2) 2. Assistance League (1) 3. Board of Education (2) 4. California Conference for Equity and Justice (CCEJ - 1) 5. California State University Long Beach (CSULB - 1) 6. Californians for Justice (CFJ -1) 7. Classified School Employees Association (CSEA - 2) 8. Coalition of Involved African American Parents (CIAAP - 1) 9. District Community Advisory Committee (DCAC - 1) 10. District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC - 1) 11. Executive Staff (2) 12. Khmer Parents’ Association (KPA - 1) 13. Long Beach Council Parent Teacher Association (LB Council PTA - 1) 14. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP - 1) 15. Pacific Islander Education Voyage (PIEV - 1) 16. Special Education Community Advisory Committee (CAC - 1) 17. Teachers Association of Long Beach (TALB - 2) 18. The LGBTQ Center Long Beach (The Center - 1)

  9. 5. Final Selection Process The Advisory Committee will recommend the top 3 - 5 semi-finalists to interview before the Board of Education in a closed session setting. Multiple rounds of interviews may be conducted as needed.

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