2018 2019 course selection course selection guide

2018-2019 COURSE SELECTION Course Selection Guide The 2018-2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ELCO HIGH SCHOOL 2018-2019 COURSE SELECTION Course Selection Guide The 2018-2019 Course Selection Guide is available for download on the ELCO High School webpage under the For Students tab . The Guide outlines the scheduling process,

  1. 11th & 12th Grade Course Offerings Accounting IA (Prerequisite: General Cooperative Work Experience 
 Business recommended) (12th Grade Only) Accounting IB (Prerequisite: 
 Digital Video Accounting I - 80% or higher) Entrepreneurship (Prerequisite: Accounting II (Prerequisite: 
 Accounting I recommended) Accounting IA & IB - 80% or higher) Marketing (Prerequisite: 
 Accounting III (Prerequisite: General Business recommended) Accounting II - 80% or higher) Personal Finance Animation Technology Exploration (Prerequisites: Business Math Web Design I & II, Computer Applications, Computer Graphics) Career Seminar Web Design I Computer Applications Web Design II (Prerequisite: Web Computer Graphics (Prerequisite: Design I - 80% or higher) Computer Applications - 80% or higher) AP Computer Science Principles

  2. Future Business Leaders of America FBLA Community Service Regional and State Leadership Workshops Regional and State Competitions Business and Marketing Events

  3. English • 9th Grade • 10th Grade Literature, Analysis, Literature, Analysis, and Composition I and Composition II • Full Year • Full Year • Writing Intensive • Writing Intensive • Topical Emphasis on • Topical Emphasis on American Literature British Literature

  4. English - 11th Grade • Literature, Analysis, • AP Language and and Composition III Composition • 1/2 year OR OR • Writing • AP Seminar Intensive • Full Year AND • College credit or • English Core Elective advanced standing for successful score on AP Exam

  5. English - 12th Grade • TWO English Core • AP Language and Electives Composition • Each Core Elective OR OR will be one • AP Seminar semester • Full Year • College credit or advanced standing for successful score on AP Exam

  6. English Core Electives • Composition for the • Literature, Society, and College Bound Self • Creative Writing • Methods of Research • Delving into Disaster • Poetry • Drama in Literature • Science Fiction and Performance • Yearbook Management • Great Books • Introduction to • Literary Analysis and Literature* Cinematic Elements 
 * “College in the High School” Credit

  7. English Open Electives • Yearbook / Journalism • Television Production I I • Television Production II • Yearbook / Journalism • Television Management II • Yearbook Management (may also count as a senior core elective)

  8. Summer Reading • All Literature, Analysis, and Composition (LAC) courses have a required summer reading component. • Intro to Literature and AP English Language and Composition also have required summer assignments. • Specific assignment information pertaining to summer reading will be linked from the ELCO High School webpage in May. • All summer reading assignments will be due on the first day of school.

  9. YEARBOOK JOURNALISM • Photography • Graphic Design • Writing

  10. YEARBOOK JOURNALISM • Interviews • Make the next ELCO Sigma!


  12. Family and Consumer Sciences s g n i r e f f O e s r u o C

  13. Family and Consumer Sciences There are a plethora of course offerings for the Family and Consumer Sciences Department! If you like hands-on projects and activities and self discovery, then Family and Consumer Sciences, often referred to as FCS, is for you.

  14. Course Offerings 9th - 12th Grade Offerings: Cooking Light and Easy (HS750) Culinary Café (HS751) Living On Your Own (HS756) Fashion, Textiles and Apparel (HS753) 10th - 12th Grade Offerings: Global Cuisine (HS754) Nutrition and Food Science (HS757)

  15. Child Development Course Offerings Human Development (HS763) - Recommend students complete prior to Preschool Courses Preschool : Age 3 (HS760) Preschool: Ages 4-5 (HS761) Available Only to Grades 11 and 12: Child Development Independent Study (HS765) Education Seminar (HS762)

  16. Wrapping up FCS “ Family and consumer sciences education empowers individuals and families across the life span to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society.”


  18. ELCO High School Music Courses ✴ Band and Chorus ✴ Concert Choir ✴ Wind Ensemble ✴ American Musical Theater ✴ Music Recording and Production ✴ Music Perspectives ✴ Music Creation ✴ Music Stage Production ✴ Advanced Music Stage Production ✴ AP Music Theory

  19. ELCO Raider Band and Chorus • Year Long • Share the same period of the day • Will NOT count towards an elective choice • Do NOT conflict with any other courses

  20. ONLINE FORM Band Band (w/chorus) Chorus Chorus (w/band)

  21. Half-Year Music Electives Wind Ensemble • Open to all band students • No auditions • Improve musicianship • Small group and individualized instruction Concert Choir • Open to all chorus members • Audition required • Improve musicianship • More difficult repertoire

  22. Half-Year Music Electives American Musical Theater • Open to all students 9-12 • History of Musical Theater • Impacts on culture and society Music Perspectives • Open to all students 9-12 • Survey history of Western Music • Create music in different styles and genres • Create intelligent listeners of music

  23. Half-Year Music Electives Music Creation • Open to all students 9-12 • Music Theory • Piano Instruction • Create music with different types of technology Music Recording and Production • Open to all students 9-12 • Basics for recording all types of instruments • Learn how to edit, mix, and produce music using myriad of software and apps

  24. Half-Year Music Electives Stage Production • Open to all students 9-12 • Theater tech basics • Help to construct sets for performances Advanced Stage Production • Open to all students 10-12 • Pre-requisite: Music Stage Production • Focus more on design of sets and advanced technical theater practices

  25. Science Sequence 9th - Biology (Bio. Keystone exam administered) or Principles of Scientific Inquiry 10th - Chemistry or Applied Biology (Bio. Keystone exam administered) 11th and 12th - options - Ecology, HAP, Honors Chem. II, Forensics, Principles of Physical Science, various Physics courses, AP Bio or AP Envi. Sci. (alternating years)

  26. http://ms88.schoolwires.net/cms/lib07/NY18000840/Centricity/Domain/14/climate_social_studies_wordle.png

  27. Social Studies Requirements for Graduation ‣ United States History III ‣ United States Government ‣ World History (May be fulfilled with AP Courses in each subject) Advanced Placement Courses • AP United States Government • AP World History • AP United States History Electives offered in the Social Studies • Current Issues • American Pop Culture • World Cultures • Psychology (alternates years) • Sociology (alternates years) Electives are semester courses (.5 credits) and do not fulfill graduation requirements for Social Studies.

  28. Suggested Course Selection in the Social Studies Electives may be taken after a student has completed U.S. History III and U.S. Government during the junior and senior year.


  30. TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION 9th Grade Course Selection • HS550 Introduction to Technology page 76

  31. TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION • HS553 Mechanical & Architectural Drawing • HS554 Metal Manufacturing I • HS563 Woodworking I • HS561 Visual Communications • HS557 Power Technology I • HS562 Welding & Industrial Machining (offered through the Ag Department)

  32. TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Future Options • HS552 Home Repair and Construction • HS564 Woodworking II • HS555 Metal Manufacturing II • HS558 Power Technology II • HS590 Tech. Ed. Independent Study

  33. Fitness and Wellness Options

  34. 9 th Grade Requirement Physical Education (HS801) .25 credits • Required for graduation • MUST BE COMPLETED before taking any other elective physical education course • Emphasizes physical fitness and small team games

  35. 10 th Grade Requirements Health (HS810)-.25 credits Required for graduation • Examine mental, • emotional, physiological and social health issues Driver Education & Safety (HS811)-.25 credits • Required for graduation Prepares students to • become responsible drivers Comprehensive study of • the PA Driver’s Manual

  36. Physical Education Options for Grades 10, 11 & 12 Students must successfully complete two of the following course options in order to fulfill graduation requirements… • Adventure Activity • Net Results-Racquet Attack • TAG-Team Aerobic Games • Strength Training • Optimal Performance • Creative Movement I & II

  37. Adventure Activity Course activities include… • Orienteering • Team building challenges • Trust activities • Walking • Frisbee golf • Shuffleboard

  38. NET RESULTS- RACQUET ATTACK Course activities include.. • Tennis • Pickleball • Ping Pong • Volleyball • Team handball • Badminton

  39. TEAM AEROBIC GAMES (TAG) Designed for students who seek… -an experience with an intense game environment -rigorous activities in a competitive environment Course activities include… Football • Soccer • Softball • Floor hockey • Basketball • • Stx ball Volleyball • Handball • Gatorball • Speedball •

  40. STRENGTH TRAINING Focuses solely on strength training (does not include games/recreational activities) Students will participate in… • Intense strength training • Aerobic training • Producing strength gains • Improving their overall health and well-being

  41. OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE Prerequisites: 90% or higher in Strength Training or approval from any PE teacher Designed for any student who enjoyed and excelled in Strength Training. Course activities include… Olympic lifting • Endurance training • SAQ (Speed, Agility and • Quickness) Metabolic Conditioning •

  42. CREATIVE MOVEMENT I Designed for students to experience alternative forms of fitness activities. Course activities include… • Pilates • Kick boxing • Step aerobics • “Core” exercises • Yoga • Circuit training • Dance choreography

  43. CREATIVE MOVEMENT II Available to 11 th & 12 th grade. Course activities include… • Historical dance forms • Ethnic dance forms • Interpretive dance forms • More in depth dance choreography


  45. ACTFL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS CULTURES COMMUNITIES Standards from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

  46. WORLD LANGUAGE… OBJECTIVES • Communicate in the target language • Interpretive • Interpersonal • Presentational • Connect with other disciplines for 
 academic and career-related success • Compare, investigate, and explain 
 language and cultural similarities and 
 differences • Interact culturally for deeper understanding and appreciation • Create communities for interaction and enrichment in our globalized world

  47. WORLD LANGUAGE… OPPORTUNITIES • Cross-cultural understanding • Academic achievement • Cognitive benefits • Higher academic achievement on standardized tests and SATs. • Improved reading abilities • Employment prospects

  48. WORLD LANGUAGE… ORGANIZATIONS • French Club • French Honor Society • Spanish Club • Spanish Honor Society

  49. COURSE SELECTION PROCESS ▸ Online course request process . ▸ The system will open on Thursday, March 1st . ▸ Students will log in to their PowerSchool account to submit their course requests . ▸ Use the PowerSchool website at: https://powerschool . elcosd . org/public

  50. COURSE SELECTION PROCESS WHEN SELECTING COURSES... ▸ Follow the instructions . ▸ Review the “Course Selection Guide . ” ▸ The selection screen will indicate which courses are required and how many courses to select in each section . ▸ Prerequisites are identified online . Students will not be able to select a course for which they do not meet the prerequisite . Students should select “counselor help requested” if they believe they do qualify to take a course for which they do not meet the prerequisite . ▸ Be sure to click through all of the pages that display course options, especially for the courses of choice .


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